VA-Southern: Tag

May 12, 2016
2004 Honda ST1300ABS
Up for anyone who wants to start with the first tag . . I cheked the map again and my choice was too far west:(
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Gonna be a mite difficult to localize without a picture...
I took one, but it was actually within the Western section. I checked the map after posting and removed my pic since it wasn't within the Southern area:(

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You should go pic up the new WV tag. .
Any way you go is sure to be full of windy and scenic roads!

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May do, but not this weekend probably. Heading to PA for the Skeeters BBQ RTE, if the weather holds.
Gonna be a mite difficult to localize without a picture...
New: Eiffel Tower at a popular amusement park originally opened in 1975:)

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What kind of hint can I give you without just telling you?

Anyone in Richmond would recognize it immediately.
Why don't you just tell everyone. No need to hide tags, nobody is rushing out to claim them. I looked myself and can't find it.
I eventually figured it out. It's the Virginia War Memorial Carrilon.

It took quite a while to figure it out, because you have to figure out what search terms to use.

That's why I make my tags in places that give you the info you need in the picture.
It's a riding game... not a puzzle... so, let's always make it somewhat obvious or at least give enough useful hints so folks can find it. ... no one wants to sit in front of a computer trying to figure out where to ride when they can just go ride....
No need to hide tags, nobody is rushing out to claim them.

Pity, that. I think these tag games are a great idea. It's a cheap excuse to ride with a purpose.

I currently have 7 tags. I'm waiting to see how long it takes for someone to move one.
My apologies. I guess I did misunderstand. Yes, it's known as the Carillon in Richmond, near the reservoir, on the Boulevard near the Nickel Bridge. Because no info was given about the Mini Eiffel Tower at King's Dominion, I followed the theme and posted what I thought was an equally-well-known landmark.

I also didn't realize the idea was to keep riders from other areas in mind, who are less likely to be familiar with landmarks that local folks would recognize easily. I was under the impression that the idea was to find the landmark and post a pic of your bike in the same spot, which is what I did with the Eiffel tower above.

I thought that was why the states were divided into separate regions: to keep both the riding distances and the familiarity with the landmarks close. It certainly didn't occur to me that riders from other states would want to take an all-day (or longer) ride just to take a picture of their bike in the same place.

Anybody could go online and find images of signs and businesses, but they would have to ride to the place to get a picture of their bike in front of the same landmark. Unless they went through the trouble of using imaging software to fake it, but that would be a different game. Hmm, that could be fun, too.
It's a riding game... not a puzzle... so, let's always make it somewhat obvious or at least give enough useful hints so folks can find it. ... no one wants to sit in front of a computer trying to figure out where to ride when they can just go ride....

Yep! It's been a while since I had the opportunity to play tag, but I quit being cute about it after someone spent a very frustrating day trying to find one of my tags and never found it. My philosophy of the whole game turned to, "Make it obvious and let people spend their time riding and tagging!"
Claiming Rule 8 so that we can get the tag going again.

It's beautiful weather, guys! Go out and enjoy it!


It certainly didn't occur to me that riders from other states would want to take an all-day (or longer) ride just to take a picture of their bike in the same place.

To me, that's half the fun. It's a cheap excuse to see some place I haven't seen before! ;)
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