VA-Western: Tag


Harold Buckner
Mar 20, 2008
Roanoke VA
Looks like VA needs to get on the ball so I thought I would get something started.

This picture took place somewhere on the Blue ridge Parkway. Can you find it?:D

Edited by Mellow:
VA Map Regions,-79.716797&spn=5.316907,8.591309&z=7

Red - Northern
Blue - Western
Green - Eastern

[GMAP]<iframe width="425" height="350" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src=";hl=en&amp;msa=0&amp;msid=101527659481663374072.000478c4b38e3d4fff6cb&amp;ll=38.444985,-79.716797&amp;spn=5.316907,8.591309&amp;output=embed"></iframe><br /><small>View <a href=";hl=en&amp;msa=0&amp;msid=101527659481663374072.000478c4b38e3d4fff6cb&amp;ll=38.444985,-79.716797&amp;spn=5.316907,8.591309&amp;source=embed" style="color:#0000FF;text-align:left">VA Tag Regions</a> in a larger map</small>[/GMAP]​


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Re: Western VA:TAG

I re-titled the thread so we could play tag in other parts of the state, too.

Ok you Virginians, another North Carolinian has moved your Tag. Here's the old one that's been sitting for almost 2 months.

Here's your new one. You will have to go on the Parkway for this one. It's somewhere between the old one and Fancy Gap.

I got to race a deer going to the old tag................of course I slowed way down and let it win, because I knew it would cross the road in front of me.
Then on the road going into Fairy Stone I saw 3 more in someones yard, they were happy where they were so no worry there. Then on the Parkway, a rather large doe came bolting out of the woods in front of me.:22yikes: Luckily, I had plenty of time to avoid her, but she still scared me to the point of shaky leg syndrome. No, this was not the end of it, saw one more, a good size fawn that still had it spots. It just turned and ran back into the woods
without crossing the road. Needless to say, I was very alert with all these sitings. In six hours time I saw 6 deer, that's 1 per hour of riding if you want to break it down that way.....................way too many for me.:eek:4:
There is no reason to split VA into a western segment... and WV already has a thread. This one will be closed.

Actually, this had the most recent tags so I killed the other VA threads... just one per state unless the state is a large one and needs to be split. VA does not qualify.

Thanks Joe , and I was off by a few miles on my location ,oops .
No hopefully someone will move this Tag soon. I'm surprised it has not been moved yet, considering a lot of us like getting on the Parkway.:D

There is no reason to split VA into a western segment ... just one per state unless the state is a large one and needs to be split. VA does not qualify.

I'm going to reply to this in a separate thread, because I think it merits discussion.


It is confusing when a tag is labeled Westen VA or Central FL and there isn't a Eastern VA and NoFL and SoFL. We had a fairly intense discussion at FLSToc about the CenFL tag. It was agreed FL needed 3 different areas, but noone wanted to define them. It is a good days ride from Tallahasse (sp) to Key West. So the same with VA, I can speak for VA as I lived there for 21 years. I agree it should be at least two areas, east and west would be OK, I don't think it warrents 3 sections. From Eastern Shore to a line north and south through Charlottesvillle???
Ok you Virginians, another North Carolinian has moved your Tag. Here's the old one that's been sitting for almost 2 months.

Here's your new one. You will have to go on the Parkway for this one. It's somewhere between the old one and Fancy Gap.

I got to race a deer going to the old tag................of course I slowed way down and let it win, because I knew it would cross the road in front of me.
Then on the road going into Fairy Stone I saw 3 more in someones yard, they were happy where they were so no worry there. Then on the Parkway, a rather large doe came bolting out of the woods in front of me.:22yikes: Luckily, I had plenty of time to avoid her, but she still scared me to the point of shaky leg syndrome. No, this was not the end of it, saw one more, a good size fawn that still had it spots. It just turned and ran back into the woods
without crossing the road. Needless to say, I was very alert with all these sitings. In six hours time I saw 6 deer, that's 1 per hour of riding if you want to break it down that way.....................way too many for me.:eek:4:

Looks like it will be a while before this one can be moved.
This one has been sitting a very long time. Was a great day for a ride and a wonderful destination.
Mabry Mill.JPG

New Tag
Lovers Leap.JPG
This was just a little farther West on 58

Lovers Leap 2.JPG
The Paved pull-off just up the road was full, so either place is fine with me
It's all Lover's Leap :D
Well................It's about time it got moved.:D Thanks T-Ray, and BTW nice tag.
Hopefully some of the Virginians will get in on this.
I was on my way thru, and couldn't resist. Looked at the WV Tag but didn't have any luck finding it. If nobody snags the Ohio Tag early in the AM I'll move it South.
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