Where to find ST 1300 diecaST models??


There is no "deal." A couple of people are looking in to the possibility of getting the models. All of these "orders" are way ahead of reality.

There is no "deal." A couple of people are looking in to the possibility of getting the models. All of these "orders" are way ahead of reality.

There are no *orders*, "ahead of reality" or otherwise. People have simply indicated their interest should they become available. IF someone is successful in securing a method of procurement they're going to have to have some idea of quantity and therefore these posts which voice interest do have value.

No different than trying to gauge interest for a Pan-American medallion buy.

I got a response yesterday from 3000toys that they are not going to add this to their site at this time. So we need to find another retailer for it.
I'd like to have a silver one (well I'd really rather have a black one like my bike, but like the others I can paint it)
I looked on Amazon and they do not have it but there was a spot that I was able to let them know that we are looking for this product and I gave them the link to the manufactures web site.
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