Royal Jordanian

Feb 2, 2014
houston, tx
My wife and I have been watching RJ for a while. His videos are an interesting diversion from the "speaking video-bloggers" (there is the occasional sub-title).

There's not much known about him, even though he's been around for a while - his helmet is always in place, so we never get to see him.

I've done some brief research with nothing concrete, other than, "when he arrives for a meeting at a Fortune 500 company", so I'm thinking he's a consultant of some sort.

His videos started out as "video postcards for his mom", but she had trouble getting the videos to run (natively) on her computer, so ...
RJ: "mom, do you know of YouTube"? Mom: "yea, sure". So he switched to posting to YT, and the rest as they say, is history.

He has a number of bikes, but his favorite is his Husky 900 Nuda, which is in this video (nice exhaust, btw).

For any of you in the UK, you may know of him, as he is very popular with bikers and cagers and pedestrians and police alike - folks wave at him, take photos of him, fist bump, etc.

Apparently, the A4 is a popular route for him, so watch for him in your mirrors :)
He's been in news articles a number of times, but still no reveal.

Enjoy the virtual filtering and lane splitting ...

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Looks more like lane splitting to me. Not to ah, "split" hairs here, but I think of filtering as moving between STOPPED vehicles.
Either way, we won't see this in Bama in my lifetime, in all likelihood.
Loud pipes save lives. :rofl1:
Looks more like lane splitting to me. Not to ah, "split" hairs here, but I think of filtering as moving between STOPPED vehicles.
I had said the same thing a few years back and was told they were one and the same. But I chose to see them as two different methods.
I don't know how you can sit in heavy traffic and not filter/lane split whatever you want to call it especially with the heat you get over there, the big advantage of riding a bike through a city or heavy traffic area is being able to filter past the cages. It would drive me crazy if I couldn't filter, RJ is great, don't know anything about him either but I enjoy his videos sometimes.
I don't like his riding style. But, that's just me. Too many parameters that can't be controlled.
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