Radar Detector or Not

They can detect some kinds of devices. Don't know which ones, but when I lived in VA, I had a friend who didn't even know her husband had installed a detector in her Honda Accord and she got stopped because the LEO detected a radar detector on her car. He had her open the hood and finally found it after a little bit of a search. He didn't cite her, because it was obvious to the LEO she had no clue it was there, but he did take the detector.
nm6r said:
I am using a 2 piece Whistler unit so it is not visible. Even the antenna is behind plastic. It is out of the weather and out of sight of prying eyes. It speaks to me in plain english so I know what band is detecting a signal and the strength of the signal. I'm not distracted by flashing lights or having to read a display.

Which Whistler model? Sounds like what I'm looking for.
Putt said:
I thought radar detectors were illegal North of the border??? :)


Alberta, British Columbia and Saskatchewan - Legal, and if I remember correctly New Brunswich, Nova Scotia - legal as well.

Elsewhere illegal.
I have 3 or 4 older radar detectors from 10+ years ago. I should take an extra one with me when in Virginia, Washington and eastern Canada. :D

Is there a fine or do they just take it away?

Tim :03biker:
Cheaper than radar.


If you get stopped, just offer the LEO $50 bucks to forget it. I pretty much guarantee that you won't get a speeding ticket. :cop2:

Or, if you're pulled over by a female officer, offer to have sex with her if she doesn't give you a ticket. Hey, it could happen. :D
SpEd said:

If you get stopped, just offer the LEO $50 bucks to forget it. I pretty much guarantee that you won't get a speeding ticket. :cop2:

Or, if you're pulled over by a female officer, offer to have sex with her if she doesn't give you a ticket. Hey, it could happen. :D

And I thought we were friends... :(

Wouldn't I be better off trying to outrun them? :rolleyes:

Fred :03biker:

Spend the money on a gift for your wife. It will serve you far better in that manner. The rewards will be positive and immediate with no 'maybe' involved.

As an Aviation Electronics type in Uncle's Wind Farce, I was often quite involved in ECM (Electronic Counter Measures). Detecting signals is part of the situation.

In avoiding unplesant road side encounters, awareness on your part is far superior to depending on a 'sometimes it works in your favor gadget.'

You've followed me enough to judge why I don't bother with radar/lidar etc. detection equipment.

As someone else pointed out... false positives are super annoying and distracting.

I know how you ride.

I stand by the statement above: buy the wife a nice gift for NO SPECIAL OCCASION and forget wasting your money on useless farkles.

dpadair said:
Which Whistler model? Sounds like what I'm looking for.

I think mine is the Pro-3450. They also have a new 2 piece unit designed for motorcycles but they weren't smart enough to include a spoken english output. I contacted them about it so they might be adding it.

When I'm on my STeed I never HAVE TO BE somewhere, so a rader detector is wasted on me. I would spend the money elsewhere and have.
Fred, here's my $.02 ...

There are better ways to spend your money, and I really like the idea of a surprise gift for the wife. There's no better way to spend money than that!

Having said that, and assuming that money is absolutely no object, I can see some benefit from one. Keep in mind that everyone speeds... everyone. We don't always mean to speed, but the throttle creeps up and down, and you never know when you're going to go just a little too fast for the "acceptable" speed in that area. Acceptable = safe speed for the conditions. If you are using a radar detector, and you are paying attention to it, you'll slow down when it starts yelling at you. Mission Accomplished. You slow down, stay a little safer, and the nice officer doesn't have to take a motorcycle collision report. Everyone wins. The ticket doesn't matter to the officer... Another speeder will be along shortly.

Make the decision that's best for you. It doesn't sound like you need one, but it's your money. Enjoy it.
IC, thanks for the input. There would never be a question of whether to get one or not if I was in the cage. I've never had one and never felt like I "needed" one. But this ST - it just takes control, you know what I mean?

I was a little reluctant to get on the highway when I first got the bike because I remembered the feeling of instability my old CB 350 exhibited. The ST is so stable it feels like it's capable of whatever limit you want to impose. Seventy feels like I want to get off and push. Not trying to palm all responsibility off on the ST - "Officer, give the ticket to the bike; it's the one speeding" - I just want to go fast.

Anyway, I was hoping I'd get a LEO response and I'm glad it was from you. It wasn't what I expected but I think between you, JR, and all who responded, I'm leaning toward something nice for the wife. :)

Fred :03biker:
I'm thinking of getting the Whistler Cruisader. It's not the top rated model but it's pretty good and it can be mounted discreetly with it's remotes. I just can't get comfortable having a detector mounted up high and so conspicuous.

With the prices of speeding tickets so high and no way to get out of the ticket if the speed is high enough, it seems if the detector helps me avoid one ticket it has paid for itself.

Anyone using the Whistler Cruisader?
Re: Cheaper than radar.

Or, if you're pulled over by a female officer, offer to have sex with her if she doesn't give you a ticket. Hey, it could happen. :D

Why didn't that option cross my mind a couple of weeks ago when I had the opportunity :rolleyes:

I've got my V-1 mounted on the ST everytime I ride. It's true that instant-on can get you (I got that reminder recently), but overall, it's saved me far more times than not. I'm not usually speeding for the sake of speeding, I'm just enjoying the ride. Unfortunately, the enjoyable speeds on the ST tend to be higher than the speed limits where I'm riding. So, having something to catch my attention in time to slow down has been helpful.
Bottom line: against lidar (laser) you have no chance. Your detector will only tell you that you are busted (Of course, you might not be going fast enough to earn the citation on that day)

Against instant-on radar you have a chance if your detector picks up scatter from another vehicle ahead of you. Don't be out front or alone. (See below)

Against constant-on radar you stand a good chance of detecting the radar in time to slow down (Doing so while zooming down the Interstate in traffic might result in other, more serious consequences, so be careful!)

Use some common sense. Don't speed in tourist areas or on the weekend. Commuters rarely get stopped cuz everbody is speeding. Go with the flow; don't be the fastest guy out there.

The best trick is to hook up with somebody who is clearly speeding, let them get a few hundred yards ahead, and follow. The best leaders are young males, typically wearing a white ball cap and driving a red Mustang. Also good are young, blonde females in convertibles (They will get stopped but they won't get a ticket.) You will motor on by.

I ride with an Escort 8500 mounted on the dash with bright LEDs mounted up the windshield. It works pretty well and has saved me a few times, but I recently made a contribution to the great state of Iowa. Damn fool!
Re: Cheaper than radar.


If you get stopped, just offer the LEO $50 bucks to forget it. I pretty much guarantee that you won't get a speeding ticket. :cop2:

Or, if you're pulled over by a female officer, offer to have sex with her if she doesn't give you a ticket. Hey, it could happen. :D

Seriously, I'd be afraid to try either. There are bribery laws. I don't have a detector on the bike, but I've had them in the past. I got pulled over on the ST the other morning 69 in a 55. As luck would have it the officer is a friend of mine and he let me off with a warning. However I was not trying to speed. I don't have cruise and the ST is next to impossible to run at 55 with no one in front of you. I'm thinking about a detector. An insurance increase would be more than the one time $100 fine for me.
A definite YES! Use a radar detector!

My Valentine One has saved my old arse countless times in the city. You are way more at risk of getting nailed for speeding (e.g., 20 mph school zones, 25mph subdivisions, speed traps) when you are not on the highway.

I have two V1 detectors. One I have used daily since 1993 with no problems. The newer (2001) I use on my ST1300. I can not imagine using any RD that does not have the arrows and bogey counter. A V1 is worth twice the price they charge.

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