some "personal" news

STill STylin

Red is ALWAYS faSTer
Mar 10, 2005
Pasadena, CA
2005 ST1300A
Late in 2009 during my annual physical I was diagnosed with a condition known as "Branch Retinal Venial Occlusion" in its earliest stages. Simply put a branch retinal vein in my right eye experienced a rupture causing microscopic amounts of blood into the vitreous chamber of the eye. Almost immediately I placed myself under the watchful care of Dr. Steven Schwartz, the Chief of the Jules Stein Eye Institute in Los Angeles. A ?Google? of ?Dr. Steven Schwartz?, ?Ozurdex? and ?Vitrectomy? will provide interesting reading material.

In addition to receiving several applications of laser surgery to prevent the regeneration of those burst retinal veins as well as many applications of Avastin, I have been receiving the most aggressive medical approach to this circumstance, including being among of the first to receive the then and most recently FDA approved application known as "Ozurdex (Dexamethsone) Intravitreal Implant.

Several applications of Ozurdex and many months? later serious concerns remained as swelling of my retina continued to fluctuate. Continuing to aggressively administer in every way possible, Dr. Schwartz today performed a surgical procedure known as "Vitrectomy" or "Membrane Peel" - removing a membrane which was growing over the retina in my right eye - causing a 10%-15% reduction of light entering that eye. I was mostly conscience during the procedure and was quite pleased when Dr. Schwartz informed me during surgery the membrane had been successfully removed in "text book" fashion.

So I sit here this evening with the biggest patch over my right eye that you have ever seen attempting to create this email using the approved hunt-and-peck method of typing - with one eye - while trying to keep a handle on my flow of conversation with you.

I'm so pleased to report my prognosis is excellent and I'm looking forward to a full and normal recovery - including return of 90%-100% return of full and unobstructed vision.

Thanks for ?listening?.

Cheers ? and with prayers that ?you? and yours? are and remain well.


P.S. to Joe ("Mellow") - I know, I know - I prolly poSTed this into the wrong Forum.
Here are some prayers that the healing goes well!

(Let me know if you really want this thread moved... I could move it daily if you'd like me too... :D)

Wow, I hope you continue with an improving prognosis. Whenever I detect floaters in my eyes, I often think about the "what would you do if" scenario. Sounds almost like they removed a baby cataract, but different. Best wishes for a speedy and complete recovery, prayers back at you.
Best of luck in your healing process. 90%-100% return of full and unobstructed vision sounds great. I hope you hit 100.
Hey.. one eye and you got it in the right sub-forum.. LOL

Glad to hear some good health news, sending you good thoughts for a full recovery.
That is good news indeed! Glad to hear the prognosis is excellent and that full recovery is expected!
Keep the meantime, we'll keep an eye on things around here for you! :D

Glad you are on the road to recovery. My wife works for an eye specialist, so we had some discussion on it this evening. She says you apparently have a gifted and wonderful doctor.
Hmmmmmm. I wonder if my original patch wasn't as big...I had a fitted aluminum 'protector' taped to my face for a month or so....

Really glad to hear the prognosis, it's a good thing. But I am also here to tell you that, even at the worst, it CAN be overcome...I just happen to know...
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