Please Pray For Quinn Josephine

You got it Dan, this is terrible news. Praying everything works out.
Wow, Dan, I can't imagine what you and your family are going through. Prayers are sent, have faith!
Maggie and I are sending west coast prayers for you all. Please keep us posted on Quinn's progress.

Quinn is in ICU after 5hr on the table. She should be there 2-3days. The doctors said it went well, 7-10 days and we get her back. Tuff little girl for 6 weeks old. Thanks everyone and I'll keep updates coming.
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I too am joining the list of those holding you granddaughter up in prayer. Asking for God's best for you and your entire family during the days ahead.
Sorry to hear of this Dan. Quinn is in my prayers, as are her caregivers, parents, and you. May God provide her miraculous healing. :pray1:
Gosh Dan, really sorry to hear this. Prayers for little Quinn and for all your family, especially Mom & Dad! Also a prayer for those performing the operation that they may be guided during it.

Glad to hear she is through the operation, now a prayer for healing!
Here is from my daughters Facebook page
Thank you all for the love and prayers...Miss Quinn is doing well and resting in the Sanford Castle PICU. She had a very long surgery to biopsy her liver, remove her gall bladder and attach her small intestine to her liver.
She is not out of the woods yet, however she has won the first battle! Only time will tell if things are coming together and working properly. The best thing for her now is to rest and let her little body heal.
I appreciate all your prayers... I am still asking for prayers for Quinn's healing, strength for Kollin and Sheila, and patience for little brother Kolbe.
Thanks All
The Dan
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