Securing Radar Detector to bike?? HOW-TO


That's MR CUPCAKE to you!
Apr 19, 2005
Brunswick, MD
How does everyone keep there radar detectors from walking off ?? My new Beltronic 955 is velcroed to a dash type mount plate and is very easy to remove and walk away with ! the trouble with removing it to lock it up is on the second removal I DROPPED IT :eek: and it sorta came apart, it went back together this time . need ideas how to lock down the unit for security.
I've got the same detector velcroed to a TT dash. I remove it and place it in the left fairing pocket. I couldn't come up with a way to lock it down either. I've been pretty lucky though. Nobody has messed with any of my stuff on my bike before.
I've got one of these that holds on to my Escort. I've got it mounted on a dash shelf. I had a handle bar mount before, but didn't like that solution very much.

Good luck.

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