Pilot Road Mileage?

Apr 12, 2006
Wondering how long they last?

If you wore a set, please post up with how many miles you got out of them to the TWI's.
I've got better than 7K on mine, tread wear indicators are still well below flush front and rear. The front is cupping a bit but nothing out of the ordinary. They have already outlasted the Z6's I ran before and should easily outlast the OEM BT020's.
Horst said:
only 6,000 miles on BT020's ... ??? :confused:

what do you guys do, track day ever w/e ... :eek:

my BT020's lasted 11K miles (18Km's) .... :D

Same here, or a little more,,,11500 miles on my Battlax's. Getting Pilot Roads put on tomorrow. And I still got most of my brakepads left,,,,,,
Horst said:
only 6,000 miles on BT020's ... ??? :confused:

what do you guys do, track day ever w/e ... :eek:

my BT020's lasted 11K miles (18Km's) .... :D

Not many straight roads in New England. Most of the worthwhile bike roads probably evolved out of goat paths...they parallel rivers or go up and down hills and mountains. Lots of braking preparing for the turns and roll on throttle to power out of turns. Eats up tires.

So does following GRN.
About 600 miles if your get a nail in them

I discovered a nail yesterday in my rear pilot road that I had just purchased. Well I got to test my Stop-n-go plugger kit which worked well. Tomorrow I will have to order another new one from the dealer. I have had bad luck with tires. I only had about 2000 miles on the original rear tire when I picked up a nail.

Just changed out my first Pilot Road on the rear...5000 miles and at the treadwear indicator. I maintained the pressure at 42 psi... :eek:
7000 miles and still lots of rubber left. I hope to wear them out someday so I can buy another set. If we only had a curve..........LOL!!
I'm at 5400 miles on my rear BT-020F and it needs replacement. :eek: I don't understand how anyone could make one last 10,000 miles unless they never twist the throttle hard and temps never exceed 50 degrees...:p:

I'd like to make it through the summer and the trip to WeSTOC without another replacement, so I'm thinking I'll have to go with an ME-880.

Unless someone out there says they get substantially better longevity out of Pilot Roads vs. OEM BT-020's. Anyone????

- Jim :04biker:
ST_Jim said:
I don't understand how anyone could make one last 10,000 miles unless they never twist the throttle hard and temps never exceed 50 degrees...:p:

LOL - I squeezed just over 12,000 miles out of my 020s front and rear before replacing them last week with Pilot Roads. If I get the same out of the Roads I'll be pleased. I don't usually hot rod around, though I do on occasion. I did ride quite a few days this past winter below 50 degrees, too. Most of my riding is city stuff - I don't ride very aggressively around town - too many cagers waiting to nail me!
Can't seem to find a front BT020F for my 1300 anywhere so I switched my order to the Pilot Roads. I got 11K+ out of the OEM Dunlop 220's but didn't like them. Looks like I'm going to get slightly better than that with the Avons I'm running now, maybe 12K+. I still like the Avons quite a lot but am in education mode and want to try a few of the available tires for this bike before settling on my favorites.

I just noticed there is a separate listing for the ST1300 at Michelin's USA web site. The tire is described as a Pilot Road A. Not sure what the A designation means. Anyone have a clue? Has anyone used this tire? Thanks
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The ME880/Z6 lasted about 10000 but they got very flat spotted and I had to change them out.

Now I have over 10000 on the Pilot Roads and although they are flat spotted they are still very useable. I'll be using them this weekend on a rally. Man I love those tires.

Anyone have a good online source for Pilot Roads? MAW didn't list the front tire.

2 flats this weekend on the oem's with 10,000mi and tread left so I guess I can't complain. Hardware store was about 20 steps from where I was parked, fixaflat, then 4mi home just b4 the rain. :)
9,000-11,000 on the 3 sets I have run. I'm on my 4th set now.

ST1300r, have you tried SWmoto? If they don't have them let me know and I'll check another source. FWIW, I have a brand new front in my garage if you need it REAL bad.

Neil S.
I'll check them out. I don't need it THAT bad :) Thanks though.
Bike down. Truck going into shop. Hope the lender cage holds up :)
2 sets at 12K+ (although I got more than 13 out of my last one I should have changed them at 12) On my 3rd set right now.
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