Wednesday Coffee-all right I'll make it!

Morning all! 7C, rain and a wind warning. That's pretty much how the day will go though there is a chance of some sun later....maybe.....

Yesterday's visit to the surgeon went well if somewhat abbreviated; "walk for me.....looks good.....see you in a month".

Have to take the pup to the vet this morning for, hopefully, a final check up for his meningitis scare. He's doing well and seems back to his normal self so all should be good. He is, however, reminding me that it's almost breakfast time and something needs to be done about it. Other than that, the day will be spent getting the house ready for Easter weekend and assorted guests.

Hope everyone has a great day!
Morning Dave & All from sunny, Southern Utah!

Currently it is 31F, heading for a Spring Day high of 55F, with more bad weather coming in from Kaliforniastan, tomorrow and most of the weekend! No breeze right now, but later we are expecting the winds from the WSW @ 10 to 14mph.

Today our son from Montana is driving down with his daughter and their exchange student. They should be here a little after 8pm. I was hoping we could jump on the bikes and ride through Zion, but with this weather, we will have to take the cage.

While waiting for them, I hope to get out front and set in some more block. We'll see.

Lazyman's breakfast, w/banana. Pepsi to come later.

Anyone :bk13:, have a great day on the roads! :hat3:
Late morning all......

Thanks David, always nice to have a second pot ready for us late risers.

Overcast and drizzly at 38 degrees this morning. Had good weather yesterday afternoon and into the evening.
We have been able to have appetizers and happy hour on the deck the last four days. Sun warms us just enough, until it is gone...then brrrrrrrrr.


And's hump day. Hope everyone has a humpy kinda day.
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