The Gerson Miracle

Fortunet 1

May 7, 2010
Gilroy, Ca.
06 ST 1300
Last month I ran a thread titled "Lasting Benefits", that was received with mixed reactions. (what else is new) Several wrote that eating more fruits and vegetables was mainstay in their diet, while others commented it was too expensive to eat whole foods and thus they just couldn't bring themselves to eat healthier.
Another simply said that our lives have been lengthened, compared to generations past, despite the modern medicines that we complain about. I generally do not find any
merit in challenging others positions, or their lifestyles. In fact I find it really interesting how people live day to day, what they eat and their outlook on life.
As a youth I traveled through South America, after hitching rides with my thumb across the country twice. I lived in Alaska for a while, noticing the foods people ate everywhere I went. So my intentions are never to judge what people eat, but mostly out of curiosity and in helping my decision making.

In addition to doing allot of thinking about what I eat, and the consequences of what I eat, my attention was drawn to my parents health, who recently celebrated their 86th day apart. What concerned me was the amount of pills they were taking on a daily basis. Last year I was in attendance for their birthdays, in Minnesota and was witness to the madness that mixing pills can do for people who are more fragile than the most of us. I was awoken abruptly to the loud voice of my Father, screaming down the basement staircase that he needed a little help!
Running upstairs he lead me to the bathroom where my Mother lay on the floor motionless with her undies at her ankles. I didn't panic and laid a hand on her shoulder to roll her and check for vitals. I was pleasantly surprised to hear her say "What are you doing ?" Long story short, she was carted off by paramedics and recovered from the dizzy spell and low blood pressure. The drug roulette wheel had started spinning in my head. How could I help effect some change in their health direction without knowing squat about what pills they were taking for what reason?
Fortunately my Brother and family members, that live there, have the same concerns that I do and are working on solutions. The point here is that the decisions that I make today will have me either doing the same as them, or do I have better choices to avoid that scenario down the road .
I was going to just add this link, (at the bottom), to my other post ,but figured people tend not to go back to posts they have already read, and the thread wanders off into oblivion like the blowing leaves in fall.
My final words are to those folks that posted comments on "Lasting Benefits".
View this well done documentary and get back to me with a comment or two about
what you thought about this man Gerson, who during Germany's rise and fall claimed to have discovered the cure for cancer. To this day his relatives have carried on his diet cures, suppressed by the FDA in this country, and operating just south of San Diego in Mexico.
Hope you find it interesting !
While I take anyone hawking a specific brand of supplements with a grain of salt I have found that as I get older I crave stuff I never was interested in......

In our fridge you will find a jar with a chunk of Himala salt that gets sipped once a day...

Veggies are now best found from a backyard garden and served lightly steamed...

Meats are now selected for lack of fat content and are now the backdrop on the meal...

I agree that our diets are killing us.

Thanks for the post!
I too have taken a long look at our country's food recently. I teach in the agriculture department at our small university and have come to the conclusion (my opinion) that the food produced in America runs counter to our evolutionary existence. By that I mean we spent over one million years as Homo sapiens gathering and occasional hunting to provide nutrition for ourselves. Our physiology is not meant to eat "three square" a day but several small meals of mostly fruit, nuts, legumes, etc...mostly plant material.

Also, the food that we eat (highly processed) is both unsustainable and unhealthy. I began my journey into eating more raw foods because I was disturbed that I couldn't recognize any of the food I was eating as, well, food. This bothered me to the point that I have made a conscious effort to eat more raw, uncooked foods in my diet. I've lost 10 pounds, I feel better and I have more energy.

People like Gerson were on to something, so was Pauling and many other scientists in the 30's, 40's and 50's. Nutrition is barely taught in medical schools as we are in the era of "a pill for every ill" that is pushed by pharmaceutical companies. Simply put, there is no money to be made in educating people about the virtues of nutrition.

I haven't become a vegetarian or vegan yet and probably won't completely. But, I do plan on growing a garden this summer and learn how to can food grown in my own back yard. I'd like to be able to feed myself at least part of the year.

