Wonderful Christmas gift...

Feb 2, 2009
Dahlonega, GA
2018 NC750X
As some of you may know, my daughter and I took a journey together on the Goldwing this past summer. She spent two weeks riding pillion out to the west coast from Denver and back... visited 9 national parks along the way.
Little known to me she snapped this picture of our boots nestled under the trailer after stopping for a night. I was doing laundry.

Brought tears to my eyes!

Now I know she will remember the trip fondly!
Wonderful. Just showed this post to my daughter. Hopefully she gets the hint. I want to tour with her next summer.
Good apples don't fall to far from the tree!
You have a wonderful family.
Merry Christmas.
Wonderful. Just showed this post to my daughter. Hopefully she gets the hint. I want to tour with her next summer.
I would encourage you to make it happen if at all possible. My daughter is now 25 and I thought opportunities like this had passed. We had a wonderful time. I've been a "provider" for my family all my working years... it has taken me too long to learn "time spent with them" is more precious than providing nice things.
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