Painting ST1300 black plastic trim

Just an FYI, If the black trim isn't to far gone you can do the same with a heat gun. I used a heat gun on my 95 ST1100 trim and it came back to life looking new with the exeption of the nicks and scratches that happened over the years. Super easy peasy lemon squeezy. THe plastic you paited looks great though!
This stuff is hard to find in the UK and when imported from the US it ends up costing £37 (US$47) a can.

Anyone know an equivalent here in Blighty that's a decent colour match? (I've asked this before, but crickets.)
This stuff is hard to find in the UK and when imported from the US it ends up costing £37 (US$47) a can.

Anyone know an equivalent here in Blighty that's a decent colour match? (I've asked this before, but crickets.)

@Upt' North who sells rattle can paint over your way in black and made for application to plastics?
Cheap enough for an experiment I guess, thanks Upt.

I already tried the heat gun trick on the handles/latch flap but it just started damaging the surface - no oils came out of the plastic at all. :confused:
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