Tuesday April 16th Café.

Feb 25, 2016
Northumberland UK
VStrom 650
It's made, it's good, welcome to the Wooler French Roast Emporium. Help ya'selves.
The weather is definitely on the Woolerumnal scale for today, winds up to 35 mph straight from the North and cool. Should stay dry.
Yesterdays feels like never got above freezin and I can't see today being any different. Despite the weather some outside stuff got done and the Spring tidy is almost there........or thereabouts. Pffffffftttttt.
Er'Indoors is away to Jumpy Up and Down Class at Berwick-upon-the-Tweed and I'll do some'at until she returns about 11. Then the French Roast will flow once more. I'm not sure we can afford all this coffee.
Panic over......just remembered our pensions went up last Monday, phew. Pffffffftttttt.
Av a gud un out there and remember, if you're doing electrical stuff be careful who you show the piccies to.
Good morning and thank you for the morning start. 68 in Pensacola FL this morning going to a high of 78 later but I will be down the road.

I didn't have service yesterday morning and forgot to post later, I camped at Rocky Springs Campground on the Natchez trail in Mississippi.

Got to spend a little time with my son who is in class for five months in Pensacola for the Navy.

Enjoy your day and be safe out there.

Good Morning All!
Thanks Ray for the thoughts, and of course the high test caffitation from the emporium!
And how are the Woolers in Wooler these days? Pretty Woolly I guess.
Did you know that every October in the Western mountains of NC, there's a Woolly Worm Festival?
Oh Yeah!

'Took a break from the grind yesterday and looked at flowers and such at some nurseries.
'Came home with some ferns for the front porch - so, I'll hook up the watering system and away they'll go!

My compactor is arriving today so I'll look forward to using it soon for the MANY projects here on the plantation.
Perhaps, it will make my projects go faster eh?
I hate jumping up and down on gravel to level it out! (just kidding)

Ah! Just poured myself another.... Y'all have a winderfill day!
Good morning everyone

Thanks for the French roast as always, Mr. Wooler-man.

It's 51°F and looks cloudy to me, though the Windows weather app steadfastly insists that it's clear. Perhaps my perception is due to a trick of the early light, or just not enough coffee in me yet. We expect a high around 74 and sun.

That should make nearly ideal conditions for today's round of golf, which is taking the place of a bicycle ride on my calendar.

The doors for the sewing machine cabinet are now finished. I'll haul them out of the shop and set them on the base (but not install them) in another room in the house, to keep them out of harm's way and free of dust. Then it'll be time to set about finishing the top, insofar as I can.

Had a lovely evening on the porch yesterday with all the usual neighbors plus a couple that haven't been able to join us as often due to the demands of their kids' activities schedules.

Stay safe and well everyone and tell your dear ones you love them.
Good morning all!
Thanks for the start Ray!

I’m left to fend for myself today! I have no transportation, so the deviltry & mayhem will know doubt be kept to a minimum!

The back yard is starting to resemble a normal yard now. There is still lots of stuff still to be hauled away.

Currently 43F with the rest of this beautiful day below!


Enjoy your Tuesday!
Good morning, all, and thanks for the coffee made with Wooler Water, Ray!

We have a mix of sun and clouds today, with temps ranging from the current 5°C/41°F to 12°C/54°F and not too much wind. It is now my turn to dive into the yearly tax ordeal (our deadline is April 30th), so best make as much progress with that as I can until my workday starts. Lots more intensive training on tap, including learning new systems and softwares. Sure keeps the synapses firing.

Everyone have a marvelous day, stay safe and go safely.

Morning all! Dark and 5C here, we'll eventually get up to 11C.

Up far too early. Not due to hamsters this time but dogs. The young one thought it was time to get everyone up. We've now had a long conversation about it though I'm not sure he listened. Bloody adolescents think they know everything.

I'll read for a bit and see if I can get back to sleep for an hour or so.

Hope everyone has a great day!
Morning all and thanks for the coffee Snufalupagus. (It's similar to a woolly mammoth but without the tusks.)


3C and foggy, headed to 12C and rainy.

Spend 4 hrs going over thing2's car last night. Oil change, fluids checked, tires rotated, brakes cleaned up. I do have a sore knee today. I figure it was from all the hard work I did but I was told it was old age. Who asked her anyways?

Hope everyone has a great day and Autumn in Wooler turns to Indian Summer sometime soon.

Good morning, and thanks for the coffee start, Ray.

It's sunny and 47, going to 63, later.

