We lost my brother-in-law Saturday

Jul 12, 2005
Cibolo, TX
I got a call late Saturday from a family member telling me my brother-in-law, John, was killed in a motorcycle accident in Colorado. I sit here nearly 2 days later and I still can't believe what I just wrote.

Let me tell you a little about John. When he and my sister married I was only 10. I'd known him since I was 8. I don't remember a time before him.

He is a true "risin from the ashes" kind of person. You could always tell he was a great guy, but alot of demons kept getting in his way. He hit absolute bottom. He was on a path to kill himself and he was taking my sister with him. She climbed out and gave him an ultimatum. He chose correctly. He slipped a couple of times, but in the end he was truely a changed person.

He became the man we all thought he could be.

They threw out their wedding bands and basicly remarried.

John did look the biker part. The tattoos, the doo rags, the Harley t-shirts. And he was a biker to his soul. He loved to ride.

The only thing he loved more was his family, and his wife and grand-daughters were at the very head of that line. He doated over them like they were the most prescious things in the world. And to him they were.

John finally got the chance of a lifetime. He'd been offered a job in the mountains of Colorado. For years you never saw John without a Zane Grey, Louis LaMour, or other western books. That was the lifestyle he wanted. The chance to work the oil fields in Colorado was perfect.

He and my sister moved from Humble, TX to Colorado, and my two nephews and their families moved as well. Their whole family had changed. To look at John and my nephews would seem to be like looking at a gang not to be screwed with.

I got an e-mail about a year ago from my sister with a link to one of the photo sharing sights on the web. It was titled "100 reason John will never move back to Texas" It was photos of John, my sister and the rest of their family exploring Colorado and Wyoming.

Well, John is on his way back to Texas.

Saturday he spent with the kids and grandkids hiking.

On his way back home aparently coming onto a freeway a gust of wind took him off the road according to witnesses, although speed and presumably fatigue were involved.

He had wis chaps. He had his Jacket. He didn't have a helmet.

I don't want to turn this into an ATGATT post. That's not why I posted.

I honestly do not know all of the details, but it seems the head injury was the cause.

John was a great guy.

Saturday we'll be saying goodbye for the last time to someone I considered a brother.

Goodbye John.
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I'm terribly sorry to hear that you've lost someone so close. You're right: It's not an appropriate time for a debate or lectures.

Best to remember a fellow motorcyclist for the life he lived and the inspiration he was to you and to others.
Very sorry my friend, I hope you and the rest of the family gets through this.

Sounds like he was a good example of someone picking themselves up and providing love to his family, nothing to debate there.

Rest In Peace John.
Hi STratus
Sorry for your families loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. John sounds like he had found happiness we can all only ask for that.
All the best
I am so sorry for your loss, the way you talked about him made me feel like I knew him too, just reading it made me tear up. please tell your sister and her children that I will pray for them daily and yourself too.
Very sad indeed Stratus. We all know someone like John, or even identify with him ourselves, which makes the loss even greater. Condolences.


Sorry to hear about your Brother in law. Prayers for your family, especially your sister and nieces.
I pray that the best wishes and heartfelt sorry from your fellow riders will give you and your family some small peace and comfort in your great loss. But by the grace of God....
I am indeed sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing your story here. This may be part of the healing process for you.
I'm sorry for your loss. Great testimony to your brother in law. We'll keep your family in our prayers.

Sorry for your families loss, he was doing something that made him happy, remember him and you will never be without him.
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