One Year - 38,000 miles later


Stay-at-Home Astronaut
Apr 23, 2008
Fairfield, IA
Well sometime about this time last year I started hanging around with you hooligans and had just purchased my new to me '05 ST.

Since that time I have spent way too much money on farkles, am on my third set of tires, have purchased too many jackets and way too many pairs of gloves.

I have been on a few organized rides and have had the opportunity to hang out with several of you cats and can even call some of you friends even though we have not met in person.

I have instituted the Annual GruuvySTOC event where great things happen in exchange for a food offering (thank you everyone) and have seen folks roll away with bikes much better off then when the bikes rolled in. This is the purpose and design of GruuvySTOC.

Overall I am so pleased with the ST that I have a difficult time thinking of what I did before I had one. I am also very pleased with this group here at ST-Owners (you bunch of stoners) that are so helpful, creative and sometimes just plain nuts.

The ST crowd is a strange community ... hopefully I make it even stranger ... you're a great group of folks (but, none of you can date my daughter) and I'm glad to be part of this thing.
So. I'm not just exactly sure if a 'atta boy' from me is good or bad...Are you sure it's only been a year? Seems much longer.

I think what Tom is trying to say is that he can't imagine a time when you're witty comments weren't part of this exciting forum.
Socks?? Seriously! C'mon! Who wears socks any more? I'm with Gruuvy now! After 38,000 miles, I've switched to these:

That's just one example of Gruuvy's positive influence on the board.
38,000 miles and only 3 sets of tires!!!

Over 12,600 miles a set.

How do you do that?

I'd have used 4.7 front and 5.4 rear.
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