Wednesday Coffee-all right I'll make it!

Morning all and thanks for the coffee David.

It's gonna be a wet one here today with a prolonged rainfall event warning. First time I've heard of on of those. I think in Africa they call it the rainy season? 110mm of rain with up to 15mm per hour. They are actually warning folks not to drive thru any water that covers the road. !st off it can damage the road and 2ndly if you recall that photo I posted from Saturday, there might not be any road underneath that water if it's been washed out! They're also warning of flooding, on top of the extremely high waters we've already got. Still, the animals aren't lining up in pairs so I'm sure some folks will get flooded, but that's not uncommon here in Spring anyway,

Temp wise it's headed up to +9 from the current +2.

Other than that it's another pay for work day, so I guess I should get back at it.

Hope you all have a great day.

<mumbles sleepily> Good morning everyone

Thanks for the coffee Dave. That second pot's going to be needed.

It's 44°F, cloudy, and starting to mist lightly in Rockville. The mist is a precursor to a day of wet weather according to the guessers, who tell me to expect rain from 0800 until 0200. They've hedged their bets about tomorrow, though, and appear to be promising a lower chance of rotten weather.

With the departure of my BIL yesterday afternoon it's back to All Quiet in the House of Fun at long last, after three straight weekends of activity, hustle, bustle, hurly-burly, and general hubbub, stir, and ado. We'll get a respite this coming weekend then we're on the road the following weekend, traveling to Danville IN in hopes of viewing the total eclipse at my cousin's place there.

Before that, it'll be back to the workshop and drawer fabrication. By changing to solid wood I've been able to produce a couple tolerable test results, one using a box joint and the other my first-ever dovetail (in this case, the "half-blind" variant where the joint doesn't go all the way through the drawer front, so it doesn't show from the front). Now I need to build up a couple wider boards, since two of the drawers will be deeper than the width of the wood I bought for the purpose. Naturally, on close inspection of said wood I'm finding it's flawed: some pieces are warped, others have twists, and nearly all are cupped. Geez Louise...

Stay safe and well everyone and tell your dear ones you love them.
@ibike2havefun Are the drawers fully recessed or do they have a face like a cupboard drawer? If faced, build the drawer with full dovetails. Make a false face plate out of solid wood and mortise an inner rectangle to fit over the drawer. That gives it a more finished look without having such a thick front (the thickness of the drawer front and the face plate.)

The 2nd photo doesn't show the false front, it shows a thicker oversized front that was routered around the edge then dovetailed.

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Thx David!
Good coffee and the funnies are really funny!

Demanding days for someone like me.
Today includes a visit to Wong house, good food and I shall refrain from complaining…..pffft!

We’ve walked the coastal trails for the past few days.
Nice surroundings, the ocean smells good.

8˚c/46f, showers, quite calm.

Have a good one!

From our recent walks



@ibike2havefun Are the drawers fully recessed or do they have a face like a cupboard drawer? If faced, build the drawer with full dovetails. Make a false face plate out of solid wood and mortise an inner rectangle to fit over the drawer. That gives it a more finished look without having such a thick front (the thickness of the drawer front and the face plate.)

They'll basically be boxes with no tops, sitting directly on plywood sheets that support them. The "pulls" will be half-moon cutouts on the tops of the fronts. These are light-duty storage for sewing supplies (thread, pins, needles) and small amounts of fabric, not heavy-duty jobbies that will see a lot of use. No hardware will be involved for either the pulls or the "mounts".

For reference, here's the one that inspired my design:

I'm going for a similar concept with the drawers.
They'll basically be boxes with no tops, sitting directly on plywood sheets that support them. The "pulls" will be half-moon cutouts on the tops of the fronts. These are light-duty storage for sewing supplies (thread, pins, needles) and small amounts of fabric, not heavy-duty jobbies that will see a lot of use. No hardware will be involved for either the pulls or the "mounts".

For reference, here's the one that inspired my design:

I'm going for a similar concept with the drawers.

I always liked these.

Good morning, all. Thanks for the coffee, Dave.

36/56 and partly cloudy. A little cool, but I won’t complain.

Lunch today, with 4 other musician friends that I’ve known for 50 years. We’ve been getting together for lunch a couple of times a year, for the last 5 years, or so. It‘s sad, because 3 of them have started showing signs of significant memory loss, that they don’t realize, and no one tells them how bad it’s become. Now, I’m wondering if no one is telling me.

@ibike2havefun Are you adding the lid cable for the machine lift? I always thought that was a neat mechanism on my mother’s machine. Her machine was on hinges that swung up from underneath.

