Thursday February 29th Café.

Feb 25, 2016
Northumberland UK
VStrom 650
To celebrate, we'll have some French Roast and the Twisty Choc Pastries are in the oven. When will we sit down next for a Thursday 02 29 coffee and chin wag? No there's a thought.
The day has started bright enough with a bit of a blow in the trees. Cool and February'ish.
I am sporting a cracked noggin this morning, there was claret everywhere, don't walk through a 6' entrance when you're 4" taller. You'll need A and E she said; Ethel, just put some pressure on it, let's not make a pantomime out of a drama. Pffffffftttttt.
Just incase you're wondering it's 50 miles each way to A and E and who needs stitches in their head? Pass the superglue!
Today will see us stock up on grub at Alnwick upon the Aln and I will be "careful". Pffffffftttttt.
We discussed that the other day, remember, someone will always say be careful 5 seconds too late. The prophesy didn't fail us.
Av a gud un and remember, it's all happening in Texas today.

Warm winds blowing,
Heating blue sky,
And a road that goes forever,
I'm going to Texas.
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Thx for the coffee, the twisted things and the Chris Rea quote Ray!
You must have hit your head really hard.
Don’t make any big decisions today…

7˚c/45f, wind and rain.
I’m taken by force to the nearest city for a burger lunch later….
It will take hours of shopping to get there…pfffft.

Have a good one!

Trail is wet these days
Good Morning Caffinators and Head Bangers!
Ahhh, a nice cuppa with a twist - I'm OK with that one!

Guess what - windy here too. The wind must've gone all the way 'round Northumberland, past Norway and come back to little 'ole NC.
Trees were bending and complaining yesterday as the rain fell but thankfully no dà-mage...

After pouring thru two tractor manuals yesterday, I found the issue with Mr. Tractor's backhoe speed problem (too fast).
He's missing an orifice! Can you imagine missing an orifice? Sad and shocking - off to the parts department I go.
While your thinking about that, have a frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!

Good morning everyone

Thanks for the twisted thingies and the coffee Ray. Sorry to hear you whacked your noggin.

Yesterday morning the car was covered with the first pollen dusting of the upcoming season. Today it's covered with... frost. The times, they are a-changin' but you can get whiplash if you try to keep up.

Yesterday started at 58 and got to almost 70 under sullen, threatening skies that did eventually produce a considerable amount of rain, but fortunately there was a three and a half hour window of no rain which coincided perfectly with our scheduled golf time. We saw only a handful of other groups scattered around the course, so it was the most private and leisurely round we've ever played. Also the speediest, at about 3.5 hours from first tee to final putt.

Today, by contrast, it's 30°F in Rockville and completely clear, with wind enough to sway the treetops. We expect full sun and a high around 47, but the pollen count is still very high:

I can attest to that: my eyes were itching when I went to bed Monday night, a sure sign of airborne allergens.

It'll be a day on the workshop, continuing to work on Mrs. Fun's sewing center.

Stay safe and well everyone, tell your dear ones you love them, and for goodness sake don't go bashing your head on door frames (or anything else, for that matter).
Good morning, and thanks for the coffee, Ray.

Did it require a carpenter, after you made your “entrance”? Asking for a friend. :rofl1:

28/49 and some afternoon rain, after yesterdays high of 72. Tennessee may be the only state where you’re shirtless, wearing flip-flops and shorts, sweating your butt off, while covering your plants to prevent frost damage.

Morning all and thanks for the coffee Ray.

Glad you have such a hard head!

Happy Leap Day to everyone. It's named after another famous person, Leap Erickson, a nurse explorer who reached America March 1st but needed to do it by the end of February to get his pay bonus so he invented February 29th. When questioned by upper hospital management he covered his arse by saying, well in America it happens every 4 years.

As a result it's celebrated by all salary employees by working without pay that day. Huzzah!

As for weather last night's wild storm didn't disappoint, with wild winds and torrential rains. The power went out just after 1am, if my flashing clock is correct. Mrs. Obo woke me to say I had overslept by 45 minutes due to the clock now being wrong. <shrug> As the temps have dropped to freezing, the wind whipped torrential rains are now blizzard wet snow. Roads are either closed due to flooding, icy, or coated in massive amounts of gravel from wash outs. Schools are all closed as are some businesses. Guess they get to celebrate Leap's achievements at home, still without pay. A flash freeze warning is in effect as temps quickly plummet from the current 0C to -13C. The whipping wind will make that feel like -22C. Just like walking though a short door with a tall head, it's going to be a wild ride so best sit down for a bit.

Hope everyone has a great day and remembers not to learn through the school of hard knocks.

As Nick pointed out, open orifices will make you speedy,

Good morning, everyone, and thanks for the coffe start, Ray.
Hope your head and the door are doing better!

It's sunny and 24 in MA this morning, rising to 30, later.
The wind will pick up...20-30 mph, later.

I'll head out to the gym in a bit, and then on to do some last-minute shopping and packing before our trip.
I managed to turn the mail off, and notify the police that we'd be gone, yesterday.

Enjoy the day,
Life has returned to normal, the weather not so much. What I mean is, I bought a new coffee pot last night, and it had gone up 5 bucks over the decade and a half since my old new one, and there was no full-size pot without a timer.

