radar, laser, etc???

Big Red,,,I have some flat black STEALTH paint,,,I'll sell you a gallon for $500,,,real cheap. Seriously, I dont think they have anything like that out yet,,,,I've seen license plates defussers,,which don't work all that great. They were supposed to scramble the laser wave,,,but,,not really
This stuff you paint your headlights with in order to reduce the reflectivity. Sounds like it would reduce the light output too though. :(
Laser jammers are quite effective, I have them on 2 of my cars. They'll jam right to the gun, but I slow then turn it off so they can get a lock. The cops here in town (Calgary) only use lidar, so no need for a radar detector. Mobile speed camera's are easy to spot, minivan with tinted windows and a black fleet sticker on the plate.
Radar detector is good on the highway when there is other traffic, not so safe on empty roads. In Canada most cars have daytime running lights, cop cars don't have them so watch for cars with no DLR's.
Wow, good catch on the DLR's ! I drove Troop cars for years and never thought about the fact that I didn't have them. Now that most cars have them that would be something that would stand out.
My opinion - a laser detector is a waste of money.

I've been hit by Laser several times leaving a red light. That's a big warning to cool it...

I use the new 8500. It seems as if LEO's expect my bike to speed, so they invariably target me (after all, it's the fastest red one). A positve alarm means they are looking, and means for me to go easy. I've had a ton of tickets, and in the last year, my new RD has paid for itself so many times I can't keep track.

Most use a RD for those times when they are busting 10+ on the speed limit. At 135 or 140, the RD doesn't matter, other than one might knock off 20 or 30 mph before getting busted (which probably ain't gonna be good:law2:).
I agree radar detectors can save you if there is other traffic around. With latest DSR radar we can catch you, especially when using LIDAR. I have been an officer for over 18 years and write tons of tickets. Never issued one to anyone on an ST or pretty much any other bike as far as that goes. When enforcing traffic I usually focus on reckless op and OVI when it comes to bikes. We have had four or five fatal crashes involving bikes in our city over the last few years. Speed was a factor in every crash and alcohol in all but one. I'm more likely to issue a cite if you have a detector and unless you are passing me(same direction) the +10 rule will keep you pretty safe. I once had a young guy pass me(same direction) on a busy day at about seven over, I stopped him with the intention of a warning. He talked himself into a ticket my by telling me his dad was a trooper and I wasn't allowed to give him a ticket, and he went on about having having my job and the judge throwing the ticket out, blah, blah, blah. Needless to say he paid the speeding ticket for seven over and the seatbelt fine too and I didn't get one penny of overtime for court.
I also am a LEO, motor traffic Sgt, when I can get out of the office these days for the paperwork. I use moving radar, instant on and LIDAR. Mostly all my stops are at least 15+ over the limit, and it's a usually a guaranteed ticket with a radar detector or +20 mph over the limit. I also agree that the detectors are a waste of money in my opinion. You're best bet for not getting a citation is to slow down, no more than 10+ over the limit, and if you do get stopped, be courteous and respectful. Beleive me, that goes a long way. I've let some go over the years that really probably should've been written, but they had a good attitude and a pretty good driving record. Same token, there have been plenty that have talked themselves into not a ticket, but the 52 point roadside safety inspection, and left with multiple safe driving awards.
Second best part of having a RD mounted on the bike... Knowing that you're being measured, and suckering the guy next to you into flogging it.:headbang:
I also am a LEO, motor traffic Sgt, I also agree that the detectors are a waste of money in my opinion.