Good morning all!
Thanks for the humorous start Dave! I’ll need several!
Currently 38F headed to 47 with a SW blow.

@STooRay, there must be very heavy wave action there at times, as two of the pictures don’t show any gravel or small rocks!

Keith, keep up the good work! I’m looking forward to seeing the finished unit!
Enjoy your Wednesday, hugs to everyone!
What Keith said... "Thanks for the coffee, David. That second pot is going to be needed."

Well, here it is, if a little late, BR Beyond Black. I still haven't got around to changing my standing order, but some day I'll try some of the others... but the BB is so good!

Apparently the new full-time youngster that the tech company hired, is a little light in PC knowledge. He's dropped the ball on a couple of fairly straightforward tasks, which is a disappointment, while at the same time it's gratifying to know I'm appreciated by them. I may be increasing my after-hours hours again soon. He was unable to replace a server hard drive recently (totally lost in the weeds), so I was called out to do it last night.

I mounted an old Pelican case to the GSA as a tail trunk yesterday, that I had used on my F650 Dakar years back. Turned out OK, but i need to pretty up the bar mount under the rear rack. I just cut up an old barbecue grill heat shield I had lying around. It will hold my tool belt, and I won't have to worry about something sharp poking a hole in my Mosko pannier liner.

GSA Pelican 1.jpg

GSA Pelican 2.jpg

Yeah, it's time for a refill. Make it a good 'un.
And where's Ray?
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Good Morning All!
Thanks for THE important thing today, Dave.
Ah *sluuurp* - wonderful.

The hyperbole channel's predictions are: Rain, Showers, Light and Heavy, and of course Thunderstorms.
That's what woke me up this morning - a couple good "booms".
There will be no tractoring today, so good thing I've got 100 other projects in abeyance.

@ibike2havefun Keith that has to be frustrating, but I'm sure you'll work out a way to make it happen!

Yesterday, I decided my body hurt too much to work on more separation of rock from dirt, so I enjoyed some movies and ate too much.
What a great day!

What's that? I hear the shop calling....

Y'all have a wunnifill day!

@ibike2havefun Are you adding the lid cable for the machine lift? I always thought that was a neat mechanism on my mother’s machine. Her machine was on hinges that swung up from underneath.

My mother's ancient sewing cabinet and Bernina sewing machine had the same sort of "lift" (machine mounted on two pins attached to hinges that rotated the machine down below the table surface) but that style has pretty much passed into history. The cable you mention, attached to the side of the flippable "leaf" that extends the horizontal surface of the cabinet to the left, is no longer needed.

The lift I have is a pneumatic-assisted vertical style very similar to the one shown in my example / inspirational photo. The machine sits upright all the time, on the platform that is raised and lowered by the lift.

When the machine is in its fully-lowered position, you push down on it and the lift raises it to the point where the top of the free arm is flush with the desktop. Press again and it rises completely, so the platform is flush with the table top and the machine is entirely above it: the equivalent of setting the machine on a table or desk. It's lowered by pushing down one more time.
Good morning ,all good here today in the gulch . yesterday was a fun day ,friend has good news on his ankle no surgery . Got home and found sump pump had crapped out so in the middle of the monsoon with a good water flow new pump,lines and outdoor drains replaced . I did get fairly damp and seemed to move a few 100 gallons of h2o out of the sump hole to get this all accomplished . Of course new pump out let size changed so more trips to town for correct fittings . Have a great day and stay safe eh ! Cloudy but 8C here today and getting excited for the big eclipse next week .
good morning all. thanks Dave for the coffee. 42F on the dog walk with only a bright moon to see, no clouds or stars to see. I guess the brightness of the moon washed out the stars. we had heavy rains last night that left a lot of puddles to dodge. have gym and a doctors appointment today so that will take care of the day. our weather seems to be looking up with 71F today and next 2 days in the 80's. just might get the ST out. enjoy the day.

stay safe
Good morning, and thanks for the coffee, Dave

38, going to 61 in MA today.
Clouds will give way to rain, tonight.

Yesterday's skiing was abbreviated, due to warm temperatures and crap conditions after mid-morning.
I noticed that many of the other skiers who started with me were leaving early as well.
On the way home, I stopped by the shop, and asked them to prep the goldwing to come out of storage. That should take a few days.

Today started with a haircut, and I'm at the gym, now. I'll drop off Freya's used syringes for disposal before heading home.
This may be a good day to put the snowblower away, as well.

Enjoy your day,
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