Sure ST1100/1300 signs that winter is coming !!

Sep 22, 2015
Wasaga Beach, Ont. Canada
'04 ST1300 Blue STar
1. Cool weather cool-ant leaks. Loose clamps, and old hoses notice the temperature drops.

2. Battery starts to show it's age in cooler weather,, particularly if the garage isn't heated. My '04's clock forgot the time !

3. Tire pressure sags,,, and a top up is needed.

4. Winter maintenance and upgrades are planned.

Please help build the list !! CAt'
10. suddenly,, washing the bugs off the bike seems more urgent, cause who know's if this will be the last ride !!

11. You start to notice sale pricing on fuel stabilizer,,,
I stop using razor blades, and the face grows long.
The wife complains about it.
More consideration is given to what riding gear I wear in the morning, it's no longer grab the mesh jacket, the helmet and keys, and go.
I pick up a box of Swiss Miss instant chocolate at Costco. Gazing out the window while sipping a cup with the heat up I idly wonder who's out riding in 32º (F) weather and what's wrong with them. Then I remember I have some This Old House and Monk episodes to watch. Pass the Garibaldis please.
Huh, winter? What’s that?

Yesterday here was 81 and sunny- I’ll ride down as low as ~ 45 degrees or so (even with a heated vest and gloves but a lot of the time it’s just an extra layer and not turned on, nor are the gloves). It does get colder here from time to time but the daytime highs run ~ 55 or so even on the coldest days, so the bikes are never taken out of service just because it’s winter.
1. high temp in the 70s instead of the 80s

2. sun is a little lower in the sky, days are shorter

3. it MIGHT rain instead of it CAN'T rain

that's all I got.
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