And a 5-cup coffee pot? Why, so I can brew two pots before I even get outta the house? There were a few of those size, but I just sneered at them and kept looking. And the fancy ones for over a hundred dollars? I grimaced at those, and kept looking. All I want is an appliance with a pump and a water heater. Geez, people.

Good morning all, and thanks for pouring hot water over coffee grounds this morning, Ray. I ran half a pot of plain water through this one first, in case it was going to taste like plastic. Then the first pot of coffee is just fine.

So while not as dramatic as knocking my head on a door frame, my own non-injurious drama of yesterday is well and completely resolved.

So after getting home last night, I watched more videos about the HEX ezCAN, and now it looks like there are NO wires to run to the turn signals, brake and tail lights... these functions are simply controlled by software in the ezCAN, so I only need the harness to go from the ezCAN to the signal wires on the trailer. And of course, I already have that. The ezCAN should arrive Monday.

All so strange, and conflicting information from every direction. A bit unsettling, and we know I'm not the first to ever put a trailer on a CANBUS system. But I will document it all, for those like me who must have the answers before venturing off into unknown electrical territory.

Yesterday was our Spring Teaser, 60s in the morning with 70s in the afternoon. Here it is in the 40s, inching to the 50s later. Rain tomorrow, but could clear for a dualsport ride with the North Alabama Riders from ADVrider. On my street tires. And potential muddy hills.

Not ideal, but ya gotta start somewhere. So I guess I'll start getting ready for work.

With coffee from a new coffee pot.

Y'all enjoy the Leapy Day.
Good morning all, and thanks for the coffee and chocolaty twisties, Ray! Now, stop bashing your head on things. Honestly, what ARE we going to do with you?!

The wind howled all night long and is still howling now, delivering gusts of 60 kph (39 mph). The day will be clear (too windy for clouds) and very cold. It is currently -12°C/10°F with a feels-like of -22°C/-8°F, and the mercury will struggle its way up to -8°C/18°F with a windchill of -18°C/0°F. That's a little brrrr for my taste, especially after the taste of spring we just had. Oh well, it'll warm up again.

I'll be off to see the rheumatologist this aft to try to figure out why my autoimmune system is trying to kill me. Everyone have a great day, stay safe, go safely, and you might consider putting "height clearance" signs up on your doors.

good morning all. thanks for the coffee Ray, hope your head is ok. 47F on the dog walk. the road was wet from a rain that came and went some time in the middle of the night. the stars and moon made for a nice sky to see as I walked. need a trip to Lowes for some plumbing parts to fix the kitchen sink drain. I will see what the day brings after the sink repair. the high should see 69F. enjoy the day

stay safe
Happy Leap Year everyone!



Hey Whisker, feast your eyes on this baby!

y'all have a great day.

I woke up late but so what, pffffffft!


there's this white stuff on the ground again

ST.David of Northern Ohio, I know when you tell me I'll go :doh1:.
But if I'm being stupid I can blame it on my head bangin :ambulance:.
So.....what's that chrome grille type thingymabob infront of the steering wheel of the Chevrolet (?) :shrug1:.
ST.David of Northern Ohio, I know when you tell me I'll go :doh1:.
But if I'm being stupid I can blame it on my head bangin :ambulance:.
So.....what's that chrome grille type thingymabob infront of the steering wheel of the Chevrolet (?) :shrug1:.

I was wondering that as well. Guessing it was some sort of custom (and not very functional / safe) headrest / whiplash preventer...
Morning Ray & All from sunny, but windy, Southern Utah!

Currently it is 42F, heading for 57F, winds are already blowing here too, Up to 17mph, from the SSW. Later, around 22 up to 33mph.

@STinner : That Tanker Truck Trailer is pretty cool!

@Upt' North: Ray sorry to hear about your head! When you're that tall, you got to watch for those low hanging branches! ;)

I'll be mounting "air springs" on my Tacoma today. I also have a wireless controller, so I can adjust them from the cab.

My neck is still giving me fits, so I'll have to be careful and not bump my head, while installing them! :eek:

We had boiled eggs, bacon, toast and OJ to wash it all down.

Anyone :dr13:, have a great day on the roads! :hat3:

AHHHHHH. Thanks Ray.....

Cool and rainy this morning. Ski Hill is getting some snow. If you can call it snow..... 32 degrees and snowing..... Then warming up.....


Well, yesterday was a productive one. It has been 18 years since we sheetrocked this house and painted the walls. And it shows.
So, after buying a fiver of paint and the walls stripped of decorations and holes filled, we got the lower stairway and entryway and hallways painted.
Been awhile since I had to contort my body to cut in all the edges of stair treads and doorways and ceilings, feeling it this morning.
Now to paint the rest of the interior, the remaining 80%.............:confused:

Hope everyone enjoys the extra day....
Morning....again. Amazing what a couple extra hours of inner eyelid inspection will do for your perspective.

Next on the agenda is cleaning the house as we have a number of contractors lined up to come view the house for quotes. My wife firmly believes if it looks like we respect the house then the greater the chances they will as well. She's pretty smart, I've never won an argument, so cleaning it is.

Hope everyone has a great day! Again.....
Good afternoon all!
Ray, ya canny go about bashing your cranium on the fragile woodwork! Ya will nay get much smarter!

Currently 74F with a NE breeze 9 - 23.
Happy Leap Year everyone!
We’re in Ridge Manor @ my sister’s, headed north in the morning, we should be back home Monday.
Enjoy your Thursday!
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