Sunday February 25th Café.

Feb 25, 2016
Northumberland UK
VStrom 650
2 months since Christmas, where did that go and where's Martin this morning with the coffee. Pffffffftttttt.
I'll put some French Roast and Crepes out. Help ya'selves.
It's a cool one and will probably stay that way, not much wind or precipitation to worry about.
I need spring, I really need spring. Who doesn't, right.
I haven't got a clue what the day will bring, but it'll be some'at or t'other.
But nothing will happen until more coffee is made, poured and enjoyed. It is Sunatursday afterall.
I might have a Pepsi somewhere too.
Av a gud un and remember, get your meat out for later.
Yay me duck I'll take some of those crepes!

I'm turning a page in life today.
I'm going back to one of my first loves.
I bought a 1966 Chevy G10 van.
Objective: restore and hotrod to whatever point I can afford.
Just about every part for it is available on line and
that has become an anxiety defeater for sure.
Pics and/or videos will follow as I trek along this path.

Y'all have a great day!


Already noon over here... :biggrin:

Woke up around midnight due to a significant itch between my shoulder blades, so bad that I'd actually embedded it into a dream which I've forgotten by now... :oops:
Instead running outside looking for a tree to pull a Baloo/Grizzly dance, I stumbled downstairs to grab my telescopic back-scratcher.... AHHH! Much better... ;)
Back to sleep I went...

Got up at 0630AM, very foggy, almost frosty outside with chilling 1°C/34°F...

Slurped a mug till GF joined about an hour later...
Stuffed from yesterday's family event, only a small breakfast consisting of another cup and two thin slices of Nußstrudel... :cool:
Mulled over the idea of starting the big service on her NT700VA, but terminated it over the fact that we first need to do a stock inventory... (otherwise I order double and triple...)
Tires, brakes, valves, fork oil, the whole shebang... (same on my ST later on, at least before the summer...)
wrote down a parts list, will drop by the hangar on our way to my place in the afternoon...

Will let the Sunday pass by peacefully...

you all have a good one!
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Good Morning All!
I'll have a mug of Pffffffftttttt this morning - and some of that crepy stuff too!
Thanks, Ray for a marvellouso STart again.

@STinner Dave, I definitely want to see those pics alright. The 60's were the "Van Years". Never be the same.

Beginning our trek back to the ranch today. A mug of Pffffffftttttt and some avocado and we're on our way....we've only just begun....
Wife said I snored all night and gave her a headache. Ugh -
I've felt crappy on and off this trip. I think I picked up a stomach bug.
Sometimes they jump up and get on you - insidious little b*******

So we'll see what going on in the world from the rolling window and perhaps stop a time or two for some drone work.
Right now another mug please...

Y'all have a winderfall day!
Good morning everyone

Thanks for the French roast Ray, and for the crepes too. Some tart cherry pie filling and a dollop of sour cream over the top would make my life breakfast complete.

It's 22°F in Rockville- definitely more "winter" than "spring"- but at least the sky is clear and it'll be sunny all day so there's that. The high could be around 46.

Mrs. Fun wants me to accompany her to the National Japanese American Memorial today, so that one of us can photograph the other in various places around the installation. She needs a person in the photos for scale, she says, and rejected the idea of taking and using either my four- or six-foot ruler as a substitute for a person. She's already got dozens of photos of the memorial that include people so I dunno why she needs more of them now, other than it's got something to do with the title page or overleaf artwork for the graphic novel she's been collaborating on for the past 18 months or so.

When I'm not either taking photos or posing and being photographed, I'll continue work on her sewing center.

Stay safe and well everyone and tell your dear ones you love them.
Mornin’ y’all. Thanks for the coffee and skinny pancakes this morning, Ray.

25 this morning, going to 64. Cloudy and breezy forecast.

