Not all who wander are lost

Highway STar

Jock of all trades
Site Supporter
Jan 29, 2014
2012 Victory Vision
I am heading out to LA to visit family some time in May. The wife will fly to LA and we will do the PCH up to Vancouver where I expect she will get back on an airplane leaving me to ride home through a forest of relatives on the Canadian prairie.

Starting in Toronto, the proposed route is Cleveland, Cincinnati, Jefferson City, Dodge City, Gunnison, Cedar City and then LA. Trying to follow old Highway 50 as much as possible from Cincinnati onwards. And if any one wants to hear about my adventure personally and has a couch in any of those places, let me know. Staying with family in Cleveland.

I will figure out a way to post some photos along the way. Still haven't decided on what camera to get for this.

Got new rubber on the bike last weekend, all fluids levels checked, belt checked, and installed a heated jacket controller for the wife on the pillion seat. Putting together the tools and gear I want to take with me. I am glad I am used to travelling light.

If you are interested, watch this space for updates and bulletins.

And if you have any suggestions, let's hear them!

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Sounds like a great trip is planned, that PCH is some road, although the ride cross country would appeal to me more, and you get to do it on your own! It's a tough job but someone has to do it.
If you're doing it on the Victory it should be a nice ride.
Best advice ever, take your time, relax and stop as much as you darn well like. Any trip can be ruined by just rushing, that's what the day job's for. I enjoy stopping to take piccies, equipment on the bike doesn't appeal. Enough time is all it takes.
How many miles will this work out at?
I can offer a couple of suggestions of sights you can see along your route (or with a minimal detour):

1. Colorado National Monument - near Grand Junction, Colorado

2. Arches National Park

.... well, hold up. Actually, I can think of TONS of side trips you might enjoy, but before I go into this 10 page Bible, I'll just wait and see if you are interested and how much time and money you have to blow.

Regardless, have a great trip!
Sounds great Jock ! Almost the very same miles each day? Have you ridden the Rockies before? I'll be watching.

Love the thread title.
Sounds like a blast Jock - have fun and ride safely!

Lemme know when/if you are passing through Windsor and I will stand you to lunch or at least a Timmy's - if it is at an appropriate time!

The PHC all the way up is an awesome ride, we’ve done it several times. Be aware that it is closed at Ragged point Ca warranting a trip inland at Cambria to 101 up to (a) Jolon area and back over to 1 via Nacciamento Fergusson rd (very twisty) or up to (b) greenfield or Salinas and back over to Monterey. Several options there, both with pluses and minuses.
I think you are going to have a fabulous time! Lots of fun and also memory building with your lovely bride.

After Vegas, I'd consider a detour through Joshua Tree National Park on the way to LA. Truly spectacular and unique scenery that you can ride through and appreciate from the seat of a bike if you don't have the time to hike at all. It even has an overlook where you can see the fault line of the San Andreas Fault. Stopping at the Patton Museum would take more time than the ride through the park. As a bonus, after leaving the south exit of the park, you can swing by the Salton Sea (a unique spot) and enjoy a quick jaunt up the switchbacks of Hwy 74. Keep heading southwest and you can enjoy fabulous pie in Julian or backtrack on 74 to ride the view and fun of riding the switchbacks down towards Palm Springs and a quick jaunt to LA.
Thanks for the suggestions so far guys, please chime in if you have any more. I probably wont be doing this ride again this lifetime so pipe up!
Jock, while you will be travelling in warm stuff a lot of the time, when you hit the Rockies, or the PCH, you'll want to be sure you have your heated gear with you as well. Spend a couple of days or three in Montrose CO, lots of good riding there, and you MUST do the Million Dollar Highway (550) down to Durango. Stay at Yogi Bear's Jellystone Park of the Black Canyon a few miles south of Montrose..... cabins $44. I'll be there in June.
I will figure out a way to post some photos along the way. Still haven't decided on what camera to get for this.

My suggestion is to get a camera that fits in your coat pocket with a little bit of zoom lens. I have DSLR but it is too much of a bother on a bike trip and changing lenses is another inconvenience, best camera is the one you can easily get to. Lots of good suggestions on where to go mine would be Messe National Park and the cliff dwellings. The ride to Estes Park was also amazing and then riding back to Denver via Rocky Mountain National Park was memorable.

The other thing is stay hydrated, Cherie got dehydrated in Colorado and that is no fun at all.

Have a great trip

Pictures of our trip in 2015
Riding the Million Dollar Highwayy
1 little thing....approaching Cincy...take I275 W and catch Hwy50 there. You don't want to catch Hwy50 on the East and have to go through downtown Cincy....or maybe you do :) have heard and read GREAT things about places you will pass thru and see. ENJOY and be safe.
I'm quite interested in this thread also. My brother is an astronomy/physics professor in Tennessee. He rides an R1200RT. He has a conference in Boulder, Colorado in July. So we're going to ride out there together. While he's at his conference, I'll have several days to wander around the area. I have a friend in Calgary and was thinking of riding up there and seeing a Stampeders game, but alas their game is in Ottawa that week. So unfortunately it's unlikely I'll be going to Canada on this trip. Instead I'll see the sights in Colorado and surrounding states; I've not been to CO before. Million Dollar Highway looks like a must-do. Thanks everyone for the suggestions so far. Man I'm really looking forward to this trip!
Slight change in the itinerary; from Gunnison, CO heading down the Million Dollar Highway and into Flagstaff and then into LA from there.
Wow, a couple of weeks away and it is MINUS 3 Celcius (that's 26.6 F for you southerners) here in Toronto. Sure glad I have all my heated gear in working order! Arizona sounds pretty damn nice right now.
You have good weather for the start! Wishing you safe travels and great experiences. Please post lots of pictures and keep us up to date.
Well, a big shout out to Peak Powersports in Burlington, who replaced a burnt out bulb for me on my way to the border. It was a great day for a ride and all went well until my cruise control died around 3:30.... But all in all a good start. Stopped at Casablanca Road for the traditional break and there was a wineberry ST 1100 parked by the door. I didn't have time to hunt for the owner but it was in great shape. No top box. I thought it was a good omen for my trip. My spiritual brothers travelling with me.

My first time in the Nexus lane. Don't bother trying to show your card to the machine. You're gonna have to take the helmet off at some point, so just drive up to the booth. Spent most of my time answering questions about the bike. And, no higher praise for my Victory, I stopped in Buffalo for a drink and a guy in the parking lot said "wow, what kind of bike is that, a Honda?"....

The land is waking up and everything is a beautiful green. The leaves are not out yet so the forest floor is covered in spring flowers. Such a beautiful part of the planet we live in.

i will try to figure out picture posting now.
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