velocity stack

Aug 11, 2011
Does anyone know if there's a certain way to re-install velocity stacks on a 95 ST1100? I'm having a heck of a time putting them back on.
Assuming you have this problem after the caburettors have been loosened.
I will be facing the same next weekend. What I understand is that the screws holding the carbs together should not be tightened before placing this one. Only tighten things up when all fits together.

Hope it helps,
Hey GP. If you figure out how to get them back on I'd love to know what you did. I pulled them off my 2001 yesterday and struggled to get them back on for an hour before I gave up. I'm going to try loosening the 2 carburetor connecting screws and see if that works. I'm about 1 hour west of Toronto, so if you feel like riding out to show me how ...
Since I don't understand the question I'll ask for a couple of pictures of the 'velocity stack' or at least a fiche link with them identified...

I pull and reinstall the carbs as a unit. I do not loosen any of the connections between the 4 carbs when working on them.

Mark, you are very right that normally the "velocity stack" (= carb air intake) does not have to be removed. Only when taking the carbs completely apart.
In my case, the "new" carburettors came without them, so I will have to use the ones from the old carbs. I don't expect problems fitting them again as long as all the screws holding the carbs together are placed but not tightened. Tightening them is the last stage of assembly.
I will go through the manuals to see if there is anything more specific that needs attention.

All the best, Rob
Sorry I can't be of more help as I haven't had to mess with them...
Good luck!

If we are talking about 'tube a' on this fiche, it looks like there are flat curved metal 'keepers' held by a couple of screws.
Here a picture of my carbs, currently without an intake blok.

Note all those grooves and the pipes sticking out, each at 30 degrees from vertical and that "Velocity stack" will have to fit straight in.
Don't know yet how the other part looks.

Interested to hear whether you guys managed to put them together again. :D
Today I removed the old carbs and took the Velocity stack off. That went very well, but putting them together again is indeed another thing.
Seems to me that the trick is to have all the carbs loose enough to have them move quite a bit from the rest. Then make sure all eight guides are in place at the screw holes.
Then fit them very carefully one at the time. When one fits in, fix it with the screws.
Only when all fits together nicely, tighten things up, starting with the velocity stack.

To anyone playing with the idea of taking the velocity stack off - Drop the idea, unless it's inavoidable. For normal carb maintenance this is not needed. :eek::

Regards, Rob
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