• Start with a City beginning with A
    • This is BY STATE
    • Similar to the Tag contest, there will be one thread per state
    • Post a picture of your bike AND some sign, building etc which clearly shows the city/state you're in
    • The next person posts from a city with the name beginning with B, then C, D, etc
    • You can't posts back-to-back pics, you have to wait for a person to post the next city
    • Once Z is reached, the game starts over with A
    • If your state doesn't have a city beginning with the next letter in sequence, it's okay to skip that letter
    • If the location sits for more than one month, the person that posted that is open to move it to the next letter.

    The World Wide game is a bit different as it is by whatever is considered a geographic type of regional category, state/province/village etc. and all those will be in the single World Wide A-Z topic.

WI: A to Z (Round 5)

To keep things moving along, I bring to you today the letter Q.


The right fork seals on the ST decided to give up at some point on yesterdays ride and the bike had oil all along the right side, not to mention a puddle on the garage floor this morning, thought it was best to bring out the Magna for a ride. Looks like I have the opportunity to tear into the forks this week.
Well, guess our Tag Telepathics were off just a little, as I didn't see you and the Magna at the Quinney sign when I was there.....


  • QuinneyTag9:17.jpg
    155 KB · Views: 15
Somebody post an "R" already.
I went out yesterday looking for Rock Elm (44.732530, -92.215054) and drove right through "town" on 72 without finding a sign anywhere.
I tried for Spring Lake (44.815324, -92.188689) as well with no luck.

After visiting my folks a bit I decided to pick up Spring Valley on the way home but we need an R first. It will be a few weeks before I get to Rhinelander on the way to visit the mother-in-law.

Kent Larson from Minnesota
Somebody post an "R" already.
I went out yesterday looking for Rock Elm (44.732530, -92.215054) and drove right through "town" on 72 without finding a sign anywhere.
I tried for Spring Lake (44.815324, -92.188689) as well with no luck.

After visiting my folks a bit I decided to pick up Spring Valley on the way home but we need an R first. It will be a few weeks before I get to Rhinelander on the way to visit the mother-in-law.

Kent Larson from Minnesota

Ok here is your "R"
20180422_115122 (1).jpg
Mudduc, you cannot use your "S " from last year.
Here is a"T". I guess they did not want to put up a new post for the town sign. So they just used the DOT post.
Great day for a ride. Hit the Slimey Crud Run for the first time. Very Interesting!!!! Will pass in the future. Sorry to miss you guys at Knute's, but we were jonesing for a pretzel at The Grumpy Troll in Mt. Horeb.
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@Prosqtor You can't post back-to-back... please read the rules. someone else can post an A or you wait 30 days.
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