One more reminder: it's not the size... it's the technique

I have to do that to ride certain ADV bikes.

Are you allowed to say dwarf these days?
Dwarf is not cool these days, please replace with Midget. Adjective instead of pronoun.

Not me.. it's the title of the video which I thought might not be acceptable. I think the new term is little person or something.
Actually dwarf is a medical term (achondroplastic dwarf vs primordial dwarfism). So it’s acceptable- that actually looks like a child on the bike, like a 7 year old.

Thanks for the clarification
There are, indeed, folks who mount and dismount their ADV bikes like this.

I see far fewer (ok, none till now) who ride street bikes this way. Totally doable, however, and not only by shorter- inseamed persons.

I'm learning all kinds of new ways to do standard on-ing and off-ing my GSA, to keep learning, to improve my balance and coordination, and to explore the versatility of the beast. Brett Tcaks, is one source for this.

When I get some more limbs and brush pile cleared from the back yard, I will have a small, compact practice range to continue working on slow speed balancing. I still can't remain stopped for very long without putting a foot down.
Your bike is not too big for you...
I just watched this and a few of her recent videos. She's a terrific presenter and a great advocate of riding. A few years ago I saw some videos of her starting out and had no idea how long it's been since then. 7 years?! She's become very accomplished.
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