Thursday's Cafe, February 22nd.

Morning Ray & All from a sunny day in Southern Utah!

Currently it is 33F, heading for 52F, with no rain in sight! :thumb: Very slight breeze now, but later, the winds will be from the N @ 9 to 12mph.

It looks like a nice day to take the :dr13: out for a quick spin! :pray1:

I spent most of yesterday putting my office back together, My shot glasses have been in bins since last April when we had that pipe break and flooded my office and bathroom.

Chris made us French Toast from some sourdough cinnamon rolls she made earlier in the week. OJ to wash it down and Pepsi will come later!

Anyone :dr13:, have a great day on the roads! :hat3:
It's morning....
Thanks Ray for the goodnesses, always nice to be fed and caffeinated first thing.....

Low 40s going to almost 50 today, bits o fog, humidity is 99%.

No plans....cause it is Friday eve. I am sure something will pop up. I know, maybe prune the peach trees.

You folks have a day.
I’ll have another cup, if any is left. Just got back from town, and spotted a Bald Eagle lifting up from the shoulder of the road and landing in a nearby tree. Only a mile from my house.

Terrible picture, but I was doing about 50, on a twisty road.

Keith likes the fact he can only work at a certain pace, one can only do so much in a day!

Yep. In part that's because I've found that when I have a prolonged stretch I end up making mistakes, either because I'm tired and my concentration's diminished or because I get in a rush to "just get this one last thing finished". and I stop looking at / thinking carefully about what I'm doing. In either situation I need to stop five minutes before I make that mistake.
Yep. In part that's because I've found that when I have a prolonged stretch I end up making mistakes, either because I'm tired and my concentration's diminished or because I get in a rush to "just get this one last thing finished". and I stop looking at / thinking carefully about what I'm doing. In either situation I need to stop five minutes before I make that mistake.
But....what makes us do stupid stuff.
You know, when you're forcing something with a screwdriver or chisel, and you're thinking when (there's no if involved) I slip that's going to really hurt, I'll need a sticking plaster at least. BUT YOU STILL DO IT :doh1:.
I know, :ambulance:.
Stupid innit.
And then someone will ALWAYS say, be careful!
But perhaps it's just me?
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