ST-Owners Mileage Stats Review


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Jul 3, 2007
Niceville, FL
FJR1300 ES, 2018
I like statistics. I've been copying the end of year statistics the past few years and took a look today. Mileage statistics review:

Year: 2008
TOTAL Miles: 13,841,937
#Riders: 2,143
Miles/Rider: 6,459

Year: 2009
TOTAL Miles: 8,434,319
#Riders: 1,141
Miles/Rider: 7,392

Year: 2010
TOTAL Miles: 6,556,396
#Riders: 723
Miles/Rider: 9,068

I first noticed the continued decrease in the Total Miles ridden.

That's probably due to the decline in the # of riders reporting.

Finally, for those reporting, the Miles/rider continues to rise.

So, any other thoughts on what the data indicates?
Is it the economy?
Higher gas prices?

or . . . just George, Coop and Dinkie's influence?

My number one take like you mentioned was the number reporting decreased.

Not as many playing the game... I can't get much past the stats than that.

As for why.. the economy isn't going to keep someone from participating unless they had to sell their bike, you would expect someone to even enter a low mileage year if they had the bike - but, I suppose it could be a good reason, maybe some feel there's no reason to enter unless you have a larger number.

Popularity could be an issue.. it was a popular thing when it was first announced and now it's just not as big of a deal.

That's all I have.
Interestingly though... the number of riders participating from 2008-2010 was cut by 2/3rds yet the mileage only went down by 50%-ish not 66%-ish.. so those left are riding more.
My thoughts too. As the low mileage riders stop reporting, the per rider average climbs.


PS: As I brought up "New Posts" and saw this one, an interesting observation: 2 posts and 0 views. Both posts were yours of course, but you don't view before responding - just as I thought! LOL
I didn't participate in '10, but my mileage was listed in my signature. Same this year. It wouldn't raise the total that much.
PS: As I brought up "New Posts" and saw this one, an interesting observation: 2 posts and 0 views. Both posts were yours of course, but you don't view before responding - just as I thought! LOL

Views aren't updated immediately, helps with performance, there's a job in the background that does that.
I didn't participate in '10, but my mileage was listed in my signature. Same this year. It wouldn't raise the total that much.
Typical unsocial Winger.. LOL
I agree it looks like the 1st year it was a 'new thing' and in subsequent years people at the low end of the yearly mileage decided not to publish/keep track.
2010 stats probably were not accurate. Due to ACL's death a lot of riders lowered their miles reported to boost Terry's figures as a show of respect. (I didn't as my mileage was below his.) The man was legend and is missed by all!
2010 stats probably were not accurate. Due to ACL's death a lot of riders lowered their miles reported to boost Terry's figures as a show of respect. (I didn't as my mileage was below his.) The man was legend and is missed by all!

I agree about Terry... but, not that many did that and the understanding was they would submit the final mileage before the final stats were posted. I don't believe there was enough doing it to make a difference.. again, I'm not saying that in any disrespectful way, just mentioning what I'm seeing.
... that avatar is blinding.. LOL

I'm thinking of bringing a welders mask with me the next time I go to a local RTE that I know Russ is attending...:rimshot1:

Didn't the whole mileage stat thingy start as part of a good natured competition between us and one of the the FJR forums? I believe the goal was to see which group could accumulate one million miles the quickest...
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