Pre-load adjuster

Aug 30, 2020
Williamstown, ON
'06 ST1300A
Using an article started some 10 years ago on this site, I decided to take the plunge and tackle fixing my pre-load.
Symptoms: only got resistance after about 13 clicks.
Diagnosis: probably not much fluid left in reservoir.

So read through the article and jumped in using the @Igofar method to avoid taking the knob apart. Got the banjo bolt off and tipped the reservoir over and very little fluid came out with a lot of crud but not dirty crud. Mostly the stuff you see in attached pic (seen at 12 o’clock).
After flushing a few times I was still getting chunks of these white solid flakes. What is it?
Continued flushing until this unidentifiable stuff was not coming out, filled and put it back together.
Testing repair: resistance still only after 13 clicks. What? Back to the article and realized I had forgotten to reset the piston. Got it sorted out and learned a lesson.
Final outcome: resistance after 1.5 clicks.
I am humbled and grateful for the collective wisdom on this site.
Many thanks to all who contributed to the article.

Yeah, I am looking forward to testing several settings on the pre-load in combination with the damping adjuster to find the “sweet spot” for a guy my size (just north of 270 :rolleyes:)
Yeah, I am looking forward to testing several settings on the pre-load in combination with the damping adjuster to find the “sweet spot” for a guy my size (just north of 270 :rolleyes:)

Did you see Daves video on youtube showing how to adjust the damper and the differences when you do?
Good job on refilling the preload adjuster.
Yes, thanks, I viewed it once last fall and made a mental note that when I got my pre-load sorted I would re-visit his video to fine tune my suspension.
Final outcome: resistance after 1.5 clicks.
And IMO should a minum air-cushion be kept/observed allowing expansion/contraction during heat-cycles...
(did similar procedure on my GF's NT700 last fall, don't want to have that thing blow while on a tour...)
Funny, I did exactly the same thing with my low mileage 2012 1300 yesterday using @Igofar 's instructions too! Right after I had a nice chat with him about moly paste. :) Had to dig up the instructions he sent me, but had a similar experience. My reservoir started with more fluid, if you can call it that, than you did @Esti1300 .

Mine had clumps of what I would describe as a paraffin-like substance floating in the clear to blueish fluid. Replaced with jack oil as recommended.

Now, I know someone is going to give me grief for this, but I used a spray cleaner-degreaser in the adjuster to clear out the goop before doing the fill-n-flush cycles. the body is aluminum and the piston is either aluminum with a seal or a plastic piston. Either way, the brief time this cleaner was in the housing won't hurt it. My story and I'm sticking to it.

Much better than before. Like @Esti1300 resistance starts at about 1.5 turns.
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