Saturday Coffee 2/24...


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Dec 4, 2012
Vienna, AuSTria
ST1100Y, ST1100R
Ha! Being the firST for a change... :cool:

I'm all in for sarcasm, but a "good morning" is way over the top... ;)

Up since 0430hrs... pre-senile insomnia or such...
Currently 0630hrs local... already had a cup <slurp>...
GF is still dozing peacefully... maybe her snoring woke me up... who knows... ;)

Today is ouch-time... pouring concrete (the canopy foundation mentioned last w/e)... mixing by hand in the wheelbarrow... :rolleyes:
Hauled another 6 bags in yesterday...

Well, it has to be done... they'll install it in like 3~4 weeks... and I could use the exercise, the (new) cosy office job has its dark sides... :biggrin:
Ta me duck. Mixing concrete by hand. That'll hurt, I've got that T Shirt.
31 to 45, frosty and blue skies for now.
We will sit a while with breakfast and the digital newspapers and ease the day in. It is a Saturday afterall.
Afterwards, dunno but there's no shortage on the mental list.
Av a gud un and remember, ibuprofen.
Mornin’ all. Drinking expensive airport coffee. I don’t know the weather, cause I forgot where I was going. I’ll check back in when I find out where this ticket takes me.

OK @ST1100Y good job!
"Good Morning" is totally appropriate!
I'll add a pot of Just Black - Black Rifle. Good taste and substitutes as adhesive remover on Saturdays.

Concrete. If only they could make this stuff lighter.
Not my favorite deal, but what must be done, must be done.
Good luck with the project!

Savannah gets more interesting everyday! I wish I could live here for a few months to cover everything.
'Took the hop-on-off bus around the city yesterday and they just give us history buffs enough info to make us crazy!
I guess we'll have to return.

I made a new friend meantime.

Y'all have a Wonduhfill day!


Talmadge Bridge


Cathedral of St. John the Baptist


Beautiful architecture of the old Railroad System


Retro Thunderbird Hotel
Where you can get a moon pie and RC cola - Zoom in at the arrow

There's nothing scarier than that split second when you lose your balance in the shower and you think, "They are going to find me naked!"
watch out for that bar of soap!
Nah soap is for noobs...


"Good Morning" is totally appropriate!
Excuse the word "good"... ;)

Anyway, productive day so far...
- woke up the neighbor's teenage daughters with tool rummage (yeah, if looks could kill... :biggrin:)
- poured two foundations :cool:
- then I "offended" the neigbour who rolled by his obviously brand new, shiny wheelbarrow (compared to our banged up, rusty and crusted sample) by accusing him being a "poser"... :rofl1:
_ GF then scratched the ego of a "southlandish looking macho" (inattentive, slow driving in the left, yadda-yaddaing to his female passenger) by smoking by him in her (automatic!) Skoda sedan, on which he not only suddenly floored it and blared the horn(y) of his tiny, compact Peugeot, he also followed us into the parking lot of the hardware store, taking a couple of pics of us on his cell (probably already on social media, who cares...)
- and last but not least I barked (loudly) at a couple of folks who either live the misconception that the store floor is their personal living-room, or are just SWOMBIES yapping on their cell (Hon', I'm at the store, what do we need again?...), both staggering around right in front(!) of the 500lbs cart I pushed, loaded with another 6 bags ready-mix... they sould put horns on those carts... :mad:

the construction site...


pro posing...




protein powerded cement mixer at full speed...


Anyway, GF is suprised and happy how far we got this morning...
Not sore yet, but I guess tomorrow morning I'll stutter, seize and squeak like an old drawbridge... ;)

Now off to a full family (birthday) lunch/get together (... now where did I put my noise canceling ear-muffs again?... :oops:)

Have a good one!
Evening (in AUS) all, went for a ride today, via the GOR (Great Ocean Road), like the PCH but shorter.
(Pic from Google - not mine).

An RTE at Birregurra with some friends from OzSTOC, four ST's, one Wing and one Bavarian.



Found an old church worth a pic.

Rode home.

See yuse all Sundee, in about 8 hours.
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Good morning everyone

Thanks for the early start @ST1100Y. Ray's efforts are always appreciated but it's good to have a different brew every now and again.

My day began when the cat decided she needed to chase her tail for twenty minutes, directly in the center of the bed. It's an interesting and, for us at least, fairly amusing sensation. Not everyone might see the humor of it, though.

It's 42°F and partly cloudy in Rockville, but evidently feels five degrees cooler thanks to the heavy moisture content in the air. We'll top out at only 45 so it won't be a day where I miss being outside, as I'll be down in the cave workshop again, continuing to chip away at the sewing center project. I think I've hit on the solution for how to rout out the mortises for the hinges. There's a jig under construction, but it may not be complete until tomorrow. If I get impatient I may try it with clamps or screws instead of glue, but patience is generally the best approach if you want quality results.

In the meantime, there are plenty of other tasks to be completed so I won't be entirely idle.

Stay safe and well everyone and tell your dear ones you love them.
Good morning all, and thanks for getting things, mixing, Martin! The project's looking good!

Well, we have a beautiful, sunny day here, but anyone intending to enjoy it outdoors is going to have to bundle up. After the lovely, spring-like temperatures of the last few days, winter has plunged back in...and it's mighty cold out there. It's currently -15°C/5°F with a windchill of -23°C/-9°F, and the high will get no higher than -8°C/18°F with a feels-like of -14°C/7°F. I have plenty to keep me busy indoors, so I'm not too bothered. Things should start warming up again on Monday. Unusually for February, there is almost no snow left on the ground because of the extremely mild temperatures we've had pretty much all winter. I hope that will also be the case when I move to my new digs at the end of March - there's nothing worse than moving in two feet of snow, or even worse, a blizzard.

