Tuesday Café February 27th.

Morning all! Dark still, 1C with rain and a high of 4C to come.

Started contacting contractors yesterday and lining up meetings. Fingers crossed....

Patty, congratulations! That is fantastic news, you must be thrilled!

Not sure what the day will hold in store. Some of this etc. and a nap.

Hope everyone has a great day!
And now, for the best news I've had to report in quite some time: I have a new job!

About f'ing time you caught a break! Good on ye, and congratulations! I hope it works out well for you, especially after all you've been through in the past few years.
Morning Ray & All from overcast & snowing, Southern Utah!

Currently it is 33F, heading for 45F, with winds from the NNW@ 2 to 12mph and later they'll be coming from the N @ 8 to 18.

Okay guys, anyone want to build one of these to haul your dogs with you on MC trips?

Dog Trailer

Spent yesterday cleaning the house for company today. Chris's cousin and wife will be here around noon.

Lazyman's breakfast. Pepsi to come later.

Anyone :bk13:, have a great day on the roads! :hat3:
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Good morning, y'all, and thanks for the coffee, Billy Ray! Nice do!

Well, I am no longer channelling Sean Connery (Yesh, Mish Moneypenny, I'm shpeaking normally again),

And now, for the best news I've had to report in quite some time: I have a new job!


Wonderful news! (But keep channelling...)
And now, for the best news I've had to report in quite some time: I have a new job! I will now be the language reviser and terminologist for a crown corporation (government corporation, for those of you not in the Commonwealth) based in Ottawa that works with Canada's federal Department of Defence. I won't have to relocate - the company has teams across the country (I'll be working with the Montreal team, as we'll be handling all the French content) and everyone works remotely. We do have to go to Ottawa for quarterly meetings, which is good; it gets us all out of our own space for a day or two and is an opportunity to get together and say hello (not to mention visit with my sister). It's been a long wait - I initially applied for the position back in December, and I just got the "welcome aboard" message yesterday. There were hundreds of applications, so it took a while to get me to (and through) the testing process, two interviews and reference checks. Now comes the background check and security clearance, which will probably take a couple of weeks. I have a video call with them on Wed. to suss out a few details, including the start date. I'm hoping I can start at the beginning of April (after Easter weekend); that way I'll already be moved into my new place.
So a nice, new place to live and a good new job - sounds to me like a great way to greet spring 2024!

Everyone have a great day, stay safe and go safely.


Congratulations, Patty!
Good morning, y'all, and thanks for the coffee, Billy Ray! Nice do!

Well, I am no longer channelling Sean Connery (Yesh, Mish Moneypenny, I'm shpeaking normally again), and we have a gorgeous, bright, sunny, spring-like day here, so I think I'll get out and enjoy it for a little bit. It's currently 4°C/39°F, but the high will be a whopping 13°C/55°F this afternoon. That is quite simply nonsensical for February, but I won't moan too loudly about it.

And now, for the best news I've had to report in quite some time: I have a new job! I will now be the language reviser and terminologist for a crown corporation (government corporation, for those of you not in the Commonwealth) based in Ottawa that works with Canada's federal Department of Defence. I won't have to relocate - the company has teams across the country (I'll be working with the Montreal team, as we'll be handling all the French content) and everyone works remotely. We do have to go to Ottawa for quarterly meetings, which is good; it gets us all out of our own space for a day or two and is an opportunity to get together and say hello (not to mention visit with my sister). It's been a long wait - I initially applied for the position back in December, and I just got the "welcome aboard" message yesterday. There were hundreds of applications, so it took a while to get me to (and through) the testing process, two interviews and reference checks. Now comes the background check and security clearance, which will probably take a couple of weeks. I have a video call with them on Wed. to suss out a few details, including the start date. I'm hoping I can start at the beginning of April (after Easter weekend); that way I'll already be moved into my new place.
So a nice, new place to live and a good new job - sounds to me like a great way to greet spring 2024!

Everyone have a great day, stay safe and go safely.

Congratulations Patty!
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