Squeaky mouse caught in engine? Help!! Noise!

Sep 25, 2005
Chico, CA - Khao Lak, Thailand
I just picked up my wonderful 2003 ST1300 with 9,500 miles on the engine, and the bike is in PRESTINE condition. Thanks Chet in Reno!

BUT! After riding it back to the San Francisco Bay Area, I noticed during the last 50 miles that there was a light squeak coming from below the tank. It seemed harmless enough, like something caught in the body structure and was rubbing. But as I rode on, the squeak became more noticeable and seemed to have a bit of cadence with it (rythym with the engine) and deminished as I slowed down to a stop. It doesn't do it when sitting and revved.

I see some comments about the balance adjusters, but that sounds like it might be for the whine. This is NOT a whine, but like a squeaky old truck that doesn't make a noise in tune with the roadway (bouncing shock squeak, for instance) but actually is in rythym with the engine.

Any takers on this problem?? I could sure use the help. I parked the bike at home and want to ride to La Honda's Alice's Restaurant today but a bit afraid to! HELP!

I have had leaky intake rubbers squeek as the piSTon sucks in it's charge (pant-pant). Only did it with a thoroughly warm engine.

My brand new bike had that squeek on the way home from the dealer, and members of this forum suggested I take it back to have the front wheel bearings checked. That was it. Specifically, they called it the "dust seal". My squeek was very loud. I recommend NOT ignoring it. Also could be something brake/rotor related.
What is involved with the "dust seals"? Is this a warranty issue (still under factory warranty) or is this normal wear?

Not sure it would be the brakes, unless it can squeak without braking.

I appreciate your comments and will definitely look into these suggestions.

Any more suggestions out there?? Could use the help so I can get back on and ride!


Thanks to all. Here is some updated info:

1. Rode it today, still squeaks.
2. Noticed small amount of grease on left hub, but not on right side.
3. Put bike on centerstand and spun front tire.
4. Heard the squeak.
5. Brake pads look fine.

Could it be??? A bearing?
Bearing and/or seal.

Creak rather than squeek but could be..Take it in or pull it apart. A front WB failure is very exciting!
johnnymoretti said:
Thanks to all. Here is some updated info:

1. Rode it today, still squeaks.
2. Noticed small amount of grease on left hub, but not on right side.
3. Put bike on centerstand and spun front tire.
4. Heard the squeak.
5. Brake pads look fine.

Could it be??? A bearing?

Exact symptoms of mine...the dust seal is part of the bearing assembly.. I agree with anyone who says to take it to a dealer. Drive slow.
To all that responded to this topic. THANKS!

I first heard the squeak at 75mph on San Francisco freeways. I have 5 miles to the dealer on city streets, so I should be safe.

I will update you all when I find out the problem, in case you find yourselves in the same predicament.

Ride Safe!

PS: I sold my '04 Goldwing two months ago and really enjoy this ST much more!
Update On Cause Of Problem

Well, I got the prognosis:

When the tires were changed recently (200 miles ago) the dealer failed to install the dust cover properly on the left side hub. There is a flange that is suppose to be fitted in a certain position, and the dealer installed it backwards causing the flange to eventually file itself down and ultimately squeaking. It damaged the bearing seal, but not the bearing. Its a $9 part, but $140 including labor, etc.

So, be forewarned! When you have your tires changed or bearings replaced, be sure the dust covers are mounted properly! Not a safety issue as the dust covers simply cover a bearing that is already sealed, but costly nonetheless.

Ride Safe and thanks for all the help here!
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