Went down yesterday

You know that's not gonna happen. Will you be looking for a suitable replacement?

Obviously they won't pay that price but it is well above the value to total it. I'll be shopping soon. I wish the S1000XR was out already. I may have to wait a few months or get another K1600GT.
Sucks. You get run over and end up having to fork out money to get a new ride cause insurance company totals bike as it's cheaper than fixing it. Something is wrong.

They almost did the same thing to me when a guy took me out in 2012 on my Harley
Late to add them but you have my wishes for a quick recovery.
Egad. Maybe the Stig wears his helmet everywhere not to hide his identity but to protect himself from drivers like that.
Get well soon
I have never participated in this sport but have always had an idea for it. With all of the distracted drivers and dumb drivers out there on the road with us, we need a way to let other riders know who to watch out for. This can also work when we have to be in our four wheeled vehicles. All you have to do is carry a paintball gun with you and if someone is caught texting, talking, putting on makeup & etc. you mark their vehicle with your paintball. The more hits the more reason to keep your distance. Oh yeah, distractions. Riding one handed trying to hit a moving target with a paintball gun.

Think the administrators of this site would start a new riding game?

JoeP, I hope the insurance company works with you to get you back riding.
Maybe not, but don't be surprised if you have to fight for a fair price! Be prepared!
Joe, I don't know how I missed this until now. Although it sucks that you were blindsided like that, I'm glad that you were not hurt worse than you were. Heal fast so we can ride again!
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