Ultimate Coast to Coast

I have a added mirror
Awesome! How are getting by without the mirror?
I have an added mirror on my right side. And my small round side mirror is still good...all good.
Ah, but is a lovely road with incredible views if not warm temps!

The ride is beautiful, staying another night in CF letting the colder weather pass...hopefully the pass is at 17f.
I'm good, got a week in Ank before Olympic np, redwood forest. I feel good, bike needs another wash...lol....or two
If you feel like it, there is a park about halfway between Anchorage and Fairbanks where you can get a good picture of Denali - better than in the park.
It's on A3 and called 'Southern Viewpoint'.


UCC cancelled.....Got stopped in Atigun Pass, slid the bike out on ice. Broke mirror, ego, otherwise all good. Now resting in Anchorage.
Regardless what a journey to undertake. Safe travels whatever you decide to do from here.
I would have stopped way before the ice at like 49 degrees I would have turned it around. go over to the mouth of Ship creek at low tide and have a look at the boats sitting on mud and possibly the Beluga whales swimming next to the fishermen up the creek.

Watching sea planes take off at Spenard is also a good past time.

I want to give a shout out to Billie at Billies Backpackers hostel in Fairbanks, Ak. Top experience on the trip. Met people from all over the globe, every walk of life, all after adventure. I stayed in a yurt for 35 a night, showers, kitchen, available to use....

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