Where is everyone


Still above the sod
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Jan 8, 2015
Rockville, MD, USA
Bikeless (9/29/2019)
I've been bicycling in OR, ID, and MT for three weeks. I've seen hundreds of Harleys, bevies of BMWs, some Connie's, gaggles of adventure bikes, and a number of Goldwings. I've seen an Africa Twin and a Burgman (with sidecar, no less).

In all that time I've seen two, count them two, ST1100s and not a single ST1300. Need I remind you that the T in ST stands for "touring"?

C'mon people, represent! Or stop bashing HDs since they're out here and you aren't, at least that I've seen. Why have a very capable touring ride if you're not going to tour on it?
Drove mine tonight, saw one in Whistler yesterday, been a few around, weekend before last one on a flat bed drove past us in Hope, saw a really nice red [garage covered special - near perfect paint] 1100 three weeks ago at lougheed and kensington overpass, two up, he doesn't need that bike, hardly drives it I'll bet.. he should just sell it.
Bikes are Older with a general decline in the numbers. To be fair I can travel for a few hundred miles and never see more than a few anymore. Hell even the little kids in the back seat of cars don't wave anymore.
I was surprised how many I did see in Spain and Portugal recently. The first bike I saw as I left Bilbao heading West was a non standard blue ST11, don't get me wrong the GS brigade outnumbered the ST champs about 100 to 1 but the ST's were out there.
But all the foreign bikes we saw were in the more tourist/bike friendly areas, when we got over to The Death Coast we didn't see a tourer for a week or more. Perhaps they all died on the way.
These ST's are getting old and I think many spend more time in garages than they ever do being ridden. Just look at what the members now own, it's more likely to be German built than Japanese. That will only increase in the favour of the EU bikes too.
Rejoice when you see one Keith, it may be your last.
The question of why someone would own something they don't use is a biggie and is only really down to the individual, I wouldn't be too critical by the decision of others, it's there wonga after all.
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I really want to, I do, I even planned to do a couple hundred miles for today, but after yesterday's incident with the flat tire and subsequent phone call to the OCD garage that resulted in "Don't ride the bike" coming out of Igofar several times .... it is going to sit in the garage until the boxes arrive and New parts are installed! It is a bit late but it never did get a spring polish....
Anybody want to come over and dig thru the piles of moving boxes in the garage with me to find that box marked "motorcycle stuff" that has spare brake pads, oil filters and the like?:biggrin: I think the mice have taken it hostage.
I've not been out on mine all that much of late, I must admit. I don't think it's moved in the last 3 weeks. Working from home, and work/life balance has meant I'm in the car more often at the moment.

Though I do keep seeing both 11s & 13s - maybe most of the touring crowd are currently touring North Wales, which is why you folks aren't seeing them?
I'm beginning to be more open-minded about fabbing a dog trailer to take Kaiser with me.
I came across someone recently who discussed buying a Harbor Freight lightweight trailer, and said it tracked straight and true behind his car and his bike. I've already bought a used ST hitch bar, as well as a proper trailer isolation wiring harness, neither of which is installed yet.
Truth is, I'm not much closer to the nearly $6K I'll need for a new Bushtec trailer, than when I started mentioning it here. I'm reluctant to drag an ugly, obvious backyard-engineered contraption behind my good looking motorbike.
This may be an ego problem I need to address, or the perfectionist in me.
I'll start on a study program to investigate the options for a functional item, over the more expensive fashionable one.
I've seen the trailer articles on st-owners, so maybe I should revisit them and find some local craftsmen.
It would sure avail me to ride more, as Kaiser goes with me nearly everywhere except the long, involved PC jobs.
I wave to all on 2 or 3 wheels do you? You riding a bicycle or a tricycle? I'll keep an eye out down south here if you're out "touring".

Well I'll do my part I'm planning on riding mine today to a family BBQ. Heat advisory with temps around 96 and real feel like temps of 106. But hey it;s been a week since I fired it up. Sure hope all this heat and sun don't do a number on my pristine paint. Oh well.
Truth is, I'm not much closer to the nearly $6K I'll need for a new Bushtec trailer, than when I started mentioning it here. I'm reluctant to drag an ugly, obvious backyard-engineered contraption behind my good looking motorbike.
This may be an ego problem I need to address, or the perfectionist in me.
I'll start on a study program to investigate the options for a functional item, over the more expensive fashionable one.
I've seen the trailer articles on st-owners, so maybe I should revisit them and find some local craftsmen.
It would sure avail me to ride more, as Kaiser goes with me nearly everywhere except the long, involved PC jobs.
Why drag an ugly trailer, UniGo makes a great trailer, check around as there are good used ones available.
Bowser would just love the ride in it
Also, if your job requires a few tools, it holds quite a bit in them.

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