Saturday Funsies - May 4

Dec 26, 2019
Bahama, North Carolina USA
2003 ST1300
Who's up for coffee? Anyone? Bueller Bueller?
OK then, we've got a hot pot of Black Rifle Just Black ready for pouring - hep ya'sef.
Start the Imbibation!

According to the hyperbole channel, we're looking at rain on the plains here in Paradise.
Hmmm, could be a couple of days worth.
I'm glad I cut the grass and got the first round of fungicide down. Not gonna get ahead of me this year, NO.
More grading with Mr Tractor completed as well as digging out another large pile of rocks.

Looks like it'll be indoor activities today in the shop. My friend's birthday is coming up and I'm working on a present.
Could be I'll get some work done in between rain showers.

Whatcha doin' today?

Whatever it is y'all have a wondoughfull day!

Well look who it is Movin and Groovin, our very own Rebel Rouser in the Carolina's. Ta me duck. I need some life in my veins. The bones are telling me they need warmth and sun. The weather is saying pffffffftttttt to that.
Yesterday turned thundery and today has started very wet, still and mild. No seeds will get put in the ground today.
The downspouts will be left for another day too.
I can never recall so much growth out there, I guess wet and mild makes green stuff go crackers. Thankfully some of the jobs were done when the weather suited.
I got the French Crit Air certificate ordered for The B yesterday. I was told many times in French, how rude, that my evidence was too large! It's none of their damn business, foreigners!
Av a gud un and remember, sometimes it's just because they're young.
Morning all and thanks for the coffee Nick

5C for the ride into work today. Dark and cloudy. Should see 14 today before the ride home in twilight.

Working 12hrs of double time today. Got bills to pay and retirement to pay for. By retirement I mean new tires for the scoots.

Hope everyone has an excellent day.

As for unwanted lawn problems, if Keith bicycled to get the remedy would his moniker be Ibiketohavefungicide?

Hugs (or handshakes)

Thx Nick!
A nice and fun start, but does anyone have any bacon?

A nice quiet evening yesterday, pizza, wine and some wine.
Mrs Stu has invited two of her friends for lasagna later.
Might be nice, but there is always so much drama around them….more wine is needed.

Temp today is bearable, 15˚c/59f, sunny, calm. Fog lurching half a mile out….might be a pffffft!

Have a good one!

From the «summer» archives……..Ørskogfjellet

Good morning everyone

Thanks for the pot of Black Rifle Nick. You do it up well.

It's a cool rainy 51°F in Rockville, as wet and cool conditions settle in for a three-day extravaganza of good moss-growing weather. Good thing the yard service people got the lawn cut yesterday; if they'd missed that window they'd have needed machetes and a combine when they got back to it.

Nothing specific on the docket today, meaning I'll probably spend time in the workshop. The plug cutter approach successfully removed all of the broken screw stumps; now to cut and fit suitably-sized plugs to back fill the holes then try again. I'll drill larger pilot holes for the screws the next time.

We've settled on the bucket list trip for next year, when we'll mark 40 years of marriage. We'll take a three-week river cruise through northern Viet Nam, Laos, and Thailand, from late January through mid-February. Or was it mid-February into early March? I'm not sure but I know the deposit has been made. Before that, this October we're off to Venice, Florence, Rome, and the Sorrento area of Italy.

Stay safe and well everyone and tell your dear ones you love them.
Good morning everyone

Thanks for the pot of Black Rifle Nick. You do it up well.

It's a cool rainy 51°F in Rockville, as wet and cool conditions settle in for a three-day extravaganza of good moss-growing weather. Good thing the yard service people got the lawn cut yesterday; if they'd missed that window they'd have needed machetes and a combine when they got back to it.

Nothing specific on the docket today, meaning I'll probably spend time in the workshop. The plug cutter approach successfully removed all of the broken screw stumps; now to cut and fit suitably-sized plugs to back fill the holes then try again. I'll drill larger pilot holes for the screws the next time.

We've settled on the bucket list trip for next year, when we'll mark 40 years of marriage. We'll take a three-week river cruise through northern Viet Nam, Laos, and Thailand, from late January through mid-February. Or was it mid-February into early March? I'm not sure but I know the deposit has been made. Before that, this October we're off to Venice, Florence, Rome, and the Sorrento area of Italy.

Stay safe and well everyone and tell your dear ones you love them.
I'm guessing you'll be on a tour Keith'ster but if it interests ya'selves.
You can walk up the dome of the cathedral in Florence between the inner and outer layers. It's horrendous but unmissable.
I'm also guessing you'll Include Pompeii, a magical place.
We'll be in Italy at the same time'ish, what could go wrong!
Good morning everyone

Thanks for the pot of Black Rifle Nick. You do it up well.

It's a cool rainy 51°F in Rockville, as wet and cool conditions settle in for a three-day extravaganza of good moss-growing weather. Good thing the yard service people got the lawn cut yesterday; if they'd missed that window they'd have needed machetes and a combine when they got back to it.

Nothing specific on the docket today, meaning I'll probably spend time in the workshop. The plug cutter approach successfully removed all of the broken screw stumps; now to cut and fit suitably-sized plugs to back fill the holes then try again. I'll drill larger pilot holes for the screws the next time.

We've settled on the bucket list trip for next year, when we'll mark 40 years of marriage. We'll take a three-week river cruise through northern Viet Nam, Laos, and Thailand, from late January through mid-February. Or was it mid-February into early March? I'm not sure but I know the deposit has been made. Before that, this October we're off to Venice, Florence, Rome, and the Sorrento area of Italy.

Stay safe and well everyone and tell your dear ones you love them.

Wow! Sounds awesome, Keith! I think I might get to Pittsburgh this summer.

Beware of the Wandering Woolers.
Outstanding choice of coffee, Nick, and don't mind if I do.

Y'all know I've been psyching myself up for three oil changes today, but I've also whined, er, complained about how my plans and schedules are often derailed.

Thursday I had 4 kitchen computer jobs (yeah, the orange places), and I have whittled them down leaving the last one Upt' North for today... now I have three more up that way. So at least 5 hours travel, not counting the actual working time.

Looks like engine lubrication ain't happening today after all, except for splashing it around inside the GSA as I add another 300 miles.

At least the weather guessers have changed their minds, as our 50% chance of rain has been revised to FIVE. Now, at least that works in my favor. 94% humidity, they say, highs in the 80s.

I have time for one more cup, as I haven't put much (any) effort into finding a cup mount or satisfactory means of carrying hot coffee on the bike. And likely won't.

Dammit. Let's get this party started.
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Good morning all, and thanks for brewing the concoction of wakefulness, Nick!

It's grey and wet here too, this morning. We're supposed to see a bit of sun this afternoon, but then the heavy wet stuff rolls in and it will rain cats 'n dogs all day tomorrow. Of course it will. It's the weekend. Pfffffttt. 9°C/48°F and raining now, 21°C/70°F later.

I've been very lazy this morning, but I really must get my act in gear - lots to do. Everyone have a great day, stay safe and go safely. "The Wandering Woolers"...good name for a band!

I'm guessing you'll be on a tour Keith'ster but if it interests ya'selves.
You can walk up the dome of the cathedral in Florence between the inner and outer layers. It's horrendous but unmissable.
I'm also guessing you'll Include Pompeii, a magical place.
We'll be in Italy at the same time'ish, what could go wrong!

We did the between the domes tour in Florence in 2008. It was quite something.

We will be on a tour but it includes several free days ("free" meaning "no scheduled tour activities", not "no cost"). It'd be great fun if we could contrive a meet up somewhere.
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