Sunday! Sunday! May 26

Dec 26, 2019
Bahama, North Carolina USA
2003 ST1300
Ah! Awaken ye from thy reverie and partake of the vast array of goodies!
Coffee in abundance. Donuts of many varieties.
All mugs are available.

Well heck! Clouds are forming over the Piedmont and @Nashcat 's storms are headed our way!
Severe outbreaks are anticipated - Nothing offered to lessen the outbreaks.
So that's it then - we're doomed.

Well, doomed or not, we had a lovely time last night at the bonfire.
Lots of Bahama-ites showed up to eat and share stories of adventure!
Always good to see everyone and ratchetjaw.

Hmmm, I wonder what's on the schedule for today?
Howzabout youse? Any thoughts?

Y'all have a wonnafulll day!

Good morning everyone

Thanks for the coffee Nick. Looking at that map from the Hyperbole Channel I'm glad I got home last night, even though it involved driving 30 mph with my hazard flashers on through a frog-strangler kind of rain. Missouri doesn't need any more of that nonsense for a while but it looks like they're getting it anyhow.

It's 65°F and mostly cloudy in Rockville. Unlike future days "There will be mostly sunny skies." according to the Windows weather app thingy. It also says the high will be around 86 and that it will be humid.

It's wind-down and recovery day after the long drive home from St. Louis. Stuff to unpack, stuff to clean up, stuff to put away... you know the drill.

Stay safe and well everyone and tell your dear ones you love them.
Mornin' NIckster. Glad there was more ratchet jaw and less lockjaw, not to be confused with lip locking.

That leads to outbreaks of something far less desirable. As long as no pineapples were upside down, you're good. Unless you like upside down pineapples.

Upside down pineapple cake is different though and OK for all mixed company.....

No matter your preference, the coffee is good. Thanks for that and the donuts. They almost taste like a rolled up eclair.

And a great morning to all the rest of you as well!

10C and foggy currently, headed to only 16C and cloudy. Think today involves installing concrete forms for my patio repair pour. Maybe I should preemptively take some ibuprofen. :)

Other than that, I too do not know what they day will hold, but I await if with optimism and hopefulness. Hope all you do too. I mean all you within a days ride of @Nashcat should be salivating already about the brisket!

And what would a "sunday-sunday-sunday-may" be without a bit more randomness to break up the structure "the man" imposes on us? Here's atcha then: Wisdom is easily acquired when hiding under the bed with a saucepan on your head.

Truer saucy words may never have been spoken.

Seize it, enjoy it, use it all up.

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Hello internet, a pleasant one to everyone out there... ;)

A novelty: slept in really well today... unusual, but snored till almost 0900... refreshing...
(despite the slight tinnitus I'd suffered from the event she'd dragged me to last night... :oops: )

The silent swoosh of a downpour finally woke me, watched it fading while sipping my delicious Capriccio...
Should be the last rainfall for this week, till next weekend of course...
24°C, damp, slight haze, should turn into a nice day...

GF outside in ze garden, doing GF things...
Picking obnoxious mushroom bodies out the grass, snapping rice bugs off her flowers, rummaging in the shed, rearranging things...
She went on a € 500,- Amazon shopping spree last week, all stuff delivered to my workplace, so I'd a car full of boxes we'd to carry in, unpack, assemble...
like a 2 Person coffee/glass-plate breakfast table/chairs arrangement... seems she's keen on enjoying breakfast outside, having to swat bugs... ;)
She OTOH was smart enough this week to stop at the Louis branch, picking up Iridium plugs for our trusty steeds... on sale:
NGK CPR8EAIX-9 (NT700), € 14.99,-/piece (normally 20,- retail)
NGK CR8EHIX-9 (ST1100), € 12,99,-/piece (normally 18,- retail)
So we'll be exploring Scotland on high-tech sparks this year... :cool:

Uoops... I'm up, carrying that table/seat thing out... C U later...
Morning, all. Thanks for the coffee,Nick.

Currently sitting on the deck, enjoying the coffee, under overcast skies. Rain is predicted, off and on, for most of the day, resulting in a flood watch for low lying areas. When I first read the warning, I was somewhat concerned. Without my glasses, I thought it said “low life” areas.

It’s 68 damp degrees, which evidently is the preferred conditions for cicadas to start their daily screaming. Teddy tried eating one yesterday, and evidently they don’t have the flavor profile that he was looking for.

Morning all! Unconscionably early this morning yet again. 9C with rain which appears to be the forecast weather for the day along with a high of 13C. Indoor puttering and cutting it is.

Yesterday's dance recital was good. The kids did an amazing job and the preschoolers were suitably adorable. The only downside was that the seats were so cramped I spent the first half in pain because I couldn't stretch out my legs causing my knees to protest loudly. Thankfully at intermission, a kind usher permitted us to move to the disabled section at the back with plush armchairs and enough room to stretch out. I was so comfortable, I nearly drifted off. Fortunately, my wife has sharp elbows :D.

