Rock the Gear Inc - ATGATT

Nice video. Some gear is better than no gear. That said, I don't think what she is wearing now will hold up on a 120mph get off and slide down the highway on cement. But, it is better than nothing.
WOW I can't imagine the pain she must have felt. Many years ago I crashed at only around 45 while wearing a helmet, jeans, t-shirt, and MX-style gloves (no abrasion protection). I got 8 patches of rash, most small, and still spent weeks in bandages, and many more weeks for the scabs to finish healing. My experience was extremely minor compared to hers, and its still painful to remember. I remember the nurse cleaning the wound on my back with a soft felt like she was using a wire brush.

Kind of a coincidence- like Brittany, the worse pain I initially felt was my right pinkie. My glove wore through and the corner tip of my pinkie was worn flat. It was the smallest rash I had but was the first pain I remember feeling. I turned down an offer for a ride to the ER, because 1. I didn't want to bleed in the guy's car; and 2. I was planning to ride home, not the ER. Well within a few miles the pain started to hit, and I decided I was headed to the ER. I was feeling the full effects as I walked into the ER.

I sat my wife down and she watched the video, and read Brittany's full story. I do my best to scare her just a little...just enough to take riding seriously, and take safety gear seriously. We still need to get her some good riding pants and gloves, but she has a quality helmet and jacket. Once I'm back at work pants will be one of my first purchases.

Hopefully she won't be gong 120 mph on the street any more. Sounds like she's learned a lot.

This hit the real message for you fanatics about ATGATT I agree but it doesnt make anyone stupid or less because the ydont agree with your ideas and the risk you are willing to take .
If and its IF she wasnt going the crazy speed on the highway and we have others like the road rash queen she may not have wrecked in the first place . I think education would be the first thing those who want others to be safe would be preaching . All the gear isnt going to prevent stupid !
All the gear wont help much if you are doing triple digits and slide into something solid. Safty should be the first step for each of us . Im as bad as anyone and I step over the line now and then , I have the pipe dream that I reduce the chances but thats about all we can do in this sport .
We all need to take riding seriously

Sorry rant over
Before you criticize her that much, you should read / listen to the full story. She was a passenger on the bike, so the speed was outside of her control. Her mistake, which she freely admits, was riding without proper gear. And maybe riding with that idiot, but most of us do stupid things when we're young.

And while gear won't prevent stupid, it will help reduce the consequences of stupid. I think falling at 55 with good gear will do less harm than falling at 15mph with no gear. And falling off at 100mph with good gear will do a whole lot less damage than falling off at 55 with no gear. I take it from your post you don't wear full protective gear all of the time. I wish you well, and hope you never have a wreck at legal speeds, and that you never discover just how bad road rash can be, even at slow speed.

Finally, your point on education is well taken. And that's exactly what Brittany is attempting to do with her web stories and video. I wonder if you even listened to the video or read the back story link I posted.
I was able to make the comparisons first hand- I watched mtn-bike slide down the road at 55 with ATGATT and get up without a scratch. Some dollars worth of gear is scraped up, but thats nothing compared to an ER visit. When I went down at 45 with "standard gear"- helmet, basic gloves, and street clothes- I spent close to 2 months off the bike healing up.

Yes, you can slide into something. Yes, a car could run you over. Yes, other things could happen. The whole idea is to protect yourself as much as you can and reduce the odds of injury. Wearing the helmet reduces the odds. Wearing my jacket reduces them further. Each item I put on reduces them. I have control over that. I have no control over the car behind me, or what direction I'm going to slide. But I'll reduce the odds as much as I have power to.

I do ride with all the gear I have . got fat this winter and need new pants but I wear about 99.9% of the time. For me its a big thrill to ride up the drive way and turn around in the street without a jacket on at 3mph. I wasnt intending to criticize her as she is trying to overcome the stupid (as I still am ) What I find funny is the blind faith of those who are ranting ATGATT and they meaning in genral leap on thos who dont or cant yet wear all the gear . Its a personal choice kind of like which church you do or dont go to .
The point was to say that fixing stupid would prevent way more scrapes then good gear.

As a young stupid person I slid down the road for too far at about 55 I also did almost the same when a tire blew out wit hmy gear on . neither was fun but I limped away with the gear and was just bruised but also rewmember hit anything at 30 or above and all bets are off. Its just that every once in awhile the ATGATT church get on a video or a story and I normally see that the biggest thing the person has done is eduction as you cant force others to think your way . Im glad most of us wear most if not all the gear all the time on this site .its the saying anyone who dont is stupid or dont know what they are doing , anyone who doesnt wear all the stuff is a organ donor. Many people dont wear all the gear and they ride for decades wihtout mishap because the ylower the risks with our number one defense ,our brain
Actually, I think most comments here are civilized and I haven't noticed anyone making a big deal about not riding ATGATT. If you want wild, get on the Michigan ABATE forum. Some of those guys get absolutely frothing at the mouth when you question some wild unsubstantiated claim. ATGATT? Heck, to those guys even wearing a helmet is the greatest invasion of their personal rights and freedoms since the founding of the country let alone riding with any other gear. Like I say, here at least it is civilized and curtious.
I've come off a bicycle (low side slide) at ~20MPH, dressed in typica bicycle garb. It hurt me worse than any motorcycle accident I've ever had.


(I took a lot of flack at an ABATE Illinois meeting a few years ago when I showed up in a helmet and gear. They want choice? No, they want everyone to conform to their standard.)
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