You should not be basing your opinon on LEO's of course they are going to say they are a waste of money and the cheap ones are a waste of money. I have not met a LEO yet, that likes radar detectors. I have been using radar detectors for over 20 years....YES! they sure are worth the money!! If you are going to get one...GET the GOOD one!! Valentine 1, a good Escort. I have had a Valentine 1 for about 5 years now...WELL WORTH THE MONEY!!! It has saved me a number of tickets...I do have to say they are not foolproof, you do have to be alert to what or whom is lurking. Especially the instant on....
So let me get this correct. LEO's see a radar detector and are more likely to write you up than not? I guess that is just sour grapes for all the "saves" and is worth the price of admission. I will still treat you with respect. But I wont give up my electronics till you give up yours. Mano a Mano.
I have run a V-1 for years and it has "saved" me many times. However, radar detectors do not give you diplomatic immunity. Like all tools, you need to learn how to use it. If you are running by yourself, no radar detector will save you from instant on. Also, there are so many things (door openers, burglar alarms, etc) that operate on the same frequencies as police radar, as to render them almost useless in urban areas. Laser radar is virtually impossible to defend against, no matter what the advertisements for detectors say. The beam is so narrow and focused as to virtually eliminate any useful scatter that the detectors rely on.
Best defense:
-good radar detector
-be very vigilant and look as far ahead as possible
-tuck in behind (1/4 to 1/2 mile) a "rabbit" who is running at the speed you want
-travel at or near the speed limit if you are by yourself and your sight lines are limited.

Do these things and you will reduce, but not completely eliminate, the number of tickets you get. If you persistently run well above the speed limit, consider them a "tax on getting there".


Totally agree with you Rod!!
I also agree that the detectors are a waste of money in my opinion.

They have their uses so I wouldn't say they're a waste of money. Sometimes you can be tooling along and not mean to speed (we all know about the ST1100's 85 mph sweet spot!). The bark of the V-1 can alert you to look at you're speedometer then slow the heck down if you're over the speed limit.

Even when you ARE meaning to speed they are useful. Yes, instant on, etc. can nail you but there are plenty of places, especially away from the big cities where they don't always use instant on. I've picked up signals several miles away before. Slowed down and toodled on right on past.

If you're intending to speed a bit while on the highway, never depend on the radar detector alone. Use a combination of common sense, monitor your CB radio, scan for patrol car silhouettes and hope for good luck! But... like you say, the best way to avoid a ticket is to just not get carried away with the speed, something that's becoming easier for me to do as I slip further into geezerhood. :D

I traveled all over the US multiple times on my ST1100s (each mounted with a Valentine One) and in 11 years never got a ticket while travelling. The only ticket I did get in all that time was close to home. I was on the outskirts of a small town, doing 45 mph which I thought was the limit. The V-1 began to bark, I saw the LEO a ways off but did not slow down out of ignorance of the speed limit on that road. I waved at the officer as I passed, all the while the the detector baking in my ears. I thought it odd that he motioned me to pull over as I passed. Long story short, I got my first ticket in 15 years that day. Probably wouldn't have gotten a ticket but that little town has to suffer through line after line of screaming squids running through their town on the weekends so they have little tolerance of motorcycles of any sort. Lot of accidents and the occasional fatality.
The first GPS manufacturer that comes up with a text-to-voice feature that tells you your speed when you are over the local limit will make a fortune. Until then, I watch the speed limit and stay within it. Although I have to say I once got a ticket for doing 27 mph in a 25 mph zone in a small suburb of Detroit called Pleasant Ridge.
The first GPS manufacturer that comes up with a text-to-voice feature that tells you your speed when you are over the local limit will make a fortune. Until then, I watch the speed limit and stay within it.

You mean something like this?

The best detector is the passport 9500ix--no gaurantees..but the laser is hard to beat. There is a paint called veil coating you put on the headlights..that will give you about 2-6 seconds to slow to the limit and then allow the leo to get a reading hopefully after you have attained the "correct" speed. I wonder about leo's who speed and then go out and write speeding tickets...you know what most people call that--but I digress as this is a politically correct board I'm becoming aware. I'm not politically correct and have no desire to be so. This will be my last post on this board. Also 9500ix is expensive. 500.00--but in our society nowdays there is a cop behind every tree, bridge and side of the road and the ticket is not the problem--but the insurance rates go up also. So if the 9500ix saves you one ticket--its worth every dollar. I end this post by giving the most rediculous piece of information ever given--be careful out there! SDR:D
Only problem with the "veil paint" here in Ontario - coating the headlights is illegal and most laser shots aren't aimed at the headlights initailly - they are a back up target. In addition the laser only needs a portion of the light transmitted coming back to it, to get a good reading so affecting a portion of the beam is pretty much a waste of time. I show new operators how little energy when I cover 80-85 % of the receiving lenes and still get a reading in under a third of a second.
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