Good luck on your journey,
I did a search on Gerson,it doesn't tell us any more then we all ready know and do not want to do anything about it. There are many out there with his ideas and philosophy. I went back and read your Lasting Benefits and read a few posts it got off track some and very few realy cared what they eat and some excusses. To many people rely on modern meds to keep them going, it is the easy way. The magic bullet pill. We have become complacent and lazy. There are people that develope health issues, that can not be helped, but you are what you eat.
I have been in agriculture all my life, garden raised food fresh and canned, feed out our own beef drink raw milk and worked manual labor all the time outside in all kind of weather. I retired at the age 59 just about two yrs. ago. We still eat from the garden and feed out our own beef. I exercise two hours aday and still do manual labor most of the day. I have been blessed to be able to live a life like this and still be out in the country.
Anyone being healthy and eating right staying in shape does not mean they will not get sick or get cancer. It's all in the cards or game of luck or what ever you want to call it. If you abuse your body your chances maybe sooner then the next guy.
My life style gives me quality of life each day that is what I want. I want to grow old with my wife, see my kids grow old, my grandkids grow up and be able to shoot hoops, play catch, fish, hunt and be an old wise loving husband, dad,grandpa, and God willing a greatgrandpa. Everything else is just extras I can live with out even the ST1300.
The one part about his lifestyle I will not take part of, coffee... umm... internal rinsing. I watched a special on Netflix about him and his daughters clinics in Mexico.

Not playing Devils Advocate, but, didn't Steve Jobs try some of this instead of traditional therapy for his cancer before passing? Just asking.
Listened to a local radio show yesterday, A Dr. from Cleveland was touting much the same info. Claims folks returned to health once they spent time on a strict regimen.

NO meat, not even chicken (nothing with a face), no oils (not even olive oil), no dairy. He was a cancer doctor but sez his research is most benefit to heart patients. Treatment (heart surgery, stints, etc.) is not a cure. Claims his regimen cures the problem is caught soon enuff and followed closely.

Most realistic claim, curing the heart problems also clears up erectile dysfunction. Getting rid of arterial plaque works all over the body.

I take it all with a grain of salt. If these guys are right, that's a big part of my problem. :D
Good health is a cause and effect relationship based in part on proper nutrition. The western diet is toxic and is the primary cause of disease in normally healthy people in 'developed countries.' There is a tipping point in the body's ability to return to homostasis; once you go beyond that point it doesn't matter what remedy you try to bring it back to good health.

Several patients on the film were way past the "Tipping Point", in fact one lady had been given a very short time to live, recovered and lived years past the Doctors predictions. The clinic had a 90% full recovery
record as well. What I found really interesting was the area covering meat consumption and what happens to the red blood cells...sticking to each other like stacks of coins. And the fat clumps floating around in
next to the clumped up cells. Also the comparison of digestive stomachs the meat eating animals have. Our system is so much longer and freaks out trying to deal with meat. Added to that the hormones and such thats added to the meat, there is no wonder we get ill with cancers , etc. Very good documentary I thought.

Sherob: That would be a good research item to find out just what kind of treatment Steve Jobs undertook. Many famous people try science and medicine, while others a more holistic approach.
Paul: Im not too sure about your first sentence. I guess you are referring to learned people. As a whole I dont think the majority of people really understand what processed foods, soda pop, etc. really
do accumulatively inside of us. If you watched a film such as this do you really think you would change NOTHING in how you eat. To be honest I will be eating WAY less meat after viewing it.
Secondly your statement: "Anyone eating right...doesnt mean they will not get sick or get cancer." Ok a little challenge hear. One can "appear" to be eating right. Home grown spuds, home grown
corn, fresh unpasturized milk, your own range fed beef. All would appear to be wholesome "eating right" meals. But without researching what the table salt does, what the milk does, what the meat
does clinging in edges of the colon...etc, etc. This is one claim that the lady claimed to be true, that she does NOT get sick or ill doing the full vegetable juice diet. I want to ask you Paul if you watched
the film. If you did not we are only talking your own opinion and I was hoping to draw from those that did view the film. I did like the fact that you have joined the conversation though.