Yesterday, I spent some time at my friend's restaurant, replacing most of his kitchen lighting with LED tubes.
I'll finish that this morning, and further, replace all of the ceiling light panels.
I never made it to the gym, but did get out for a walk.

I'll finish with the lights, maybe hit the gym, and stop by the VA.
I'll try for another walk as well
Brenda is done with candlepin bowling, so we'll have dinner at home, tonight.

Enjoy the day,
Good morning, and thanks for the coffee start, Ray.

It's sunny and 47, going to 63, later.

Yesterday, I spent some time at my friend's restaurant, replacing most of his kitchen lighting with LED tubes.
I'll finish that this morning, and further, replace all of the ceiling light panels.
I never made it to the gym, but did get out for a walk.

I'll finish with the lights, maybe hit the gym, and stop by the VA.
I'll try for another walk as well
Brenda is done with candlepin bowling, so we'll have dinner at home, tonight.

Enjoy the day,

I replaced all the dark-end 8' fluorescents in my shop with the LED replacements and WOW !
That was a major improvement. No more tripping over things!
Thanks for the coffee Ray, I'm trying to amend my shoddy electrician ways. But the saga continues. Got blank faceplates and a junction box last night, only it's too long to be tucked behind the sheetrock.

I didn't measure the darn things, I thought these were a universal size. Uh-uh, this one's an inch longer at 4 inches deep. No problem, just cut an inch of the front, right? Break out the Dremel once more.

Well, no. That's where the threads are for the screws to hold the faceplate to the box. The 3 blank plates-to-be will be out of sight behind the wall, but all are capped and taped. Back to the orange box store ... what's this, the 4th time?

Junction box 2 long.jpg

I decided since this turned out to be more time- consuming than expected, we could hire someone to cut and patch the wallpaper. But nooo... seems no one wants to be bothered with such a small job. Pfffttt.

Realized with my listed deductions, I have an estimated (xxx) thousands in taxes due, so I filed an extension. I know I can find more deductions. As taxpayers often say, "This can't be right!"

So now I have an additional 6 months to procrastinate.

But I don't think I will this time.


Make it a great day.

Reach out your hand if your cup be empty, if your cup is full may it be again.

Robert Hunter, recorded by The Grateful Dead
Good morning, all. Thanks for the coffee, Ray.

It’s 62, and mostly cloudy. Yep, definitely cloudy, but the coffee is helping. High of 83 F’s. Maybe I should share my excess of heat with Ray. Nah. Too early in the week, to give a F.

Gotta put away the camping gear, from last weeks event. Maybe wash the truck and do some gardening. Maybe, none of the above.

good morning all. thanks for the coffee Ray. 48F on the dog walk with some clouds and a few stars to see. looks like the sky took the morning off. not sure what's up for the day. I need to pick up some meds sometime today from Walgreens but I believe wife is going out for a hair cut and color so she could save me a trip. I could take the ST. now that's an idea. the high should be 83F. enjoy the day

stay safe
@Sadlsor even with a face plate on you can't hide the box in the wall if it's got live 120v wires in it.

As for patching wallpaper, you could always just get some similar colored markers and a straight edge and draw those lines in, after painting the patch to match the whitish color on the paper.

As for the plates, this is how it will end up looking...

Morning all.....
Thanks for the goodnesses Ray.

Sunny and bright this morning. But much cooler than the last few days. They say it could drop to freezing again later this week.
No plans today.........cause it is a Satuesday. Fence is coming along slowly, but steady. Don't want to have all the fun at once.

Hope everyone has a satisfying Satuesday.
I replaced all the dark-end 8' fluorescents in my shop with the LED replacements and WOW !
That was a major improvement. No more tripping over things!

Most of his fluorescent lights had blackened ends,so they only had a little life left.
I was going to install the new plastic light panels, but they've all got to be cut to fit.
I'll return with the proper tools, tomorrow.
Motorcycle inspection
Morning Ray & All from sunny, Southern Utah!

Currently it is 40, heading for 68F, and the winds are already blowing, just above a breeze right now, but it will be a little stronger later today, coming from the NNW @ 7 to 9mph.

We'll be heading to get eggs (from a local gal, no store bought for us), then stop by and pick up some prescriptions for me. Then, when we get back, I'll see what I feel like doing. Chris has her Quilt Retreat starting on Friday, so I'll be on my own for all of next week, with no adult supervision. Too bad I still have so much to do in the front yard! :(

Eggs, bacon, toast and OJ to start the morning. A Pepsi or two will come later.

Anyone :dr13:, have a great day on the roads! :hat3:
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