Possession of a radar detector in Washington DC

If it's not hooked up and just stowed...how can it be illegal? Just my opinion....just don't give 'em a reason to search you if you get stopped...and no problem....:tc1:
And for God's sake, why on earth would you want to ride in DC? Yecch!

If you're on my side of the river, you're allegedly safe from prosecution if your detector has no power source and is not within reach of the driver or passenger (Code of VA, ?46.2-1079). Enforcement in Virginia is strict as hell, 'cause our counties love their revenue.

... Enforcement in Virginia is strict as hell, 'cause our counties love their revenue.


Mark, you're such a cynic. I'm sure there some legitimate public safety rationale behind their zestful pursuit of violators. And there certainly can't be more pressing law enforcement needs requiring their attention.

If you do get caught with a RD in Va, it most likely will be an equipment failure ticket (like faulty exhaust, etc), and a $60 fine. The state police frequently run detector traps instead of speed traps. DAMHIK
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