ST in the Sand? I Don't Think So!


Pat Thompson
Jun 17, 2006
a mile high in AZ
'06 ST1300
So yesterday I headed out over the Ortega and had breakfast at the Douglas Burger in Elsinore. Headed from there down to Rancho California and took Glenoaks, Mesa, Sage, and Wilson Valley Road (pic #1) up to 371 through Anza to join up with Hwy 74 again. Out to the seven levels (pic#2) above Palm Desert/Rancho Mirage and down to 111 toward Coachella and the Salton Sea. Down the 86 spur . . . and this was where the trouble began. :eek::

I wanted to head in to Borrego Springs from the east and rather than taking Borrego Salton Seaway I thought that Marina looked like a nice little shortcut (pic #3). I head out the paved street through the newly constructed homes and shortly thereafter the road turns to graded, hard dirt. OK. No problem, it's only a couple of miles. I top out a rise shortly after that to find the road is turning to sand. :eek: Not to bad at first, I press on. It gets thicker and deeper and I'm sayin, "no way, I'm outa here!" While trying to keep it moving enough to not sink while getting turned around I just wallowed out and ended up on my tip over wing (pic #4).

The sand was so deep I couldn't get the footing to lift the bike on my own. Luckily there was an ATVer :bow1: nearby. I walked over the slight rise to his truck and enlisted his aid in raising the bike. Now I'm not a dirt rider and the ST isn't a dirt bike so I dropped it a couple more times getting out of there with my aide there to help each time. :bow1: :bow1:

Got back to the pavement and had a great rest of the ride. The worst damage was on the second spill I went down on the right side. It knocked off the mirror cover and I discovered today that a couple of the treaded studs that hold the turnsignal in the cover broke out. My right TO wing cover was already kind of scuffed up and looked way the worse for wear and the left TO wing cover was a bit scuffed too. One scratch in the right middle cowl just below the mirror. Musta been a rock hiding in the sand. No other scratches or problems anywhere else.

Ordered up new mirror cover - $51. Two of MCL's cut out TO Wing covers -$48. Also orderd up a Throttlemeister to replace the Vista Cruise that got discombobulated somewhere during the adventure. Never liked that Vista Cruise.

As for me, I've got some sore muscles, as if I'd been lifting weights, in my upper thighs. Guess my lifting technique was correct I just couldn't get the footing. :noway

Next time I'll turn around sooner. :D


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I've been to Anza (camped there in the '60s) and can just imagine your distress!
I'll bet you were *really* glad to find the ATV'er so close!
Glad it turned out okay.

Do you mind if I laugh? or maybe just snicker? :cool:

Consider it community service. I get there about 10 times a year, and I've never tried THAT shortcut. Now I don't think I will:)

Glad it came out ok. I got my Yamaha Venture on it's side in pea gravel, couldn't get it hoisted feet kept slipping:) I had to walk a ways to get help:)
I'm thinking this is less of a ride report and more of a tip over tail (TOT-STer) story... might just have to move it there.

Except for the tip-overs sounds like a nice ride. Aren't you glad you didn't have to pay for the damage that might have been caused to a bike without the tip-over wings? :) Dirt roads are one thing but sand is totally another when combined with the ST. :(
I had a friend buy a house in the country, all the roads were "paved"... imagine my face when I hit the sand coming around a corner... looking up at the sky :rolleyes: That front end sinks pretty quick :(

Glad you made it out OK :)
Yeah, Pat, I hate sand. I've run into it a couple of times here in Florida and it's ugly ugly ugly. I do my best to avoid it and if I'm going down a road that suddenly turns to deep sand or real loose dirt and unless I can see the end of it, I turn around before I get in it. I haven't dropped my ST in it (yet), but sure came close a few times. STs do NOT like to be ridden in deep sand, that's for sure!
Unbelievable! Glad you made it out of that one OK!:hat1:

Have to say thou, I find it a little unbeliavable that your ST's don't like sand! My black ST will go just about anywhere. Never a problem in sand! It'd prolly go good on the dunes too!! (What's that honey? I'm suposed to tell them what? Oh...OK!) Only if it's in the back of my 4x4 Tacoma that is!:wink:

Honestly, I've had a few run in's w/sand myself! No fun!! The good Lord was looking out for you too with the help so close by!
As a public service on this topic...
I recommend avoiding attempting a connector from Hwy 33 to Hwy 58 called Soda Lake Road. It looks great on the map... after 8 miles of cattle guards on a very narrow road it turned to soda-sand. Chris and I turned around before we hit it... :)

As a public service on this topic...
I recommend avoiding attempting a connector from Hwy 33 to Hwy 58 called Soda Lake Road. It looks great on the map... after 8 miles of cattle guards on a very narrow road it turned to soda-sand. Chris and I turned around before we hit it... :)


Now Soda Lake Road I've ridden and that was just fine with me. It's hard and not the least bit squirrely like this sand was. Unless you took a different fork than I did somewhere. :| I picked it up off of 166 a little to the east of where 33 hits and headed north, past the lake, to 58.

The views of Soda Lake are rather impressive too. It was back in my Vulcan days but here's some pics.


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Thanks Pat,

We were both on ST1100s then and Chris was never happy on the ST1100 on anything other than perfect roads
Next time we'll take it!

Very cool!
Rough adventure riding is not a proper element for this bike. A good example of the limits of the ST and where not to go.
...I wanted to head in to Borrego Springs from the east and rather than taking Borrego Salton Seaway I thought that Marina looked like a nice little shortcut (pic #3). I head out the paved street through the newly constructed homes and shortly thereafter the road turns to graded, hard dirt. OK. No problem, it's only a couple of miles. I top out a rise shortly after that to find the road is turning to sand. :eek: Not to bad at first, I press on. It gets thicker and deeper and I'm sayin, "no way, I'm outa here!" While trying to keep it moving enough to not sink while getting turned around I just wallowed out and ended up on my tip over wing (pic #4).

The sand was so deep I couldn't get the footing to lift the bike on my own. Luckily there was an ATVer nearby. I walked over the slight rise to his truck and enlisted his aid in raising the bike. Now I'm not a dirt rider and the ST isn't a dirt bike so I dropped it a couple more times getting out of there with my aide there to help each time.

...As for me, I've got some sore muscles, as if I'd been lifting weights, in my upper thighs. Guess my lifting technique was correct I just couldn't get the footing.

Next time I'll turn around sooner.

That pic #4 is so sad looking...:( Here's your TOA!

Rough adventure riding is not a proper element for this bike. A good example of the limits of the ST and where not to go.

Nonsense! Claptrap, I say!

The ST will do fine off road. Like any street bike, it isn't designed for the hardcore stuff, but sand, mud, gravel, minor cross country jaunts, the odd sand dune or so... been on them all with the ST. No problems with the bike. Scared witless, yes, but the bike did better than I did.

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