Saddlebag Paint Protection

Nov 6, 2020
Maryville, TN
2012 ST1300A
I'm having my '12 ST1300 ceramic coated and also purchased the Lamin-X paint protection full kit for the bike.

Well, my installer began to look at the pieces included in the kit and we are both very disappointed. The pieces for the saddlebags only covers the front portion of the bags, and not the whole thing as I was expecting (from the provided images). Not to mention that the pieces don't line up anyway.

Time to go to Plan-B. I thought I remember seeing some thick 3M type pieces in either a flat black or carbon fiber that covered the full top painted portion of the bags. Primarily for protecting the area from boot scuffs as you mount/ dismount the bike.

Any chance anyone is familiar with these and knows if they are still available?

Apparently "Custom" cut pieces aren't an option as the installer does not want to cut the necessary "edge" cut (on the painted) curve it would need.
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No idea about your product, but there are other threads in which guys talk about clear 3M film that protects and is removable.
There are Honda scuff pads that cover the front of the bags from boot scrapes and they're made of the same stuff as the tank pads.s-l400.jpg
I don't ever hit the front of the bags, but I've been known to catch the TOP of the saddlebags when I'm not paying close attention or when I'm in too much of a hurry.
Not many of us can pull off the move by CaptCrash's pillion anymore.

Not many of us can pull off the move by CaptCrash's pillion anymore.
Are you sure you don't mean, "Not *everyone* can pull off the move...."?
I can still do it, and there ARE many here younger than me. (But normally, I sit in the front seat.)
Always bear in mind:
Blessed are the flexible, for they shall not be bent out of shape.
Now get out there and S-T-R-E-T-C-H, Robert!
(Schwarzenegger voice: You can do it!)
Are you sure you don't mean...
Nah I meant what I said. I could be wrong but that is what I meant.
I don't doubt there are those among us who could or do manage it. Note that the Capt.'s wife cleared the backrest with aplomb and frequency and probably no next day "It doesn't pay to show off" regrets.

Always bear in mind:
I didn't say I couldn't pull it off. I said "not many of us." :D It wasn't a challenge but I suppose it could be an event at upcoming STOC gatherings. Raise the rest until only one person can clear it. Last place gets an ice pack. First place gets two ice packs.
(Placeholder while I find that GIF with the Japanese motor scout doing a pirouette and swinging his leg over the tank to mount the bike...)
FOUND IT... Ain't no step too high for a high-stepper!

Awww... I was going to post that! :(
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