ST1300-Rostra cruise control & willing

Sep 11, 2011
Scottsdale AZ
2006 Honda ST1300
ST1300-Rostra cruise control assistance needed

I am surprised that Honda didn't fit this model with self cancelling turn signals, a gear indicator and electronic cruise control. I have made changes that have enhanced my riding experience, but electronic cruise control to me is a must for long trips. I have been reading and downloading information related to the installation of the Rostra cruise control, but there are some aspects that concern me. I consider myself capable and able to handle mechanical projects, have most tools and can't find a better time to attempt this since I live in AZ and riding season is on hold due to extremely high temps. Any assistance is greatly appreciated. Thanks! Barry
Re: ST1300-Rostra cruise control assistance needed

I appreciate the link. Have you installed the Rostra CC? I am trying to gather as much information and have all questions answered prior to making a decision whether to move forward with the purchasing of all components and installing them?
Thank you
Re: ST1300-Rostra cruise control assistance needed

No I do not have one and haven't installed one.

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Not too terribly difficult. Just get the parts, tear open the front half of the bike and get started.

I used the schematic of Jack (somebody from TN) to witre in the switch with the dual LED's. One shows on the other shows engaged.
Pull the tank full off, remove the airbox and take off all the plastic (front and sidepanels).
Figure two days with custom fabricating brackets etc..

Ohh... do not use the Rostra /4 pulse reducer. Everybody that has one has found the bike's computer goes into a default map mode when you exceed 5k rpm for 10 seconds. Mine does, but I just manage to live with it. Too expensive to replace.
So based on your response I should buy the VSS pulse divider sold at If so I am still a bit confused since there are many different thoughts on the setup since the old model had the capacitor #8 cut and the new one doesn't. My other concern is the cruise cable to the throttle drum interface. I guess that you are right and I should purchase the parts and then just jump in and install it. The good and bad news is that I am in AZ and it is currently too hot to ride, but that will also limit my time working on it in my garage.
Did you use the gold wing controller instead of the Rostra control pad? I am planning to use the gold wing backlit controller.
Any additional information is greatly appreciated.
Thanks for your response.
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The Centrodyne is the way to go for the pulse divider. Never heard anyone having the 5k rpm issue like with the Rostra. I have the Rostra, but it's not worth it for me to swap out. If it dies, I'll be buying the Centro model.

I just used a straight piece of aluminum for my throttle drum attachment, drilled a couple of holes and carefully dremeled out for the slot to attach it. Ptretty easy and straight forward. I'm thinking it will get re-done this year, shorten the overall arm and then put a 2:1 lever upstream of it. It works as-is, following the manufacturers recommendation for length, but I think it could be better. A little less jerky response when doing the slower speed setting on hills.

For the switch I used the Rostra switch with the dual LED's. (250-3592) I bent a metal bracket up so I could easily activate it with the thumb on the throttle hand.
Everybody that has one has found the bike's computer goes into a default map mode when you exceed 5k rpm for 10 seconds. Mine does...
What are the symptoms of the default map? I have the rostra divider and can't say that I have noticed anything. But maybe I'm just not attributing a symptom to the divider. Thanks.
You'll feel a glitch in power output and then the FI light comes on, stays solid until you reboot the computer (shut the bike off). The bike still runs, but if you check it for error codes you'll get an 11. Only occurs at engine speeds in excess of 5200 rpm and maintained for 20~25 seconds or more.

I had a thread/poll on it, linked here.
Thanks T_C, haven't noticed that but I'll have to try and force it.
If you'd rather avoid the "pulse divider" aspect.....the same company that sells the rostra should also carry the magnetic pulse generator. it's basic and works well
Did you install the magnetic pulse generator? Do you know what the differences are? What are the benefits? Are there setup instructions available when using the magnetic pulse generator? I am attempting to gather all information, determine the best parts to use, how to configure and set them up and then purchase the components required.
I have installed....but I had no choice in the matter...mine is an 1100. I can't recall if there were instructions or not...pretty basic stuff. A small coil bolted to the swing arm and magnets placed in the recesses of the rear disk bolts. I have read of a few instances where the installers have done this on the front wheel. No glue just the magnets holding power to keep it in place( btw over 15k miles and haven't thrown a magnet...had I lost one or more, the controller would still function after I reset the c.c.( try that when your pulse divider goes belly up!- and easily come out when a metal tool is put up against the mag for maintance/repairs. As the magnets pass by the coil, each one generates a pulse. same connections as the "pulse divider uses. all the rostra ( or any of then for that mater) does is respond to the number of pulses per distance/time. on the negative side it is a bit more work to install
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