Sports screen vs no screen?

Dec 4, 2015
Southern United Kingdom
Hi all,

Been suffering with the dreaded buffeting on long motorway runs, the only way I've ever found of completely removing said buffeting in the past was too remove whatever was causing the problem in the first place, in this instance, the stock screen.
So, I have a 12" sports screen on the way, and have been riding around with no screen for the last few weeks.
I wondered if anyone else rode with a small screen or without one altogether, and your opinion of this set up.

I have not tried a small shield, or no shield. But I did make improvements on my oem shield and now with my Clearview GT-medium by raking each back a bit. This decreased buffeting or turbulence and reduced backpressure by directing more air up the inside of each shield (and looks better to boot). Unfortunately my new Clearview is not living up to my expectations, and I am considering to cut it down. I did discuss it with Clearview and they say that no one else has ever had any issues with this design. But that is another story. I think that if I were to choose again,, I would look at the Cee Baileys sport shield which may well be along the lines of what you have ordered. Good luck,, Cat'
I have a Clearview +3 Large w/vent.

No issues even in triple digits or on longer trips (1000 + miles).

Could your helmet be a factor?

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I've done both the shortie Laminar shield and no shield on my 1100. Both put you in nice clean air.
Love my shorty screen. cut down stock screen. I unusually put it on when the temps stay above 65 or so in the mornings. makes a big difference in comfort and heat.
<<<<<<See avatar. has a small flag tied on in the picture.

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I absolutely love my tinted shorty... everything else (except no screen at all) is just so ugly in my opinion.

The shorty goes up high enough for me on the freeway to protect, and I drop it all the way to the lowest for everything else.

The shorty is cut fairly high on the lower edge and a therefore a lot of air comes through to relieve back pressure. Yes there is still a little buffeting but as the original poster stated the only way to eliminate all buffeting is to remove the screen entirely.

My tinted shorty is from Cal-Sci and it was definitely not a direct bolt on and it seemed a bit expensive. I spent two hours rat-tail filing the holes a half-mm at a time to finally get it to fit.

st selfie engineer.jpg
Thanks for all of the replies chaps.

Ziamon, I think the shorty (12") I've ordered will pretty much sit where yours does, and I do like the look of that.

Rock on!! :headbang:
Hi Iron,

how its going with your new shorty windshield? Could you provide some insides and some photos?
What brand is your 12" inch shorty shield and where did you get it if you don't mind me asking.
Thanks in advance.

Thanks for all of the replies chaps.

Ziamon, I think the shorty (12") I've ordered will pretty much sit where yours does, and I do like the look of that.

Rock on!! :headbang:
Hi all,

Been suffering with the dreaded buffeting on long motorway runs,
I wondered if anyone else rode with a small screen or without one altogether, and your opinion of this set up.


Put your stock windshield back on and order a Laminar Lip for it.
With it I ride 98% of the time with the windshield fully down - at all speeds. So I'm always looking over the shield, not through it.
The lip forces the wind up, and over, your head - and riding with the shield down makes the bike more aerodynamic too, it slightly increased my gas mileage.
Only time I raise the shield is in rain.
This is by far the best farkle I've bought for this bike
Try it - and you'll be a believer too....

the Lip.jpg

Ride safe......
Put your stock windshield back on and order a Laminar Lip for it.
With it I ride 98% of the time with the windshield fully down - at all speeds. So I'm always looking over the shield, not through it.
The lip forces the wind up, and over, your head - and riding with the shield down makes the bike more aerodynamic too, it slightly increased my gas mileage.
Only time I raise the shield is in rain.
This is by far the best farkle I've bought for this bike
Try it - and you'll be a believer too....

the Lip.jpg

Ride safe......

For me, the stock screen doesn't go low enough to not be a distraction during sporty riding. Plus, it directs the wind flow up right into my eyes - even with my sunglasses on, I can't ride with my helmet shield up at any speed above 10 mph (I can ride standing up with sunglasses on). Also, the top of the screen tilting back and forth during transitions is distracting. Is the laminar lip easily removable? Is so, what is your height and at what position do you have your seat set? I'm 5'8" and have a Corbin seat (which is probably a little lower than stock) set in the middle position since the Corbin doesn't work in the highest position. Maybe a cut down stock screen with a removable Laminar Lip would work. I've been considering an Aeroflow and seeing if the company would cut that down a little lower.
Anyone have the Cee Bailey's sport screen ?? I like the looks of it,,, and it should still travel as high as I might need it too, electrically. I don't have any wet weather riding experience with the ST as yet. And I am thinking that when I do ride it in the rain, it is going to be quite a learning curve. Cat'
Maybe some of the people who are replying here don't realize that some helmets are way more aerodynamic and quiet than even riding behind a fully upright tall shield. If I put my street helmet on and ride on my Honda CRF250L (Dual Sport) that has absolutely no screen the ride is quieter and smoother than riding on my ST1300 with the windshield in the tall mode, low mode or any electrically adjusted position between in both positions. All you have to do to experience what I'm talking about if you have a full face helmet with the shield down is just stand up on the motorcycle while riding and you will be able to experience the quiet of an uninterrupted air flow.
I'm just trying to explaining this because many replies I've seen on all of the short windshield threads are about "laminar lip this and big, wide vented shield that". Anyway hope this helps explain why some people here are looking for short windshield options in hot weather.