Well, I made it home from my little excursion, yesterday. It started with a 4:00 AM check in at the Nashville airport and ended, back home at 10:30 PM. Included in the trip was the flight to Philly and a 13 hour, 825 mile drive home. Thanks to @Willsmotorcycle for finding the truck, I was looking for. Seems he had it all along.

One more cup, and I’ll go get Teddy from my daughter and take him for a ride to see if he approves.


Good morning, and thanks for the coffee and crepes, Ray.

It's sunny and 13 in MA this morning, and the temperature will rise to around 39, later.

We dropped off our tax info yesterday, since they were having a system outage, and it didn't seem to make sense to stick around.
Since we were in Worcester, anyway, we dropped by the RV and Outdoor exhibition.
We're toying with the idea of living in an RV while our house is refurbed, and also for our track work. We'll need to wait on the taxes, though.
It was a small-ish expo, and we were through in about 1/2 hour.

Today, we'll hang out around the house and have dinner, later.
Brenda and I were talking about pancakes for breakfast, but when she checked, the mix was about 2 years out of date.
French Toast, it is!

Have a great day,
Good morning everyone

Thanks for the French roast Ray, and for the crepes too. Some tart cherry pie filling and a dollop of sour cream over the top would make my life breakfast complete.

It's 22°F in Rockville- definitely more "winter" than "spring"- but at least the sky is clear and it'll be sunny all day so there's that. The high could be around 46.

Mrs. Fun wants me to accompany her to the National Japanese American Memorial today, so that one of us can photograph the other in various places around the installation. She needs a person in the photos for scale, she says, and rejected the idea of taking and using either my four- or six-foot ruler as a substitute for a person. She's already got dozens of photos of the memorial that include people so I dunno why she needs more of them now, other than it's got something to do with the title page or overleaf artwork for the graphic novel she's been collaborating on for the past 18 months or so.

When I'm not either taking photos or posing and being photographed, I'll continue work on her sewing center.

Stay safe and well everyone and tell your dear ones you love them.
I can comply with both your requests Mr.Fun. He's very demanding. Pffffffftttttt.
Strange innit? Using a person as scale. We all do it but it's only any use to those that know the person. The person could be anything from a dwarf to a giant of a man. I'd take your ruler too.
Morning all and thanks for the coffee Ray.

I've been worried now as for at least two days you've stated your weather by descriptor but without empirical values. Are you in denial or did the thermometer break?

@STinner the last of your photos falls into place.... and good on you. Are you going to theme paint the new-to-you machine that way too, or it it still a mystery how it turns out?


As for weather here, I have both descriptors and empirical values: sunny and clear, -14C, windchill of -16C, headed to -6C with a windchill of -10C.

Laundry room painting continues today followed by replacement of the washer and dryer when that's done. Then the crack fill in the downstairs basement will need sanding. I feel like @Paul with the house repairs. Luckily though they don't involve moving into a trailer.

Hope everyone has an excellent Sunday regardless of what you find yourselves up to or into.
Good morning all, and thanks for the coffee and delectable crepes, Ray!

The sun is, once again, shining merrily on high today. It's still cold this morning, but not as bad as yesterday...and the next warm-up starts this afternoon. It's currently -10°C/14°F with a feels-like of -16°C/3°F, and we'll get all the way up to -1°C/30°F later (windchill -6°C/21°F). We have noticeably more daylight now, and the light itself is changing (the sun's getting stronger) so that, at least, feels like a harbinger of spring. I haven't seen or heard any robins yet, but soon, methinks.

@Nashcat: Nice-looking truck, John! Enjoy! Let us know what Teddy thinks.

Everyone have a great day, stay safe and go safely.

Morning all and thanks for the coffee Ray.

I've been worried now as for at least two days you've stated your weather by descriptor but without empirical values. Are you in denial or did the thermometer break?

@STinner the last of your photos falls into place.... and good on you. Are you going to theme paint the new-to-you machine that way too, or it it still a mystery how it turns out?


