Your new car is collecting data about how you drive...and sharing it w/ insurance co.'s

I don't know if it is still true, but you used to could request free of charge a 'dump' of all the data Lexis/Nexis has on you.
I got into this when I was run off the road by a hit and run driver which totaled my truck.
Lexis/Nexis had the accident 'listed' as my fault which was affecting my insurance rates - which was when I started investigating it.
I requested the dump, found the bad data, and hassled them until they finally fixed it.
My question to them was 'How could the accident be my fault when it was a hit and run - I got hit and they ran?'
My guess is that some clerk somewhere had entered the paper accident report wrong.
The printed 'dump' was about an inch or so thick and pretty interesting to thumb through. ;)
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@Uncle Phil this story reminds me of an old movie (1980s?) called Brazil, a dark futuristic vignette of a dystopian future.
While not exactly my genre of choice, it has stuck with me, and I was so wow'ed at the end, I felt as I had been watching literature.
The movie is not easy to find, but the gist is how a man's life is destroyed by a bureaucratic faux-pas much as you described, only more fire.
My aluminum foil hat protects me from tracking by insurance companies and otherwise. But, if they REALLY want to know, ill be at the whole foods store at 9:00.
I saw red one's phone at Nashcats big feed last summer. It looked just like this one!

LoL yep that's it. I once miss placed my phone left it in a restaurant. People that found it laughed and gave it to the manager and i went and got it. He said nobody wanted it and it wasn't worth stealing.:biggrin:
The bad thing about these insurance readers that plug into your OBD port is they have been frying people ECM's so beware. Look it up
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