Oh, and through searching I've only found two manufacturers that make short screens for the ST1300. Cee Baileys and California Scientific both of which are only 3 and 1/2 inches shorter than stock. If anyone knows of other manufacturers of short screens I would appreciate the information.

I typically prefer a 3/4 helmet. Personal choice. Thank you for respecting that.

So, having taken a june bug to the face at over 65 mph I lean on the "screen" side of things. I did cut my stock screen very low but ended up giving that away.

I ended up with a Cee Bailey +4 with vents and it was perfect. In the wet it was the best I had tried. Could easily ride and smoke a fat cuban at the same time ... if that sort of thing is important to you.
I never ride my ST without my visor down. There is so much air and bugs coming up the inside of the windshield, that I would be blind without it by now. But with the visor down,,, all the extra air is pretty refreshing. My Shark Evo3 is not the quietest helmet. But if I am going far,,, I can always pop in some earplugs. If I were to smoke a fat cuban,,,, I guess I would have to cut a hole in my visor ?? ;-) Cat'
For me, the stock screen doesn't go low enough to not be a distraction during sporty riding. Plus, it directs the wind flow up right into my eyes - even with my sunglasses on, I can't ride with my helmet shield up at any speed above 10 mph (I can ride standing up with sunglasses on). Also, the top of the screen tilting back and forth during transitions is distracting. Is the laminar lip easily removable? Is so, what is your height and at what position do you have your seat set? I'm 5'8" and have a Corbin seat (which is probably a little lower than stock) set in the middle position since the Corbin doesn't work in the highest position. Maybe a cut down stock screen with a removable Laminar Lip would work. I've been considering an Aeroflow and seeing if the company would cut that down a little lower.

I absolutely hate looking thru the windshield, it drove me crazy when I first got the bike. The Laminar Lip totally fixed that, I look over the windshield now, not thru it.
The airstream goes up and over my head, no wind buffeting at any (sane) speed.
In warm weather I ride with just sunglasses and the faceshield off (Shoei J-Cruise open-face).
Most of the bugs go over my head, but of course there's and occasional one that gets me.
I am 5'9", and use MCL risers, and a stock seat (set high in front, lower in the rear to reduce sliding forward).
The Lip is removable, but I have never taken it off in over 2 years - I wouldn't ride without it.
A lot cheaper than a new windshield, if you don't like it (but you will) you're only out about $80.
I'm 5'8" with Gen Mar risers and a corbin seat in the lowest position. At 25 mph the buffeting is annoying with the stock windshield at the lowest setting and all the way down. I wear ear plugs and a full face helmet. I don't want air going over my head I want the air to hit me in the chest so somebody please just tell me where I can get a 12" tinted shield.

Thanks for the help

I absolutely hate looking thru the windshield, it drove me crazy when I first got the bike. The Laminar Lip totally fixed that, I look over the windshield now, not thru it.
The airstream goes up and over my head, no wind buffeting at any (sane) speed.
In warm weather I ride with just sunglasses and the faceshield off (Shoei J-Cruise open-face).
Most of the bugs go over my head, but of course there's and occasional one that gets me.
I am 5'9", and use MCL risers, and a stock seat (set high in front, lower in the rear to reduce sliding forward).
The Lip is removable, but I have never taken it off in over 2 years - I wouldn't ride without it.
A lot cheaper than a new windshield, if you don't like it (but you will) you're only out about $80.
Hi Iron,

how its going with your new shorty windshield? Could you provide some insides and some photos?
It is brilliant, from the chest up all is in clear air flow no buffeting even passing trucks etc on the motorway at high speed. I keep it in the lowest position the whole time which is about an inch above the top of the front fairing cowl. I can get you a picture but not for a few weeks, my brother's got my bike on holiday in France at the moment (his BMW GS's final drive threw a hissy fit 2 days before Christmas) - I intend to convert him to an ST upon his return.
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