Everyone have a great day, stay safe and go safely.

good morning all. 44F on the dog walk with full moon and clear sky. a coyoteite crossed the street about 15 feet in front of us. I had the young male dog that will fight anything with me. what a hand full that turned in to. lucky I saw it a split second before Jack did. but when he did see it he went nuts trying to get to it. what wasn't funny is that the coyoteite just stood there. then slowly walked away. it was the biggest one I've seen in a long time. well we will see what's on the list today. they say 79F for the high. enjoy the day

stay safe
Evening (in AUS) all, went for a ride today, via the GOR (Great Ocean Road), like the PCH but shorter.
(Pic from Google - not mine).

An RTE at Birregurra with some friends from OzSTOC, four ST's, one Wing and one Bavarian.


Found an old church worth a pic.

Rode home.

See yuse all Sundee, in about 8 hours.

Cerrainly a bunch of motorcycle-riding scoundrels!
Good morning, and thanks for the coffee @ST1100Y .

It's partly cloudy and 35, becoming sunny and rising to 36.

Today, we'll go to our tax preparer and get that task done.
There's an outdoor and camping show going on this weekend in Worcester, so we might attend that as well.

Enjoy the day,
Today, we'll go to our tax preparer and get that task done.

Thanks for the reminder! I'd been awaiting one last document, which arrived the day before I left for my dive trip. I'd forgotten about it until you used the "t" word, but I should be able to finish up now.

[LATER: All done. The most painful part happens in April when the State of Maryland comes calling to dip into my bank account.]
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Morning all! Currently dark and 6C with 10C and rain on the way.

Woke up to the ominous sound of our older dog pacing. Ominous because it’s all good while you can hear her pace, it’s when she stops that you’re in trouble. Well, she stopped. By the time I got out of the recliner, I had a mess to clean up. That’ll teach me to sleep in .

We’ll continue the hunt for a new contractor and working our way down the to do list. No doubt there will be time for inspection of the inner eyelids at some point.

Hope everyone has a great day!
Morning all and thanks for the coffee Martin!

It's a wet one here today, currently 1C. However it will turn to snow, if it doesn't stop. Temps are headed downward to -14C. Will make for treacherous roads as there's already a lot of water laying in them from the rains. The snow prevents any run off and the storm sewers are often clogged with snow and ice.

Hope everyone has an excellent day.
Thanks for the coffees, Martin. Seems like y'all have conspired to kick off a flurry of spring-ish industriousness, which is all way too overwhelming for this master procrastinator on the other side of your world. And your encounters with your fellow countrymen (-women) are most amusing; you have enough entertainment today already, to last a week. And by the way, if your GF spills a handful of hair conditioner in the shower, that's likewise treacherous.

Fortunately, Michael from The Land Down Under is here to remind us what we really SHOULD be doing on a legitimate Saturday, even though his Saturday is different from some of ours. Meanwhile, I'm missing an interstate ride to my sister's, who is in Athens GA with my other two sisters, but she didn't let me know until last night. "In case you can make it..." Maybe if I'd known with a little advance notice, but not at this point, sadly. My time is still not my own.

"Deadlines and commitments, what to leave in, what to leave out." -- Bob Seger, Against the Wind.

55 here and going to 65, more or less, probably more. Clear skies, cool breeze, taste of Spring.

Today I need to get my wiring harness on the GSA, but still am not completely sure how to get my switched power. I'm going to the battery, and I want to be sure I won't tap into anything that generates a CANBUS error, damn computers.

Nick, of you and the lampstand, I'd prefer to ride with you. Seems your new friend has lost her head.

Patty's comparative "mild winter" comment just made me grimace. All these days of below zero temps, and you call that "mild"? Eye of the beholder, and all that. Call me when you reach 70 degrees for a week.

I do feel sorry for John at the airport, too. When Joe Walsh woke up in Paris on an airplane and didn't know how he got there, he decided then and there to quit drinking and using recreational chemicals. And he's stuck to it. So, John... don't pour all your liquor down the sink. I'll come take it off your hands.

Everybody else, learn from Joe Walsh. Don't board an airplane when you're intoxicated. Or even drunk.
Morning all......
Thanks for the morning start up.

Gonna hit 50 today, with some overcast.

I am glad I am in the normal like others today.
Visit to the CPA yesterday to see how many banks we need to rob. Oh yay........
And came downstairs this morning to find two nice little piles of dog puke...oh yay. Poor puppy.

On a more positive note, four of five peach trees have been giving their hair cut, one more today.

Hope everyone enjoys their Saturday.
Morning, folks.

Who mentioned displaying a bike in the house? I've considered it while perusing the offers at Right now, there's a VF1000R, a CBX, CX500 Turbo, and a CB350F. I've listed over each when new. (The CBX sold for $27,000 2 years ago.) A couple weeks ago, they had a Honda S600 sports car, sold for $53,000. I look at their auction every day but can't afford any.

Coffee is still on at The CattHouse. Just pulled a tray of pretzel rolls out of the oven. These are good as is and make good hamburger buns too. Only 8 at time but easy to make. Help yourselves.

Next up, Easr Indian naan to go with the Daal and rice I've yet to make. Maybe tomorrow.

Been busy cooking, baking, and cleaning. And shopping. And riding. Got the CB out twice this week. STerling is still parked.

28 earlier, 41 now, with sun and blue skies.

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