Mike: Thanks. You seem to know allot about this subject. Hope you will watch the film as well.

Concours Grad : "I agree that our diets are killing us. " I digress . People just diont realize just how bad the stuff is thats going in, and what its doing to them. They NEED to watch films like this.
"I cant afford to eat good wholesome food" One said in Lasting Benefits. Did you hear that the Gerson lady, on the film, say she saved something like 90 k in health insurance.
Now I know nobody is gonna drop their health insurance tio go on this diet, but the point is that she Is SO SURE of the healing properties of this diet that she was willing to forgo
any health insurance and concentrate her attention to self healing. No eye glass's, and fit as someone 20 yrs younger. Now THATS amazing !! Something to be said there.
Gearge: I think there IS something miraculous about this that people overlook due to the overwhelming unhealthy choices out there, and the suppression of this healthy information.
Noted in the film was when the radio station host announced the cure for cancer was found. It caused a huge reaction by (we didnt find out who) and he was fired immediately .
If they find a natural substance in the jungles of Africa that the natives used to say "cures three things"..and it works 100% of the time. The US/FDA will harvest it and make it
into a drug form, with half its potency and patent it. It just never comes down to natural cures being brought out without FDA stepping in. THAT is precisely why the Gerson Clinic
is just over the boarder in Mexico. Not because she does shady work, but because it works, and the FDA will have none of that in the US.
Thanks to all who have engaged in this great conversation of healing, diet and freedom of choices ! Keep it up !

GEORGE: I LOVED this> "If these guys are right....Thats a big part of my problem."
Here's the message I got after clicking on the link. 1st time I ever seen a message like that. :shrug2:

Sorry, currently our video library can only be watched from within the United States

Hulu is committed to making its content available worldwide. To do so, we must work through a number of legal and business issues, including obtaining international streaming rights. Know that we are working to make this happen and will continue to do so. Given the international background of the Hulu team, we have both a professional and personal interest in bringing Hulu to a global audience.

If you'd like, please leave us your email address and the country in which you live, and we will email you when our videos are available in your area.

This subject can be cussed and discussed to death. Eat correctly in moderation and exercise, there is no magic bullet.
The number one food for life given to all mammals is raw milk from a women to a cow.
I am not pushing any opinions here, God gave us animals to eat and soil to grow food from seed, if this food is not altered by man which much of it is, is good for us and healthy.
I will not alter my life style due to my good health from eating correctly and being very active. I monitor my body all the time, I watch what goes in and I observe and smell every thing that goes out. If somehting isn't right I find out why.
Everyone is looking for a magic bullet.
No I did not watch all the film, I would like to know how many people it did not help.
Every college has done research on meat, eggs, vegies, nuts, fruit and every thing else and come up with this, one month it is bad for you the next month it is good for you.
Eat correctly in moderation the things God gave us and life will be good. That is what I live by and I keep life simple.
This is all my opinion the size of a grape seed.
Humans will always seek. There very well may be merit in altering/monitoring diet.
What is truly important? Man does not live by bread alone.
Man lives and dies.
Wisdom dictates that one should heed the needs of one's soul.

Where did the last three sentences come from? Are not we talking about the film ? Lets start a new thread on ones soul. lol
There is LOTS of info in this forum on maintaining and repairing the ST motorcycle. I would say the instructions are well appreciated, concise, and gives the user a guide to make
his own repairs easier to do himself. Having Information at your finger tips is a wonderful thing, and has changed the way we do things dramatically.
Wisdom dictates that the ST will eventually wear out, but in this forum we try to make it last as long as possible. The discussion here is not so much about which oil to use in
the ST (holly smokes, not another oil thread) but interesting findings contained in the film that some (dare I say many) may find very useful to them.

Allot of the information that is in this film is not new, and is smothered by the volumes of non healthy foods available in the stores, as well as the FDA (and its financial backers)
A cross section of the US population exposes that most are NOT seekers.... We overeat and are lazy until we develop symptoms and results of our eating habits, then are given drugs to
suppress those symptoms. That's what keeps the pharmaceutical industry pumping and alive. See this film>
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