As for weather here, I have both descriptors and empirical values: sunny and clear, -14C, windchill of -16C, headed to -6C with a windchill of -10C.

Laundry room painting continues today followed by replacement of the washer and dryer when that's done. Then the crack fill in the downstairs basement will need sanding. I feel like @Paul with the house repairs. Luckily though they don't involve moving into a trailer.

Hope everyone has an excellent Sunday regardless of what you find yourselves up to or into.
Oooooh, I didn't have a clue what a Chevy Van was but I like that. It's dimensions look European but who knows if there's no midget standing next to it. I mean if you had a midget standing next to a MG Midget the car would look enormous.
Looks like
Mornin’ y’all. Thanks for the coffee and skinny pancakes this morning, Ray.

25 this morning, going to 64. Cloudy and breezy forecast.

Well, I made it home from my little excursion, yesterday. It started with a 4:00 AM check in at the Nashville airport and ended, back home at 10:30 PM. Included in the trip was the flight to Philly and a 13 hour, 825 mile drive home. Thanks to @Willsmotorcycle for finding the truck, I was looking for. Seems he had it all along.

One more cup, and I’ll go get Teddy from my daughter and take him for a ride to see if he approves.


Looks like you dropped on with the truck, looks peachy. But how big is it :rofl1:.
good morning all. thanks for the coffee and crepes Ray. 54F on the dog walk with a sky full of clouds and a bright moon lighting up the back side of the clouds. we did some dry wall repair yesterday and have some finish work to do today. a little sanding and then paint. can't wait till the painting starts, that means the dusty stuff is done. we should see 85F today for the high. looks like there is going to be an A/C check today or tomorrow. A/C check tomorrow there will be to much dust in the air from sanding dry wall. enjoy the day

stay safe
Thx Ray, and good afternoon!

The weekend has been filled with family events on Mrs Stus’ side.
We even had four of them sleeping over.
Nice to chat with grownups for a change.

Went for a three hour walk up in the hills.
Pizza for dinner, Mrs Stu is with her family.

4c/39f, calm and overcast.

Have a good one!

Hill situation today…….this is the islands water supply….
Morning all! 8C and rain. We may get up to 10C. And rain. Though trees and other foliage are starting to bud.

Today will be bits and bobs, this and that, to and fro. With a nap.

I am being informed that while it may be a bit early, the dogs believe that breakfast now, like right now, would be a very good idea.

Hope everyone has a great day!
Early morning all......
Thanks for the morning goodnesses Ray......

Overcast and about 42 this morning. Looks like a February morning.

Finished the big pruning of the peach trees yesterday. Will do a bit more when they put on baby peaches and I need to thin them.
Also got all the pine needles burned out of the decorative rocks, and last years wild sunflowers pulled and staged for burning.

No plans today, cause it's a Sunday.
Go have yourselves a Sunday kinda day.
Morning Ray & All from sunny, Southern Utah!

Currently it is 32F, heading for 60F. No winds as of yet, but later we should see them out of the SW @ 16 to 18mph.

So, another funeral. Chris's cousin was put to rest yesterday. It was about 150 miles away, so Chris wanted to go. It was a small one. Mostly folks from his mom's side of the family, so Chris represented his "father's" side of the family. Chris was glad she went, being able to spend some time with her two cousins that she hadn't seen in years.

On our way home, we came down Hwy 89, what a great motorcycle road! :thumb: Too bad we were in the truck! LOL One one point, some dude in a truck, pulling a trailer was riding my tail, so I pulled over to let him by. Two or three miles after that we saw him hitting his brakes! Four deer had ran out in front of him, thank goodness, he didn't hit any of them. If I wouldn't have let him by, we might have been right there when they ran across the road! :eek:

The rest of the trip home was uneventful, there was a lot of snow up in the mountains, the route we came back on!

Lazyman's breakfast. Pepsi to come later!

Anyone :dr13:, have a great day on the roads! :hat3:
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