Sun April 28th, 2024...


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Dec 4, 2012
Vienna, AuSTria
ST1100Y, ST1100R
... the day we made contact ...

G'Day fellow riders...

Sunny, not a cloud in sight, a biz haze through, WX announces 26°C for today...
two cups of Capriccio, a 3 course meal with soft boiled eggs, self baked juicy whole grain bread, butter, some strawberry jam, finalized by one slice with Ovaltine spread...

I'm stuffed... :cool:

GF outside teasing the robo mower with the remote on her cellphone app...
Had to re-install everything since she got herself a new Samsung, account log on, app updates, re-pairing the BT connection, etc... now she's attempting to hit the random, sole grass-blades peeking out the machine missed during yesterday's run... moderate success rates though... ;)
Never seen the little guy driving in such erratic patterns... like the tiny CPU is suffering a serious virus and is about to blow... :biggrin:

And the radio underlays the scene with Michael Sembello... Automatic Man... :rofl1:

Will head to the bike shed later on, replacing the Sony car stereo in the ST... found a decent looking used one online for € 30,-... some tinkering with the soldering iron required...

Have a great Sunday everyone...
Ta me o'd mucka. I need coffee.
The weather is, .......Woolerumnal. Nuff said, pffffffftttttt. Yesterdays sun is but a memory, it was blummin cold though. After mowing my grass I did the elderly neighbours before the rain arrived overnight. Then a walk in the hills reduced me to sleepite. For those that don't know sleepite is a substance that can fill your bones with soft stuff which can induce floppiness and naps. Pffffffftttttt.
Wildlife highlight was a cheerful Weasel, no not him. There was no sleepite in that little chestnut bundle of fun. He soon got annoyed at us and went to sulk in his drystone home.
Today, dunno really, the weather's shite so I'll give it some thought, yes you've guessed it, over another coffee.
Av a gud un and remember, sleepite can creep up on a fella. And also remember, Januaryland is still open!
Is it me or can the weather do this to ya, or it did for one of the seventies great noise makers at least.
There's a feeling I get when I look to the West
And my spirit is crying for leaving.
Good morning everyone

Thanks for the coffee, Martin. The robomower sounds like fun. I looked at them but for the same money I can have the service do the job about 100 times. Didn't see the value in buying one when I can help people keep their jobs.

It's 59°F in Ruther Glen VA, somewhere between Richmond and Fredericksburg. It's supposed to be clear and get to 86- both welcome changes from the past few chilly, overcast, damp days.

On my way to Fredericksburg I'll visit a Civil War battlefield I-ve not previously seen, Spotsylvania Courthouse. It was the scene of one of several very bloody Union defeats, through poor management at the top apparently.

Stay safe and well everyone and tell your dear ones you love them.
Good morning, all. Thanks for the refreshing cup of delight. I’m enjoying the cup, while sitting on the deck, listening to the birds sing.

It’s 62 and breezy, but will warm to 82, under partly cloudy skies.

This was delivered last evening at 8:45 PM. Sorta late for a Walmart driver. Out here in the boonies, we usually set up the perimeter trip wires at dark.


My first thought was, “Dang, that’s a lot of oil.” but I realized that it‘s only enough for the 7 quarts in the F250, 7 in the Trailblazer, 4 in the ST, and still 1 quart left over to spill.

@Upt' North If there's a bustle in your hedgerow, don't be alarmed now

Thx Martin!
Never operate a robomower in the morning before coffee.
Same goes for anything else.

Yesterday was a nice walk in nice weather.
Today is woolernal.

Extended dinner with the inlaws today.
I’m bringing my drill to fix things.

Have a good one!

From yesterdays walk, superclear water.
Good morning, all. Thanks for the refreshing cup of delight. I’m enjoying the cup, while sitting on the deck, listening to the birds sing.

It’s 62 and breezy, but will warm to 82, under partly cloudy skies.

This was delivered last evening at 8:45 PM. Sorta late for a Walmart driver. Out here in the boonies, we usually set up the perimeter trip wires at dark.


My first thought was, “Dang, that’s a lot of oil.” but I realized that it‘s only enough for the 7 quarts in the F250, 7 in the Trailblazer, 4 in the ST, and still 1 quart left over to spill.

@Upt' North If there's a bustle in your hedgerow, don't be alarmed now

I wont, it'll just be a spring clean for the May Queen.
There's a stairway to heaven, but it's a highway to hell. So choose carefully!

And always make important choices AFTER coffee. DAMHIK.

Need to find a seam roller still to glue the kitchen wallpaper down flat, couldn't believe the box store didn't have any. Is wallpaper that out of fashion? I wouldn't know, as decorating isn't my jam -- unless farkling motorbikes can be considered "decorating."

Yesterday I rode the GSA around town for errands and picking up little things, as Roz is still feeling puny with her bronchopneumonia. Somehow the errands took a little longer than they really should have.

The bike was put behind bars while I was out and about.

