Owner lost key. SOL??


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May 13, 2018
Atlanta, GA
Odd Years
I had one arrive last night on a wrecker. Owner sent it in for a no-start. In the process he's lost his only key. How up a creek are we talking with a new ignition?
Is it a HISS model? If not, you may be lucky with just a new ignition (and tank and pannier locks)

Could you open up a pannier by removing the bottom rivets (I think Igofar said how to do that recently) and then take that cylinder to a locksmith to reverse engineer the key from it's tumblers?
Just a guess, but . . . can't a dealer look-up the key code from the bike serial number and provide a new key?

Key code not tied to S/N.
They supply the code on a tag given with the key set.
Take out the ignition lock and there will be a number on the cylinder that they can cut a key from ,bit of work but not too bad to do . Do not use saddle bag or seat lock as Honda adds another 2 tumblers just for the ignition key .
When I wanted a new key for my Helix, the local dealer ( meh) could not successfully cut one, so I had to disassemble the bike enough to get a gander at the ignition switch, which had a number on it. They used that number to order a new key. Is it possible to do same on the ST1300?
If you strike out with finding a key code and making a key, there are quite a few sets on eBay (gas tank + ignition). Here is the only full set that I found that includes them all, $125 isn't too bad:

eBay Link

I also assume that the smaller locks for the hard cases/gas cap could be rekeyed. You would still have to remove them, so it may be less hassle to just replace all.

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No locksmith in Atlanta will do it. Let me rephrase, they DON'T KNOW HOW TO. The hourly employees are dumbfounded.
They are not locksmiths. The old guys who knew this stuff (guys who defined themselves by their work) are retiring (or have already). The kids coming up do not know the trade. Sam the locksmith retired near me, and sold his business to some guy who operates out of a truck. Sam had a shop with two walls of key blanks and a dozen different key machines (some had micrometer adjustments, some were the standard copy a key type). The new guy could not copy my Guzzi key, and had no idea where to find a blank. One of the real remaining locksmith shops had a stack of keys on the wall that fit and made a copy for me in minutes.
There is a member of this forum who joined this forum when he bought an ST1300 and who is also a locksmith. When he joined he offered assistance with any motorcycle/key related issues.
He hasn't logged in to this site in a while, but it might still worth hitting him up to ask him if he can do anything or for advise regarding what your best options are.

Below is his introductory post;
Keys and locksmithing
In Germany there is a company on the Internet, I send them my vehicle data and a photo of the ignition key.
A few days later, 3 ignition keys for my Pan were in the mailbox, fit absolutely perfectly. Who has HISS is also no problem, chip is supplied on request in the ignition key. Must then of course still be learned.
greet holm
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