OK: Tag

Old tag in Jet.

and the new tag

I wore myself out yesterday moving the tags. ;) Don't make it look so easy :D ! I liked the symbolism of the jet in Jet when I came through there several years ago.
The community probably received one of these jets due to Kegelman Air Force Auxiliary Field being just north of there.
The T-37 was my favorite USAF trainer. I used to go up to VAFB in enid just to watch them. Thanks for the new tag, Fred. I may have to move it next week!
You guys have become "Tag Moving Son of a Guns"!
Good to see the OK game moving, even if it is just a few participating. :)
I just realized how poor the lighting quality is on the new tag. Sorry about that.

Hint: if you notice in the background, there is a tornado siren. This siren is located right off Main Street at a VFD.
I found it the other day, just haven't taken the time to go get it. It had me going in circles for a while too!

Was just looking at the ADVrider tag and thinking about getting both tomorrow.
Sounds like a plan Bob.
Your google foo is much better than mine.
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Orlando, so that's where that was! I'd looked around Mulhall, trying to second-guess Corey.

:) Let's see, do I ride every back road in Oklahoma, looking for the new tag, or do I search for it on-line? I know, if I have to ask, I wouldn't understand. Sorry purists, I'm going to google :nanana1:.
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