Whatcha readin'?


Making Life A Ride
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Apr 6, 2005
Out in the sticks of NE SC
R1200 GSA / S1000XR
Wouldnt it be neat to have a...... Book Corner down here in the depths of Off Topic? Anyway, I'll admit that I read,,,,,a lot. Not just technical reading, but novels as well. Always have. I read more in the winter time than in the summer. Maybe its because I ride less in the winter. Now, recently being retired, I have even more time to read.

Current read: "The Exchange" - John Grisham. This novel is a continuation of "The Firm". Same characters, just 10-12 years older.


Recently I have plowed through quite a few books written by David Baldacci (The Amos Decker Series / Atlee Pine series, to be exact). Very good as well.

Have a great day, all.
For a while, I was an avid Grisham fan, and read 4 or so in a row as they came out... The Firm and Rainmaker come to mind, so I'll definitely check out The Exchange.
I'll have to admit, most of my reading of late is moto-related, with the acquisition of the new GSA. ADVrider and YouTube have been my staples, but there is a book written by a local rider and writer, as well as one from a more distant fellow... where I would like to travel, like @ChucksKLRST out yonder.

Motorcycle books.jpg
For a while, I was an avid Grisham fan, and read 4 or so in a row as they came out... The Firm and Rainmaker come to mind, so I'll definitely check out The Exchange.
I'll have to admit, most of my reading of late is moto-related, with the acquisition of the new GSA. ADVrider and YouTube have been my staples, but there is a book written by a local rider and writer, as well as one from a more distant fellow... where I would like to travel, like @ChucksKLRST out yonder.

Motorcycle books.jpg

Notes taken on these two :thumb:
I'll add that David has included downloadable .GPX files on his website to accompany Motorcycleing Alabama, but sadly there are no such downloads for the Colorado book, although I imagine it would be easy enough to save some of his routes ahead of time on your device.
Either way, I know there are some topo map purchases in my future.
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I tried The Rainmaker and just couldn't get through it. Not my bag, I guess.

Currently rereading the memoirs of W.T. Sherman, after which it may be time for another traverse of Shelby Foote's chronicle of The Civil War.

My tastes tend toward history over fiction.

I did just zip through the graphic novel The Guns of Shadow Valley, mostly out of a sense of obligation to my sister in law. She thought I'd like it, but it wasn't really my thing.
Just finished a book on the Gilgamesh epos. Nice but unfotunately there is not much of it to enjoy. Before that "Hail Mary Project" by Andy Weir. Brilliant as always.
Undaunted Courage by Stephen Ambrose. All of his books that I have read are top notch. Author of Band of Brothers.
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The body keeps the score.
Bessel A. van der Kolk.
Pretty rough time going over ptsd regarding being beaten as a toddler.
Closest thing to reading a service manual about this kind of thing.
Covers war, car crashes etc. as well.
Reading the book out my step daughter’s friend in the psych ward for a couple weeks. Fortunately she came out better than before reading the book.

Not a light answer but may help a victim or understand a victim.

Just got a book called 1491.
History of the Americas before foreigners arrived.
Most interesting to me is how the South Americans flourished in an area with such poor soil. Google biochar, living web farm.
Looking forward to gardening this year.
Now to relax in this monster massage chair sweetheart had delivered.
Therapy is good.
Interesting. Why have I not heard of him......
Maybe cuz you're not as old as some of us? I started reading Egan's monthly columns in Petersen's Cycle Magazine, then for Cycle World, when i was 14 or 15 (1970s). He wrote for a couple decades, just stories about himself, his bikes, and occasionally about the Slimey Crud club upt' north... Michigan, I think.
Someone on this forum knows him, and the Slimey Crud riders.
He ultimately compiled some of his Leanings columns into 2 volumes, he's funny, reflective, and highly entertaining.
12 Years A Slave...incredible first hand account of one of our country's darkest periods.
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