Into The Unknown

Since i have a few minutes with this squall blowing over, im gonna write some thoughts ive had.

Last night, i was in a valley, in a very primitive camp. All i had was a beautiful stream and a spot for my bike and tent. So, i started thinking. I was sad that i have to get home. I need more miles! But, i realized i have been gone to my kids or touring for 7 1/2 mo over the past two years. So many just cant do that. So, im grateful and will begin planning the fall ride.
Met some great people, ate good food and saw a ton.
Met a 84 year old guy who is probably gone now on his gs. He os offroading across the country
Met two geezers on trikes that were also on a ride about.
It goes on forever!
Well, this squall is ending and ill probably ride into it again!98C8038C-9F47-4DA5-BE2B-FEDD33DFCE95.jpegB839720C-5D53-4ED0-BABA-86E099864B45.jpeg2D5C274B-12A1-4CF8-9922-265155059734.jpegEAC73FBE-F90C-423D-9D2C-90AA111FBC75.jpeg
In Pennsylvania Dutch country! Must have seen 15 carts. Camping here is close to $50 per night. NOT! Rode about three miles in on asphalt that was totally cut up by steel cart wheels, which was a bit squirrly, which was good practice because i went around four miles up this gravel road to a “free” campsite that no longer existed O.K. Now im having fun! Everyone knows just how much i love gravel roads.
So, i said screw it and found a spot off the side of the road and set my tent. Man, am i thankful for bug spray!
Got a free night and am at the gas station having coffee. Looks like ill b home tomorrow001155C2-61CC-4697-9ADB-B2D1F18EF414.jpeg59F6D414-2BA8-4DB5-B8E0-8E3F3F8AF6C1.jpeg36F524D6-908A-43CC-A4C8-EC432D4C303D.jpeg
Mike, I have enjoyed every word you have shared on this wonderful adventure. The photos....I have no words....Living the Dream are. Thank You!
Mike, assume you did make it home since you've logged on since... any post-ride thoughts?
Sure did! Slept two days again, which, apparently is a habit. The weather was the worst. Snow, wind, sandstorms. Easilly the worst. But, man, did i see some things! Two stoc meets, helping my kids out, learned a lot more about camping, the list is forever and i look forward to the fall tour. Gonna lighten and downsize my load!
Lost my fave hat
Lost two coolers
Camp chair broke after the third night

No speeding tickets
No flats
No drops!

It all washes out!

As far as upgrades, ive already started w a new helmet! Trying to look more civilized!
Thanks to all who advised me and showed me their travel kits. Hope you dont mind if i copy a few things!
Miles were 800 which wasnt enough. I can still feel my ass!

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