Way out West June Trip...

Man are we covering some great parts of the country!!!! I apologize for not posting more. When you ride with BygDawg, you ride!!! I have 6200 miles on the GPS so far since we left. We are definitely getting in some good miles!! I am glad everyone is enjoying the photos.

More to follow . . . . . .

Okay...We made it to Missoula, MT via the Lolo Pass today. Notice the moose standing in the ID to MT folder. He was standing in my lane when I came around the corner. Thankfully, I was able to stop, and he was even kind enough to give me time to get my camera out and snap the picture. I saw several deer and a few turkey as well. The ride was soupy to say the least, but it could've been worse. Joseph, OR is a neat town to see, if you are ever over that way. Also, Joseph's Canyon and Hell's Canyon were awesome. We're def. seeing some great sights. Here is the link:
We are heading to Yellowstone and The Beartooth Pass (10,000+ feet with snow, can you say cold!!!) tomorrow. Cody Wyoming is the target for tomorrow night.

Breaking out the winter gloves and thermals for tomorrows ride!!

YOWZA!! Over 2000 pictures so far! Aren't you glad you went digital?!

What a great trip!
Montana and Yellowstone Park pictures are up. Click on link above and look for part 23 and 24. Who ordered all of this freaking soup? Chris, are you in town? :rain1: The tire pictures in the Montana folder are shots of the 021's at 6,000 miles. You may recall I did pics. before the trip and at 4,000 miles. I'll try to add these to the tire thread when I get back. Hope the soup is gone tomorrow.

Ride Safe,
I'm enjoying your trip! :)

If you're tired of the soup some STraight south! I suspect we'll be over 111F today... It will dry you out!

Ride safe!
Thanks Mark, but I'll take the cool weather...just minus the rain. lol MG...I do like the tires so far. I have almost 7,000 miles on them, and while they have worn in the center, as will any tire on this kind of trip, they are still holding up very well. I hope to make the whole trip on them. One of the folders has a pic. of them at 0, at 4,000, and at 6,000. We've also been taking pics. of James' Z's. They are doing better than the set that I had. Then again, my high speed probably wasn't a factor for them going to toast at just over 4 grand. :crackup Pictures of today's ride will be up shortly. We are in Cheyene, WY. Speaking of which, can anyone tell me what these wood barrier things in several of the pastures are in WY? I saw a bunch of them, and couldn't figure out what they are for. Oh...We took some shots at our stop in Hell's Half Acre today, and I shot lots of pics. in the Buffalo Bill Museum. I took the fast walking tour. lol

Ride Safe,
The wood things are snow drift barriers. Another interesting thing you may have noticed is the Antenna looking things on top of the mile markers and other signs. Those are to mark the road with the snow is over 4 feet deep.
At first I thought it mught be a Kidney Stone. Had a few of those and they do SUCK!!

It was hard to find a happy spot on my seat but I made it through to Kansas City. I will press on tomorrow and see how far I get.

Jay is riding Colorado. He should have done Pikes Peak or MT Evans today. He said he would post as he could.

It was a great trip, I am bummed to have had to cut it short but there is no way I could have ridden the mountain's with my back like this.

We are talking about doing the North East next year. It's early but anyone else want to join us?

I talked with Jay about 5 pm, he was in Northern CO and heading for the Montrose area. Sounds tired but having fun. He told me that JD had hurt his back and he was going on solo.

Sorry to hear about that, JD, hope you feel better soon.

Chris :06biker:
I got a message from Jay last night (I was already passed out!!). He was in Montrose, Colorado. He had riden MT Evans and the Gunnison Valley. Heading that way he might be heading for Silverton today. I will call him again later and will post when I get off the road tonight. I am packing up to head to Sue's place just south of here.

Take it easy JD, I know it sux leaving a friend towards the end of a long trip, I did that last year. Regardless, sounds like you two already had enough memories to last a long time.

Beware however, this trip will get into your blood and you'll soon find yourself planning the next long trip..
<Bad Back snippage. Sorry to hear that, JD.>

We are talking about doing the North East next year. It's early but anyone else want to join us?


Put me down as a tentative yes. I've never been past Boston in the north east. Would like to hit the whole thing. Looks to me like youse guys know how to do it right. Be aware, tho, that I'm prone to take the path less traveled.
If it's a kidney stone then drink lots of water and avoid fatty food - good luck on that second one when on the road. too bad you missed Mt. Evans (got snowed on up there last August) and loveland pass and all that CO riding but sounds like you had a blast of a trip - I'm green with envy. And thanks so much for taking the time to share it all with us.
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