Penske Warranty?

Jan 28, 2005
Owasso, Ok.
2014 Kawasaki C14
Purchased a bit over a year ago, my Penske 8981 with a tad less than 8k miles sprung a leak and proceeded to bath the under belly in oil.

I have my doubts, but I have to ask, would this be covered? Actually, I'm not even sure where it's leaking from yet. I'll be pulling it out later today. I'm so glad I didn't sell the stock shock...
Pulled the Penske and the lower seal is the culprit. Old shock is back on the bike.

Now I wonder how long this will take to get fixed...
For the $$$ it ought to last longer. Even the 15-18K they say it lasts before needing rebuild isn't long enough but what do I know.
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