Received word from the vendor that my airbag vest has finally shipped and should arrive on Wednesday. A little extra peace of mind for the daily (sort of) commute.

Hope everyone has a great day!
Good morning, and thanks for the coffee start, Nick.

It's partly cloudy and 60 in MA this morning, rising to 80 again with more sun.

Yesterday's Porsche day at the track went well. They put me at a corner that was new to me, and I was actually cool, due to the shade provided by the trees behine the station. Other than a couple of spin-outs, a Mazda left the track and hit the tires and wall behind them in the station before mine. As they were hauling it away, I looked for a license plate on it and found none, meaning it wasn't someone's daily ride, at least.

Today, we'll start again at noon and go till 6:00pm
Brenda and I will dine out, afterward.

Enjoy the day,
good morning all. thanks for the coffee Nick. 59F on the dog walk with no clouds to be seen, a star here and there and a bright moon to enjoy .
wife will go up to Coolidge for dog training this morning without me as I feel a little under the weather as I will apply ice/heat to my lower back. I just need a day to rest. I need to rest up as my Subaru parts will be here Tue and Wed and I don't take rolling around on the garage floor as well as I use to. the high today will see 93F. enjoy the day.

stay safe
And here we are...

today's lunch/brunch: Weisswurst... yummy...
Of course with the obligatory genuine sweet brown sugar mustard :cool:


My "swatting bugs" remark must have jinxed it, as in between bites she jumped up to perform some martial-arts moves... chasing & killing June bugs in the grass...
Something to observe... flip-flops are fierce, deadly weapons... if you're a bug... ;)

The robo mower remained unimpressed... rustling along its path, nibbling on the grass blades...
The new set of wheels really improved things...
Thanks for the Bahamian coffee Nick, and glad to see Keith returned home safely.

I have 2 days off now that I've finished yesterday's network work, and the office for the other job is closed tomorrow. Seems the flipping burger joints don't want to open tickets on holiday weekends, or at least don't have enough support staff back at HQ to assist.

Whatever their rationale, it surely works for me. Plenty to do around here, to occupy my time.

S'posed to have minimal rain chances here, but they blew their forecast yesterday, as no storms showed up, and the skies above me are equally divided between clouds and open blue-ness.

It will be hot again, flirting with 90F. Nice. It's MY favorite season, even if no one invited us to the lake this weekend.

My brother-in-law has decided to sell his sweet lake house (probably prompted by his new wife), and our nephew and nieces are exceedingly pissed, and I don't blame them. They were all expecting to take their own children up there, and thought they'd keep it in the family.

Everyone seems to need a bit of family drama now and again, right? First-world problems going on in this case... how many of us (except for @WhiskerBill who has a house on the ocean) would love to have a private getaway or retreat on the lake?

I'm raising my hand.

Meanwhile, I'll pour another coffee refill and see what I can start on next.

And let's stop for a second today and remember why it's called Memorial Day.
Good morning, all, and thanks for getting things rolling with coffee and donuts, Nick!

It was cool and rainy in Toronto yesterday, but mainly sunny conditions should prevail today with a high of 23C/73F. Every time I come to Toronto, I’m astounded at the sheer size and density of the place. Montreal is not a small city by any means, but Toronto is gargantuan by comparison. It really is the New York City of Canada. And a totally different culture - it’s like being in another country.

Anyway, it was great to have dinner and catch a movie with my bestie last night, and now I’m off to my niece’s baby shower.

Have a great day, everyone, stay safe and go safely.

Good morning all!
Thanks for the Sunday start Nick!

I wonder how that Wooler guy & his navigator are getting on? I thought he might sober up enough to drop us a line, but, I guess we’ll hear from him in due time!

@Sadlsor, you’re almost correct, our cottage is in Stokes Bay, which is on Lake Huron.The winter place is on a canal off Caloosahatchee River just above North Fort Myers.
Happy Sunday!

Dang, almost 11 hours of sack time.........aahhhhhh.

Morning all and thanks for the goodnesses. Bahama donuts....mmmmmmmmm

Sunny and getting a bit warmer here today, upper 60s and 70s tomorrow.
No plans today, but I am sure something will get done... sometime. Maybe.......

Keep your pans on your heads and enjoy Saturday day after........ And remember the fallen tomorrow!

... how many of us (except for @WhiskerBill who has a house on the ocean) would love to have a private getaway or retreat on the lake?


So does living on a "Riverboat" Count? I did it for a week, that was enough for me! TOO WET!

We are back, I'll fill in the details tomorrow, after I can recover some more! :box1:
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