GSA behind bars.jpg

No, actually I was on the patio at Applebee's eating lunch, and they must have put up the steel railing, fearing I might fall off my chair.

I guess.

Sunny and warm in the Magic City. Winter has left the building, and I say good riddance. Don't let the door hit you in your little Fahrenheits, on the way out.
Good morning, all, and thank you kindly for the coffee, Martin!

It's going to be grey, wet and dreary here all day, which is unfortunate, as it will also be the warmest day of spring so far. The current temp is 9°C/48°F, but the high will be 21°C/70°F, with the humidity factor making it feel a few degrees warmer. We had one helluva thunderstorm system roll through in the wee hours of the morning, and it lasted quite a while. Over a background of constant, rumbling thunder and quite the light show, two fast-moving, heavy-duty storm cells came through, delivering torrential rain, blinding lightning and deafening thunderclaps. First such storm of the season. The leaves on the trees and hedges are finally starting to come out, though, so last night's and today's moisture, combined with the warm temperature, should quicken the process and have things greening up nicely. Aaaah, spring. Hard to believe it snowed just a few days ago!

Everyone have a great day, stay safe and go safely.

Overcast, snow on the roofs, ground is soaked from two days of rain / snow, body aches from the dampness, 36f degrees, but the coffee tastes good this morning, giving some relief from the early morning symptoms of almost 75 years tripping around the sun. Gotta love sunny dry Colorado. Thanks for the coffee Martin, sure needed that first cup to get going today.
good morning all. thanks for the coffee Martin. 51F on the dog walk with a clear sky, a bright moon and stars to enjoy. yesterdays open house at the gym went well. we stayed after lunch to hear a speaker that as dedicated her life to the research of exercise and Parkinson. it was informative and helped me understand my journey with Parkinson's. today we are off to Coolidge for dog training this morning. the high should see 81F. enjoy the day.

stay safe
Morning all! 7C and rain/overcast. Some sun and 11C is promised for later but we'll see.

Father in laws birthday celebration was a success yesterday. Which was a nice reward for all the running around. He's a great guy so it was a pleasure.

Not sure what the day holds other than assisting our daughter remove furniture from her old apartment to the dump. We'll get it loaded at least and then the dump may have to wait for next weekend as they're closed Sundays. Seems a bit weird to be closed on one of the two days that folks have available to get stuff there but mine is not to fathom the ways of the silly service.

Hope everyone has a great day, at least we know you won't get down in the dump!
Good morning all!
Thanks for the start Martin!

It appears that Keith is enjoying his ride!
Nice pictures!

SToo that beach looks lovely!

Obo must still be on his new machine!
They are a joy! My pal tells me his DCT is a rocket in sport mode!

Last nights get together was great! It’s very hard to put old faces to names from years ago!!

James had me stumped! He was a young whippersnapper that worked for me, he was a damn good millwright but a real handful to deal with! He had me stumped when he called me by name & gave me a bear hug! His face was beaming and full of devilment when he realized I couldn’t place him! It was awesome!

We had a whole tableful of mostly trades, with people coming to say hello all evening. Of course there are many people that were missing due to their demise! That was the only sad note to the whole evening!

Warm & beautiful here in Woodstock!
Enjoy your Sunday!
Morning Martin & All from mostly sunny, Southern Utah!

Currently it is 37F, heading for 63F. No winds at the moment, but later we'll see them out of the NNW @ 9 to 14mph.

I'm trying to locate all the FARKLEs parts and pieces I had for the 2010, so i can put them on the 2004. I do have the Bluesea hooked up with a 50 amp relay and fuse, along with my home made harness that goes to the front of the bike. I also mounted the horn and the headlight modulator, but I will probably have to come up with some different wiring, because I can't make heads or tails out of the stuff I took off the 2010! :think1:


Lazyman's breakfast, Pepsi to come later!

Anyone :bl13:, have a great day on the roads! :hat3:
Stretch....'s morning alright.

Thanks for the start up.
Nice and sunny and cool this morning. Mocha in hand, soon to be on porch tossing a rubber frisbee for the old dog to catch.
Doesn't get much better.

Hope everyone has a good one too.
Evenin' all and thanks for the early get go Martin.

Obo must still be on his new machine!

Last nights get together was great! It’s very hard to put old faces to names from years ago!!

Well Whiskers, you might not have remembered a face but you got the other bit right.

Mrs. Obo wanted a maiden ride (no, not that kind....) so we decided to give it a go around the block. I felt confident my 135km home yesterday gave me some sort of proficiency on the new steed. Well, when we ended up home about 5 hours later the odo said 418km. Only good thing is 600km is the break in period, so I've been babying it... well other than a short speed stability test yesterday.

Weather was decent, being mostly sunny and around 14C. Only a few driplets fell from the heavens before we stopped for supper. For 2 up traveling, the Wing is superior to STella. One up though is still TBA. They are very different beasts.

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